You guys I am falling harder and harder for some hand lettering. It’s challenging not only physically, but creatively too. I practice a lot and still have quite a ways to go, but I so love it. It makes my heart flutter and my mind race. After practicing and getting ready to actually make that first permanent mark onto a canvas my heart races and my hands clam up. I am literally the world’s biggest creative dork ever. It’s so true.
A friend recently asked me to do some lettering for some shirts and it was like a giant compliment…she actually trusted me with this task…like thought I was capable of actually pulling it off…it made me giddy. I’m crazy excited to see them in real life.
I’m still taking orders. Shoot me a message HERE if you would like to place an order. I have customers already thinking about Christmas. Whoa! I can’t believe we’re already nearing the end of 2015…crazy town.
Septmeber’s Bible journaling class officially got the boot 🙂 And that’s okay. One thing I’m learning is to be okay with public “failure”. September just wasn’t our month and that’s okay. I’m still scheduling classes where I come to you…small groups, women’s events, parties, etc. Let me know if you are interested. All the money from these classes goes directly towards the Ngungwane playground fund. And we’re still working towards an online class. I promise I will let you know asap when we’re ready to go 🙂
The Ngungwane Playground Fund is still moving along. Consider helping us spread the word or join in on the fundraising. You can make a tax deductible donation HERE. You can also help by purchasing the Ngungwane tee from Sasquatch Design Society. And in October and November we’re going to be hosting Noonday Collection and Timbali Crafts parties…just in time for Christmas. It’s going to be too fun! Purchasing with a purpose at it’s finest. I can’t wait.
And now wee ones are stirring, big kids need to be picked up and Sonic happy hour is calling our name. Hope your weekend is amazing. Soak it up. Party on party people.
Happy Friday.