Life is currently crazy town…this should be the Kelley family life motto. Ha. I don’t even know what makes it so crazy, but it feels it. I have about zero thoughts to share. I hate when I do that because I love to get on here and type away. It’s good for my heart, but thoughts are hard lately. Today I had an eye appointment with the two littles in tow. The doctor asked me if anything big happened for us in 2015 and I sat there and stared him the face blankly. I CANNOT THINK. I mumbled a few words and ended with “I’m sorry. I just can’t think most days.” He laughed.
I did want to share a few really really important things. Like….
I FLIPPIN’ LOVE HAVING A PRINTER. It’s divine and amazing and great and awesome. Friday night, I’m not even kidding, Harper and I sat around printing and scanning things. Nerd Alert!!! She would come running in and say “I really need a copy of this.” And then we’d copy it like we owned a limo and mansion. We’re so fancy…you don’t even know. And now you will be singing that song all day long.
I laughed out loud at myself yesterday because I needed to print off a schedule for an upcoming conference. I did my normal routine of emailing Josh Kelley with whatever it is I need printed and then realized I was sitting at the table WITH the printer. I shot him a text telling him what I had done. That Josh Kelley is a witty one. Always keeps me rolling.
This weekend I made THESE cookies. If you haven’t made them yet, please please please do. They are like tiny morsels of heaven. I am not kidding…Morsels.Of.Heaven.
The goal here was to make enough cookies for a birthday shindig and also enough cookies to take to school for staff on Monday morning. And after I made all the cookies I realized there was no school on Monday, so as a result we ate 5 million cookies this weekend because we cannot be trusted with cookies in our house. We are a very untrustworthy cookie bunch.
They ate cookies all weekend too. I am that mother. No shame people, no shame. Cookies for everyone.
I’ve had a few spots open up for this weekend’s Bible journaling class. It’s this Saturday from 1-4 at our house. You can read all the details HERE. If you’re interested email me or message me HERE.
Yesterday we did a whole lot of this.
MLK Jr day always gets the best of me and with cold temps we all just burrowed in pretty tight. Hudson and Solomon did spend quite a bit of time outside with hammers breaking all the ice in our bird bath. Hudson was convinced he was legitimately frozen when he came back inside…he does worry well 🙂 It never fails when I read Martin Luther King Jr books I sob. Like sob sob. Last night I cried so hard Hudson broke down and sobbed with me. Oh wow! We are clearly a hot mess around here, but seriously, such a special and important man and day!!
And currently littles are sleeping so I’m off to journal and work on some orders. Oh and we’re having THESE for dinner tonight. 3rd time in less than a week people. I even printed off the recipe so I no longer have to pull it up on my phone. Forgot to tell you I added some chipotle seasoning and chili powder to spicy the chicken up a bit and subbed plain greek yogurt for the sour cream and almond milk for regular milk. Whatever way you go…they are good!
Happy Tuesday.