Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I cannot even believe it. Are you done with your shopping/baking/wrapping/etc??? We’re all done, but the boys and I went out this morning to grab some regular house items and it was crazy town.
Today’s kindness advent was painting rocks to leave at our community playground. This is always a Kelley kid favorite.
Tomorrow we are leaving encouraging notes on cars.
2 Random Fun Things:
1) Harper had a girls only cousin slumber party last night so we took the boys to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings. Josh Kelley and myself dig chicken wings, so we were pretty excited to take the boys for the first time. No lie, as we were walking in the door Hudson casually says, “So do they have anything other than buffalo?” We died.
Major success. They ate all their food, we had lots of fun conversations and they all enjoyed sports at every turn. So fun.
2) And I did a little more last minute Christmas crafting today. Silverware I picked up at Goodwill + my metal stamps = more gifts. Inexpensive and lovely. Harper loves when they match!
Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
Happy Tuesday night!