The weekend is upon us which brings fun and magical adventures. I haven’t done an Insta Friday in quite some time. All these pictures are from my Instagram. You can find me at pitterpatterart to follow along.
Harper sometimes gets overwhelmed by the boys’ never ending energy and makes her retreat. She’ll climb up on her top bunk along with her bean bag and a book. It’s her perfect little retreat away from the wild, chaos which is our home is 96.1% of the time. God love her…I just want to crawl up there and hide out with her 🙂
He’s the best lunch date around. Give him all the mustard and pickles and turkey and cheese of the world. And every now and then I let him have his own personal Sprite and it’s as if I hung the moon.
This my friends is the best bubble blowing gum around. We’re talking bubbles the size of my head. I’m clearly a 10-year-old stuck in a 31-year-olds body.
Hudson took up swimming this season. The dude cannot get enough and has set out to work on his strokes so he can take on more triathlons this coming spring. He’s a fierce one who marches to his own little drum.
They are the best of buds. She obliges to the craziest things just for him. They forged the sweetest bond when they met in Ethiopia over 3 year ago. It makes me all kinds of weepy and thankful to God for His wonderful plans we could never even have fathomed.
And the roles are reversed with these two. Amon obliges to the craziest of things just for her. He has definitely taken on the roll of big brother so very well. She wears him out and he is steadfast. We’re going to miss this little nugget when she goes home.
They fight hard, but they love harder. Watching them be brothers…press on in their brotherhood…is one of the greatest gifts. Never in my wildest dreams could I have conjured this goodness up…squirrel watching at its finest.
And tippy toes forever. She is the sweetest most legit firecracker around. The girl has big emotions and big love. Had to capture this maxed out toe action before I made her totally cross and swept her away from her beloved water fountain.
Hope your weekend is awesome. Soak it up.
Happy Friday!