Search Results for: baked goods can change the world

Insta Friday

What a week.  It’s been a crazy and good one, that’s for sure.  And I’m pumped for a long weekend.  So here’s some Instagram pics from the past week.  If you want to follow along I’m pitterpatterart.

He kind of only wears stripes.  Like all the times.  Smiles and stripes is his go-to look…and I’m totally cool with that.

Amon love the Kitchen Aid stand mixer.  They are bffs…4-life!

Posted my first ever sun rise/sun set picture on Instagram.  I kind of didn’t have a choice.  It was around 5am and the sky looked on fire…crazy, amazing on fire.  I even stopped and got out of my car to take it.  I made sure there were no cars coming…safety first when Instagramming.

Snickerdoodles are pretty much love in baked good form.  And baked goods can change the world…or at least make your principal and vice principal feel awesome.

I told Harper she could have anything she wanted for dinner since we were celebrating the last day of school.  She said, “Anything?”  I said, “Anything.”  Rainbow waffles it was.  I like her.

I just mixed up the waffle mix, divided it out into however many bowls I needed for each color, added the food coloring and then just randomly dumped the different colors onto our waffle maker.  Totally easy.  Everyone declared they were the best waffles I’ve ever made.  Of course they were.

And the aftermath of the last day of school and soccer practice and rainbow waffles and a late night baseball game.  There are so many dishes in the pile…ugh…time to get washing.

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  I sooooo love a long weekend.  Enjoy.

Happy Friday.

On Quitting Sweets During The Week

I love sweets.  I like sugar and chocolate and candy and cake and ice cream and etc, etc, etc.  There has rarely been a sweet treat I’ve met in my life and not liked.  I’m also an emotional eater.  I come by it honestly.  I’m from a long line of amazing emotional eaters…it’s a gift really 🙂  There are a lot of Hall woman out there right now shaking their heads in agreeance.

I would eat sweets multiple times through out a day.  It wasn’t just a treat anymore, it had become an antidote.  Something that I had put stock in and hope in.  Something that made my pain feel better and that WAS NOT cool with God.  I joked while Amon was in the hospital how I had gained the hospital 15.  All jokes aside, in our nearly month hospital stay I gained almost 10lbs.

I like food in general.  I like your normal food and organic.  Healthy and non-healthy.  Restaurant food and fast food.  I do not discriminate.  Sweet, salty, and spicy.  Tell me you want to get together and I’ll be the first to say, “Let’s grab breakfast/lunch/dinner.”

My friend Jess is probably one of the healthiest people I know and she doesn’t even work out.  Her two famous quotes…”I think God gave us food and drink to enjoy.” and “Everything in moderation.”  She buys mainly organic, but the girl will have a coke…regular, straight up coke and will also eat food that clearly is not organic…cough, cough Krystals.  I love it.  And God used her words to reach some problem areas in my heart.

I’ve always been my biggest critic.  I think a lot of woman out there can relate to absolutely critiquing your body until there’s nothing left to critique.  I come by this honestly too.  My mom was her worst critic about her body.  She struggled with her weight and as a child I made up a song called the “You’re Not Fat Song” to sing to her to make her feel better.  Everyone thought it was cute and funny, but as I grew I saw the problem in this.  In her defense, she had been in a toxic relationship that had emotionally beat her up and torn her down.  She had not been loved how she needed to be loved.  She had not been cherished and treated like the lovely queen God saw in her.  So I got it.  Her mind had been trained to only see certain things and to absolutely pick herself apart.

  When I found out I was having a daughter I made a promise to her and myself that she would never hear me use the word “fat” to describe myself or anyone for that matter.  I promised her and myself that she would never hear me critique my body or question it’s God designed beauty…no matter how I really felt on the inside.

So why did I break up with sweets during the week?  Because God convicted my heart of the power I had given sweets in my life…that I had given food…and that I was letting my mind absolutely critique my body of every little problem area and skip completely over how purposely God had designed me…inside and out.  I thought sweets would make me feel better.  I thought they would make a bad day better.  I thought they would provide help and comfort and God clearly said I was to run to Him for help and comfort.

So I took them out of my week.  I got Ashley on board with it and we decided to give it a try for a solid 7 days and see how we fared.  We ended up going 10.  And we both did well.  It was hard, but freeing.  God started to move in my heart that week and started changing my thought process about food in general and about how I see myself in the mirror.  I’m still working on it, but He is stirring in my heart still.

I agree with Jess…I think God did give us food and drink to enjoy and I do think moderation is key.  I’m not the type to diet or to cut things out completely.  I love the tastes of all kinds of food, especially sweets.  I don’t want any of them gone forever.  So after talking, Ashley and I decided to not eat sweets during the week and to just enjoy them on the weekend.  We do slip up, but are accountable to each other and the accountability I have with her is so good for my heart.  God has reminded me of how nothing on this earth can compare to His comfort and healing.  How nothing can even come close to being held in His hands and feeling that genuine love and assurance.  He has reminded me that He made me.  Does He make mistakes?  Nope.  I was purposefully and intricately designed.  I am beautiful.

Now I’m trying to put good stuff in my body and see myself in the mirror as God sees me.  I’m practicing moderation and I still firmly believe baked goods can change the world.  I have sun spots and wrinkles and dark circles under my eyes…oh, the dark circles (help).  My thighs touch and my muffin top clearly loves me because she has been around since middle school.  I have chicken wrists and love handles.  But I’m coming around to not hating these things anymore and that they do not define me or make me unbeautiful.  And that when I finally meet Jesus He’s not going to say “Well done my muffin-topped, chicken wristed, dark circled eyed servant.”  He does not see me with those eyes.  He cares about my heart.  And He believes I am truly a work of His artful hands.  I’m still not my biggest fan, but I’m getting there and instead of eating some jelly bellys when I’m feeling down, I am reminded that God is the God of my heart and the Creator of the universe…of course, He is going to be my greatest comfort and antidote.  I’m constantly working on it, but I’m aiming to choose Him more.

Sickness…no bueno.

This post is totally random…along with random pictures…Laci of Barefeet Photography rocks my socks off.

I’m approaching my 3 week mark on being sick.  I will be making my way to yet another doctor tomorrow to try and figure this mess out.  I think I have pneumonia.  I’ve never had it before, but I’m going to go out on a limb.  Crossing my fingers I hit the jack pot with a new doctor tomorrow and “big money, big money…no whammies.”

I have all these big 2013 goals and yet, I feel completely stuck right now.  Today I did clean our house…and I mean cleaned, cleaned our house.  It needed to be done.  I may have almost passed out multiple times, but It.Got.Done.  And a clean house feels good.  Like sheets are changed, bedding is washed, floors are swept and everything Lysoled in general…and while I may have hacked a million germs all over everything that was being cleaned…it was at least clean for a bit.  That counts right?  Totally.

One of my goals for 2013 is monthly running miles.  The last 2 years I’ve done 1/2 marathons and this year I just wasn’t feeling it.  Nothing in me really “wants” to do a big race this year, but I thought setting mileage goals for each month would be fun.  I decided to go for a total of 55 miles for January.  Right now I have zero.  This way I can run my way to 55 miles over the course of a month.  If I could just kick this chest funk and actually breath easy.  My peeps are running tomorrow morning…texting all about it right now…and I want to weep.  Jami…Betsy…Barry…Brian…Bobby…any of you want to drag an O2 machine for me?  Anyone else want to join me?

I haven’t baked in like 3 weeks either.  It’s killing me.  When I get better I’m going to bake up a storm.  I have people to bless with the tastiness of sweet treats.  Top three things I want to try once I’m miraculously healed:

1)  Homemade Twinkie Cupcakes…like whoa right?

Picture Source

2)  Sugar Cookie Squares.  I’m totally intrigued…they look amazing.

Picture Source

and 3)  Buckeye Bark.  Yep.

Picture Source

Baked goods can change the world.  Boom.

Oh and I am totally planning a little 2013 New Years giveaway.  I soooo appreciate each of you even reading my totally random, off the wall, tiny itty bitty piece of the internet.  I wanted to thank you for all the encouraging and praying and loving you did for our little Kelley family…and especially Amon…last year.  It will be a good giveaway.  I owe you a big thank you.

Being sick allows for lots of web surfing and dream shopping.  I would totally buy these FeedTwelve Toms.  Goodness me.  Love these.  And my mom was the youngest of 12.  Extra cool points.

Jon Contino is crazy amazing.  I could easily purchase any and all of his prints or canvases.  Typography at it’s finest.  I just need to figure out how to find this print and all will be right in the world.

Amon pretty much must have this Anchor Tattoo Sailor Jerry Onesie.  He would rock this so hard.

On Pinterst people are always pinning these inspirational words.  I saw this one and thought, “Yes.”

My craft room definitely needs this Make Do & Mend print.  My heart needs this lesson.  Maybe 2013 will be a year of “making mends”.

And how about I leave you with some art pieces I made for Christmas gifts and Christmas orders.  I waited to post them because I didn’t want the surprise to be ruined.

4×12 Dr. Who canvas.

More 4×12 M&S love.

16×16 2 Timothy 2:24-26

And that’s all I’ve got.  Hope your week has been good.  Hope your Thursday is grand.  Happy Wednesday.

Our Ace of Hearts

I hope you aren’t tired of sweet Amon pictures because I’m pretty sure I could blog about him for the rest of my life and produce a cute matching picture to got right along with the words.  He is just seriously this little, sweet, amazingly amazing boy.  Not sure how my heart will handle all the goodness over the years.  I am truly a blessed Mom by all four of my wee Kelleys.

The cuteness may be a bit too much for your eyes…I understand if you need to turn away or just stare creepily at the sweetness 🙂

And I’ll leave you with a little something we like to call “The Harmonica.”

Our sweet little Ace of Hearts.  I cannot believe he is home and just so crazy awesome.  We are way, way TOO blessed.

Now, now it’s time to bake.  Can’t wait to report back on all the recipes…it’s going to be good.  Baked goods can change the world.

Happy Thursday!

Little Things

My Aunt Linda told me the other day that from the blog point of view it seems like all we eat are sweets 🙂  Myself and the wee Kelleys do love sweets, but we really do eat reasonably.  Veggies at lunch & dinner, some protein, fruit, whole grains, but that’s a bit boring for pictures.

I would much rather show you the surprise doughnut treat Brea brought us this morning, along with a bajillion sweet outfits for Amon.  THANK YOU Brea!!!!

Or how I made Gooey Butter Cake to share yesterday…baked goods can change the world you know.

I cannot even begin to tell you how many times my Mom made this.  Just saying the words Gooey Butter Cake makes me beyond happy.  My all time favorite for sure.  YOU.MUST.MAKE.THIS.TODAY!

Anybody else watching the Olympics like crazy?  We are.

Harper told me today that she wants to be a swimmer in the Olympics.  The boys are absolutely adorable watching any of the events.  They are completely entranced.  Maybe some of my favorite pictures ever of them together.  This shows them…totally and completely them.


We’re still hoping we’ll be leaving any ole’ day now to go get Amon.  I got a bit excited when I packaged up our backpacking backpack to mail to my friend Ashley who is going with me.  #gettingready #packingright

Did you know they still put toys in cereal boxes…at least in the Cheerios?  I did not, but this little guy was in our new box we opened this morning.  Super fun.  Thank you Cheerios for bringing back the fun in our morning cereal.

This 12×12 Names of Jesus canvas that I made for a local donation raffle has been sitting just waiting to have it’s little edges painted for way too long now.  Baby on the way means it’s time to wrap all the little loose ends up.

Harper enjoys some good organization.  For a slightly OC crafty Mom…part of this thrills my heart and the other part terrifies me 🙂

And more “thank you” key fobs hit the mail today.  You guys are crazy awesome and I am beyond grateful for all the ace of hearts that have been pouring in.  A big thank you!!!!

Hope your Tuesday has been a good one.  All the little things in life can add up and make things pretty great.

Happy Tuesday!

Death & Cake

Let’s just all pause for a moment and sit in awe of my title creativity for this post before moving on.  Be amazed.

I specifically remember the day some dear friends of ours dad died.  I remember itty bitty Harper, Hudson and Solomon and how we stopped right there on the sidewalk outside of TJ Maxx and Joanns to pray.  At that point I had never been drastically affected by death.  I had lost some loved ones, but I had never fully felt the sting of death before.  I remember driving with my friend Jess over to see Courtney and I felt something so different in this tragedy.  I told Jess as we drove, “This needs to be different.  We need to handle this so differently than anything before.”  My mom died just 3 months later and I instantly knew God had been preparing my heart.  He’d been working on me for a loss I never saw coming.

Death, grief and loss have drastically changed me and I now stand in a place where I can see the good.  Where I can see God’s goodness along the entire rocky, rough path.  I can see His light and love.  I can see His mercy and grace.  I can see what a mess and disaster I was and how He ever so slowly nudged, moved and carried me from point A to point B to point C and so on.  I can see it now, but I couldn’t always.  It was a massive process.  Definitely in the top 3 hardest things I’ve ever had to do.  There was no rule book.  There never is.  It’s such a personal unique process.

When someone in our lives loses someone now I instantly am taken right back to those dark, hard days.  I can immediately think about all those wild, surreal moments like the first time I realized everyone was going to leave after the funeral and go back to their lives.  It made me physically sick and I begged people to stay and not to leave like a 3-year-old.  The first time I saw her body and how I touched her and laid on her chest and applied lipstick because it just wasn’t bright enough for the Sandra Hall I knew.  The first time I had to go into Mom’s house alone.  The first time I did something weird like call her cell phone and leave a sobbing message begging her to come back.  The first time I felt the hot anger race through my body on her behalf.  The first time I literally just wanted to punch someone for giving me yet another book on death.  The first time I realized it had been an entire year since her death and I still didn’t feel better…I was pissed I hadn’t progressed more than I had.

Death and loss made me do things I normally wouldn’t do.  They made me feel isolated and weird.  I was someone I had never been before and it was incredibly hard to figure out.  I was angry.  I’m still carrying around a cussing habit from those days.  I blame you Mom 🙂  I ate my emotions.  I was sad and the world certainly owed me something because of my pain and the loss I suffered.  I was not fun to be around.  I didn’t like many people.  And I felt like I was never going to escape the madness, but then one day I woke up and without fully recognizing it I was a little better.  And ever so slowly and gently God set to work healing, renewing and restoring me.  He’d been working all along.

Here’s what I actually love about losing Mom, I now understand loss from my own personal journey and can let someone else who has suffered a loss know they are not alone.  We don’t have to have all the answers.  We don’t have to say something wise or life altering.  My go to line when someone loses a loved one “THIS SUCKS AND IM SORRY!!!!!!” because it just does.

Many people around us have suffered loss including our friends Ashley and Jeremy.  A while back Ashley sat in our living room for hours.  We cried.  She talked.  I listened and told her stories from my grief.  Grief can make you do, say and think weird, crazy things.  It just changes you. People need to know they are not solo and there is certainly nothing wrong with them.  I remember being so dangerously sad and on top of that feeling so crazy weird, but Courtney was always there to say, “Yep. Me too.”  It’s nice to know you’re not the only one who has laid face down on your mother’s grave while sobbing over rice krispy treats.  You’re already so sad, so being sad, lonely and weird is the freakin’ pits.  If all I ever do is tell other people who have suffered loss all my crazy, weird, raging and “not-moments-I’m-proud-of” stories just so they know they are not alone in this mess, then so be it.  There is always beauty in the ashes and knowing how to extend a hand to someone who feels like they are drowning because you’ve felt a similar pain is one of them.

 Some of you are all “what about the cake?”  So death gives you a weird bond to people as well.  You’re now in this club you didn’t ask to join, but we rally around each other and care for each other.  That brings me to the cake…death talk and cake…my kind of post.

Ashley’s Mom after losing her husband eventually was just tired of being sad and wanted to add joy back into the world through the most heavenly bakery called Nothing Bundt Cakes.  If you didn’t pick up on it, it’s an entire bakery devoted to bundt cakes and they are insane!!!!!  I’m pretty picky when it comes to my baked goods so you know I wouldn’t steer you wrong…these little cakes are incredible you guys.  My SIL Jen brought over 4 for one of our game nights and I literally almost died.  I don’t even like desserts with fruit in them and I salivated over the white chocolate raspberry.  We were suppose to “share” the cakes with everyone and I might have eaten almost the entire strawberry cream cheese one BY MYSELF.  I kept talking about it all night.

Soooooooo, once we announced our adoption for our sweet little guy Ashely sent me the sweetest text that made me sob.  Like sob sob.  I told her I really wanted to take a selfie of what a mess I was because it was that legit, but I refrained.  Anyways, Ashley talked with her mom and she decided to give 10% of an entire week at her store to our adoption fund.  AN ENTIRE FLIPPIN WEEK.  I told Ashley it was like our perfect fundraiser.  CAKE!  Match made in heaven.

This couldn’t get much easier on our part.  Here’s how it works:

1.  Mark your calendar for September 26th – October 1.

2.  Go to the Nothing Bundt Cake store in Hendersonville, Tennessee.

3.  Buy cake.  You don’t even have to eat said cake…you could give it to me and I will eat it for you.

4.  Our family get’s 10% of your purchase to help fund our adoption.

That’s it.  The end.  You don’t even have to mention our name or anything.  It’s crazy kind and sweet and I literally just want to kiss Ms. Pam and Ashley’s faces off.

I still get teary when I think about this because Ms. Pam is sharing with us what she has and loves and does every day.  It’s thoughtful, kind, loving, crazy generous and it blows us away.  So mark your calendars for September 26th – October 1 and let’s all eat the crap out of some cake for an entire week!!!

Happy Wednesday!

**all photos are straight from the inter webs via the google**

Food & Things

How’s that for a title?!?!?!  I sound super profesh.  I just have random things to share, but mainly of the food variety.  You know I love my food.  It’s so true.  And while we’ve made major changes to our food over the last few months I still believe in the power and love of baked goods.  I just do.  It’s in my genes.  And I love that.  Long live #bakedgoodscanchangetheworld

Today I made THESE…my first batch ever of chocolate chip oatmeal cookies.  My life is changed.  So flippin’ good.  Call me crazy, but typically oats don’t scream “Eat me.  I’m delicious.”  That is for the exception of yummy peanut butter no bake cookies…Josh Kelley’s favorite of faves…and Carmelitas.

Sidenote:  A friend one time told us he wouldn’t eat Carmelitas because they looked healthy.  OhEmGee.  I was all yeah because 3 sticks of butter and a ton of brown sugar, chocolate and caramel is legit health food.  End sidenote.

Now THESE oatmeal circular pieces of heaven made me a little teary eyed.  I am hooked on the oats now.  Minus all oat recipes which include raisins.  Some peeps on Instagram tried to change my mind on this, but I just don’t think I can do it…raisins do not belong in desserts.  There, I said it.  It’s not you, it’s me…no, really it’s the raisins.  Raisins are not dessert material.  I’m standing firm and unwavering.

Now for a crazy good and healthy lunch.  I snagged this little gem of a recipe from Jami Nato’s instagram.  If you don’t follow her, you should.  She’s hysterical.  I already had cooked shredded chicken in the fridge, so I made up a batch of this dressing and had 4 solid lunches from it on 4 different days.  Soooooo easy and sooooooo good.  I don’t use oils, so I just left out the lime oil.  Easy as pie.  Pie sounds good right now.  A few days I even got a wild hair and ate this salad with sweet potato chips.  Just try and stop me.

Okay dinner stuff.  I’ve tried a couple of new recipes lately.  I’ll start with my sad dinner.  I made this Sweet Potato Turkey Chili.  I don’t know what possessed me to do this since we’re not big fans of sweet potatoes in the first place.  Unsure as to why I thought I’d be game in chili form, but I did.  Josh Kelley and I put our blood, sweat and tears into the making of this one Sunday for a weekly dinner and then I just couldn’t do it.  It actually tasted good…good flavoring…but the texture did me in.  Couldn’t do it.  So I did what any normal person does and tried to think of another semi-large family and try and pawn it off on them for their dinner.  It worked.  Thank you Freeman family!

I love crockpot chicken for taco nights.  Totally a favorite, but THIS recipe is the best I’ve tried yet.  I ditched the rice, cheese and cilantro.  We like spicy things and this had more of a kick to it.  So good.

These Turkey Meatballs are awesome.  Huge hit.  Spaghetti squash on the other hand…big nope.  It was my first attempt, but again with the crazy weird texture.  My head said “You can do this Laura”, but my mouth said “No.  Spit this out like now.”  So weird.  I probably didn’t cook it long enough or something, but it tasted nothing like noodles.

And tonight we had Ancho Chicken Tacos with Cilantro Slaw and Avacado Cream.  Just go right now and make these.  Who cares if it’s almost 10 o’clock at night and you’ve already had dinner…or you’re already asleep…make them and be so happy you did.  Massive hit.  Everyone ate them right up…minus Amon, but he seriously never eats dinner lately…3-year-olds know nothing about good tasting food.

 I taught a Bible journaling class last night and it was just so good.  It’s seriously one of my most favorite things to talk about.  I love sharing about my journey, but also hearing the thoughts of other people.  It’s just such a life-giver…such an encouragement.  I’m in James right now and have highlighted, underlined, colored, boxed in almost the entire book so far.  A friend said last night she thought God made up for Romans with James.  Total truth.  Romans almost ended my Bible reading all together 🙂  James is my scripture jam right now.

I am coming to Memphis on Friday January 29th to teach a class…6-9.  Message me HERE or email me at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com if you’re interested in coming.

I’ve been painting like mad this week and it totally makes my heart happy.  Give me all the colors of the world.

And I’ll leave you with this sweetness.  Swoon city.

Tomorrow is Friday!!!  The weekend is upon us.

Happy Thursday!

December 17 & 18

I have been in bake city the last two days + about a million other things thrown on top, but I love it.  I actually completely forgot to stop in and say hi yesterday.  Our kindness advent was way fun.  We did surprise chalk art in our friends’ drive-way.  Hudson tends to go a little rogue with his drawings…imagine lots of swords and ninjas and light sabers and very intense fight scenes, so I gave them one rule “You must draw something Christmas or winter themed.”  This was helpful.

Today’s kindness advent got changed around a bit and we did something different, but it’s one of those things you just choose to keep between you and those special some ones.  You get it…like the things God puts directly on your heart.

Tomorrow we are delivering bake goods to lots of people, but a whole bunch to our pediatrician’s office.  They are the best and take such good care of all these Kelley kids.

We also class partied it up today which was too much fun.  Amon is already out of MDO so he was in attendance for all the parties.  I was in charge of cupcakes and pinterest for the win on easy festive cupcake toppers.  Pretzel sticks, green candy melts and sprinkles.

I have been baking, baking and more baking.  I wanted to give you the rundown because I found a few slam dunks.  I  am happy to report all the recipes were delicious…minus me slightly burning the gooey butter cake…just slightly…and I did some cutting off of the a-bit-too-brown-pieces.  There may have been a few curse words, but alas, I survived and moved on.

So here’s what was made:  Gooey Butter Cake (an old fave), Sugar Cookie Bars (so good), Puppy Chow Cookies (crazy messy, but just do it), Chocolate Peanut Butter Crunch Candy (addictive), M&M Bark (hard to cut, but I totally loved this combination), Double Dipped Pretzel Chips (a fave of Josh Kelley), Gooey Butter Cookies (hold the phone, I may have a new favorite.  LOVE the texture and lightness of these), Oreo Cheesecake Cookies (I’ve made these before and they are always a hit), Andes Mint Cookies (another oldy, but goody and super easy) and Nutter Butter Balls (one of my all time favorites and I always use white chocolate).

Let’s discuss Amon while baking today.  All he wanted to do was A) Eat or stick his finger in everything.  *For those receiving baked goods…Amon did not put his finger in your food because that is just gross and kids are way germy.*  B) High-five over and over and over again with oven mitts.  And C) Stand way too close to the mixer.  God love him.

The conversation we had one million times today:

Amon: I eat dat.

Me:  No, were not eating these right now.

Amon: Maybe, morrow?

Me: Probably not tomorrow.

Amon: Maybe, Tooday?

Me:  Sure Amon.  We’ll eat these Tuesday.

I received the sweetest little package in the mail today from a blog reader.  There was the kindest note and then these two ornaments.  After all that baking, it made me tear up.  Thank you so much Ms. Linda…you made me day…and Solomon immediately hung both ornaments on our tree.

And after a quick dinner tonight and some cleaning of our kitchen, everyone put on PJs, got a sweet snack and we did our yearly Christmas lights drive-thru.  After we finished, Josh Kelley said, “Well, it’s officially Christmas.”  It’s what we do.

This was the best picture I could get of the boys and me.  It makes me laugh.

So how was your Thursday?  I am beyond pumped tomorrow is Friday and Christmas vacation has officially started.  Here’s to a grand weekend people!

Happy Thursday!