
Yesterday I had this whole post about Amon and his speech journey and I even had this cute video of a conversation I had with Amon and then Flickr and Youtube decided to be all wonkers and tick me off and then I threw up my hands and said ‘screw it all’ and then I moved on and gave up…even hit the big DELETE button.  Sometimes you just have to move on.

Long post short…he’s got 2 speech therapists now, 2 sessions a week, he now realizes we don’t understand everything, everyone gets frustrated, he’s working really hard and we’re proud.  The end.  If you want to see the video GO HERE!  Warning:  Josh Kelley is in fact sound asleep through our whole conversation.  And you can just skip the last 40 some odd seconds because it’s just me trying to get him to say “bye bye” and him just trying to poke me in the camera eye.

The end of the year is killing me.  Anyone else?  I have totally and completely over committed myself in far too many areas…and that’s just how I’m rolling.  I may have almost had a mini meltdown/anxiety attack on our stairs at almost midnight last night 🙂  I will survive!!!!  I need summer break stat.

I baked yesterday.  You know my motto…baked goods can change the world.  And holy cow…I made these Banana Pudding Cupcakes…like full on legit homemade and way above my skill level and the hardest recipe I have ever attempted.  At one point I was simmering and then pouring and whisking at the same time…my baking stress level through the roof.  And I loathe bananas so I didn’t even get to taste test, but Josh Kelley said they were delicious.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #731:  I hate all things banana except banana bread…no nuts.  I will eat an entire loaf or pan in one sitting.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #311:  I stay far away from dessert recipes which require me to boil or simmer any part of the recipe.  I have had bad luck far too many times burning the crap out of desserts like these.

I also picked Mom out a Mother’s Day card.  Anyone else buy their dead mother cards?!?!?!  I’ve done it each Mother’s Day so far.  It gets a little intense and I almost always dread actually writing the card because it’s just hard.  But I’m always so glad I did.  Then I leave it on her grave and at some point the grave keeper people will toss it…and that’s okay…because it’s more like a therapy gig instead.

I tried really hard this year to be super intentional about Mother’s Day.  I don’t want to spend the day in sadness or pity.  The world doesn’t need any more of that on my behalf and I just have to make the choice not to go down those roads.  I don’t want to waste a chance to make someone else’s day a little better.  So I’ve been planning and thinking a lot.

I also started thinking about the treat I wanted to make for us to enjoy at the cemetery…because all normal people eat dessert at the cemetery.  I’m thinking rice krispy treats…with sprinkles and maybe strawberries.  She loved rice krispy treats and strawberries were her favorite fruit.  I sat many a times at her kitchen table and devoured an entire carton of strawberries with her…or enjoyed a bowl of rice kristy treats because she never made them in squares but instead, dished them out into bowls with spoons.  I miss her.

Let’s see…what else…oh yes, today is the last and final day for our Noonday Fundraising Giveaway.  Remember, we’re mailing over $700 of Noonday goodies to one lucky donor.  On my to-do list today is to start writing out everyone’s names…and it’s a lot.  You guys are crazy nice.  Can’t wait to tell you how much we’ve raised for the kiddos at Ngungwane in Swaziland and who the winner is!!!!  You can read all the DETAILS HERE and find out how to join the fun.  I’ll post the winner tomorrow!

And that might be all I have for today.  I think my brain is fried.  I’m actually sitting on a pile of clean towels on our couch which should probably be folded and put away, but alas, I’m still sitting on them.  Please tell me you can relate?!?!?!  Oh, and I’ll end with a big positive…we actually executed baths on one of our bath days…which was yesterday…and by “we” I mean Josh Kelley.  I kind of like him.  And his commitment to kids with good hygiene.

Happy Thursday!

Torandic Monday

In true Tennessee weather fashion we’re in full on tornado season and I’m dreading the thought of trying to pile all 6 of us into the closet under our steps that seriously holds our vacuum and a empty few boxes & paint cans.  It’s the world’s tiniest closet and literally the only safe spot in our home.  A definite down side to a house with big windows EVERYWHERE and no basement.  It’s sure to be a long night so we’re being super lazy today which is not good because my to-do list is long.  I am making time to finish up a few more art canvases though.  Hoping to have a Saturday sale sooner than later.  Josh and I are both going to Nicaragua this summer with Full Count and I’m going to try and raise some funds.  We’re both pretty excited.

Our weekend was really fun, but tiring.  Baseball and a birthday party and the kids marathon and Bible study and church and the drive-in movies and then throw in all our regular life stuff.  Really fun.  Super busy.

We’re still raising funds for the Ngungwane carepoint in Swaziland, Africa too.  I cannot tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with the generosity and kindness of you guys and others.  The world is still full of amazing people and God is always in the business of making the impossible happen.  You can read all about the giveaway HERE.  Remember, one lucky donator will receive over $700 in Noonday Collection goodies.

Speaking of Noonday…my best friend Ashley who lives in Orlando, Florida just became an ambassador.  What the what?!?!?  The greatest news.  I am beyond excited for her.  So if any of you Floridians want to host a Noonday show and earn some free items, shoot me a message HERE and I’ll get you Ashley’s info.  She’s awesome and fun and kind and totally the best.

Bike riding is kind of all the rage in the Kelley house now.  That and baseball.  The boys are crazy obsessed.  Amon is majorly crazy obsessed.  Every morning he wakes up talking about “baeball” and his glove is becoming permanently attached to his hand.  He takes it everywhere.

Hey, no kick stand?  No problem.

I always wanted to be a mom of 4 boys…this is pretty dang close.  And having a girl in the mix to relate to is just as good if not better.

I’m making these alleged best snickerdoodles cookies tonight and tomorrow.  I’ll let you know how they go.  I have big, high hopes.  Needing to share lots of cookie love this week.  Baked goods can still change the world.

And that’s all I’ve got.  So how was your weekend?  Do anything crazy fun?  Have any randomness to share.  I feel like my posts are always just like the thoughts in my brain…scattered and random.  I’m always shocked you guys stop by to read, but I am so thankful and glad you do.

If you need me, we’ll be in the closet.  Happy Monday!

I Kind Of Dig…

*Purging.  I have been on a crazy spree.  Going through and getting rid of.  Josh Kelley may have called me “impulsive”.  Who me?  Impulsive?  So what if I told Josh I wanted to take apart and get rid of Amon’s crib as we walked the boys up to bed the other night.  So long crib…hello floor.  Impulsive?  Me?  No way.

*Baseball.  It’s true…so very very true.  We have become totally smitten with the world of little kiddo baseball and just being at the park.  It’s just all far too adorable and fun.  I love the concession stand…even loved working the concession stand…helping kids decide what candy to buy and always recommending the fried Oreos…what has our world come to, but it’s delicious.  The friends, the sun, the game, the kids, the Icees & candy, just everything.  But honestly, other than watching the boys play a game they love with Josh as one of their coaches, I think one of my favorite parts is Josh’s dad.  Big Daddy (as the grandkids call him) doesn’t miss a game.  And baseball is pretty much his love language, so I honestly think it’s a pretty special time for him watching his son coach and Hudson & Solomon play.  I just like it all.

*Running.  I love a good run.  It makes my head clearer and I feel, not only physically better, but mentally better.  But then throw in Harper, and hold the phone.  Things just got better.  She is doing a local kids marathon with her run club so each week we add to her milage and I love running with her.  And she loves talking as she runs.  It’s so fun to hear what all is going on inside her head.  It’s a privilege to be her mom.

*Hudson’s creations.  Enough said.

*This little arm party.  I received my Noonday order the other day and I have worn this gig for not one, not two, but three days in a row now.  Can’t stop, won’t stop.  It’s true love.

By the way, taking pictures of your own arm with your non dominant hand is super awkward.  And typically results in lots of awkward arm pictures.  At this point in the post I really wanted to throw in all the awkward arm outtake photos.  But, I shall spare you.

*Working.  My work just so happens to be creating and I deeply love it.  A friend is hosting a little girls sale night at her house for friends and asked if I wanted to come and sale some items.  Well of course I would.  Friends + crafty items = I’m in!  This weekend I finished up several mini buntings and started a huge batch of key fobs.  All my leftovers I’m going to post here for a Saturday sale.

*Warm family dinners outside.  The weather is rockin’ my world…in the best way.  Crossing my fingers spring is here to stay.

*This quote.  Josh Kelley added it to our board and I forget what book he said it came from.

*And this canvas.  Like I said, I’m purging.  And there sat this lonely canvas in my office still with no home.  If you are interested in purchasing it CLICK HERE for the details.

Happy Monday Friends.  See you tomorrow.

9 Things.

1.  These two.  All day, every day.  They’re crazy fun…fight hard…play hard…love hard.  Glad I get to be their momma.

2.  This app.  Killing it.  Susan has been making me log my food and I’m so glad she has.  Love seeing what all I eat looks like.

3.  Still doing the 21-day fix because I love it so much.  But realized it has now turned into the 46-day fix…and that just makes me laugh.

4.  This book is crazy guys.  My cousin Amy sent me a text a while back and basically said I HAD to read it and she was SO right.  I bought more copies to share.  This is a most excellent book in general, but also so good for those who have lost a loved one.  It’s honest and real and redeeming.

“Jesus doesn’t stand on the other side of life, waving us over when the coast is clear.  Likewise, he doesn’t stand next to us patting us on the back and wishing us good luck as we trudge through life.  The story of the good news of Jesus is that he enters.  He enters.  He enters into the world.  He enters into human flesh.  He enters into the suffering of people.  He enters into the brokenness of life.  He enters into all forms of pain.  He enters into the margins.  John declared, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us.”  In The Message, Eugene Peterson gave it this twist:  “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighborhood.”  It does something to my soul to know that when I feel like I’m as low as I can get, God’s grace can get lower.”

5.  March was a tad lacking in my running department.  Not April…I’m shooting for 70 miles.  April is a super busy month for our family so if I get 50, I’ll be pleased.  If I get 70, I’ll do a jig…and it’s sure to be jaunty.

6.  Thank you to everyone who bought Noonday items.  Seriously.  For realz.  I cannot wait to pick out all kinds of fun items and then turn them into $610…5 tables and 30 chairs for some crazy sweet kiddos all the way in Swaziland.  I love what can happen when people come together to help one another.  Love is amazing.

7.  When friends say they’ll go to Africa with Josh and me, it makes me smile…wildly…and dance…and cheer really loudly.  But my first response is always, “Really?  Like for real?”  If everything comes together, this will be one of the best trips ever.

8.  And these are my new favorite earrings from Dobee Designs.  Love them.  Thank you Sara.  Adorable little boy courtesy of Solomon.

9.  And after sitting down and looking at our family calendar with Josh, I’m only going to be able to do one craft class in April…Friday the 25th.  I sent out emails to all the ladies on my wait list and all remaining spots will be made available this Friday here on my blog.  Crossing my fingers we can fill a class.  Apparently April is a busy month for everyone 🙂

See you guys tomorrow.  Again, thank you for reading.  I’m always amazed you stop by.  You make my day!

Happy Thursday!

Insta 6

It’s rare a post contains pictures of all 6 of us.  So rare, like an albino polar bear 🙂  But today is your lucky day.

Dr. Seuss Day.  She wanted to be Daisy-Head Mayzie.  So simple.  So easy.  So perfectly Harper.

Lunch in the floor just has to happen sometimes.

We call it the parrot.  He’s been a good little parrot, but he’s starting to get big.

I realized the other day that come August Josh and I will be packing 17 lunches each week.  17.  We use these bento boxes from Amazon and I decided we were going to need more than our current 4.  Maybe I’ll start a Lunch Chronicles Series.

Such an intense drawer and colorer.  I think he’s going to be an illustrator when he grows up…or a gun salesman…or in the military.

Oh this one, he’s going to be a yoga instructor.  Fo shizzle.

Or work at Kinkos…only helping people turn the machines off…like he did with me the other day.  He’s a sneaky, smart one.

Or professional snuggler…which wanted to auto correct to smuggler.  He could maybe be a professional smuggler too.

Or tiny teeth model.

And Sunday ends our 21 Day Fix program.  It has been amazing and we’re going to keep doing it…with a few modifications…I need a few more calories for long runs.  I have learned so much and have made some permanent changes for our family.  It’s really exciting and fun.  And just so you know, this wasn’t your normal “diet”.  I’ve never done a diet, not because I didn’t need it, but because I like food too much.  So when I realized we still got to eat food and good food on this plan, I was in.

Oh and why yes, none of my plates match…at all.

So that’s it.  You can find me on Instagram at pitterpatterart if you want to follow along.  We have a fun weekend planned and I cannot wait.  Happy Friday!  Enjoy it!

Hey There!

Snow day here at the Kelley house and it’s been a pretty decent one.  We woke up to crazy snow and ice, no school, no heat and no power, but whoop, whoop heat and power are back on.  I’ve got a bunch of randomness for the day.  I know you are all super shocked.

**March Craft Classes are just around the corner.  I still have a few spots available if anyone is interested.

Friday, March 21 from 5:30-9:30…1 spot available

Saturday, March 22 from 12:00-4:00… 1 spot available

You can send me a message HERE if you are interested.

**Let’s see.  I’m also looking for donations for giveaway items/door prizes or swag for the ladies in March.  I’ll post all about the items you sent in, along with any links you want me to share.  We had some super fun things last month!

**I love when someone places a custom order and gives me a lot of ideas and then I get to pick and choose from the mix.  This is one of my favorite pieces I’ve done lately.  Really love the Tennessee maps in the background and all the things in the piece and what they represent to the family.  Thank you Tressa for the order.  It was a pleasure working with you.

**I have discovered I love chocolate almonds…like big time.  And why yes, on my little 21 day Fix thing, you do get some treats and chocolate almonds are one of them.  It’s love.

**So taxes.  Yeah, they are zero fun.  Like big time zero fun.  So many numbers and organizing and clinging to my calculator app.  It’s kind of a hot mess, but due to some super anxious feelings, I got on them today…procrastination no more.

**And I had a key fob sale on my PPA Facebook page on Saturday.  Thank you guys so much for everyone who purchased key fob sets.  If you’ve already paid, I’ve already shipped them out.  They are always too fun to make…colorful, fun fabrics are never a downer…only a day brightener.

Now I’ve got to get back to our snow day.  Did I mention we are watching lots of movies?  Lots and lots of movies…and snacks…only the necessities.

Happy Monday.

The Highlights

I always get a little extra hop in my step on Fridays.  The weekend means later starts each morning and more lingering.  And making up for things like missed baths 🙂  This week was full and good.  Lots of fun things going on.  Lots of things to be thankful for.  My weeks highlights in no particular order:

Working on orders.  Canvases and key fobs this week.  Love taking all these custom orders.  Love working to create a product the customer loves.  And I’m still open to orders.  Makes my busy hands and heart happy.

Making it past the half way mark for the 21 day fix program.  Eating good, not letting my emotions rule my choices, busting my butt and feeling really, really good about all of it.

This a-freakin-mazing Kind healthy grains…it’s like granola, but not.  Loaded with good stuff and kicks my sweet tooth cravings.  I bought one bag at first and may have gone back the very next day and bought two additional bags because I wanted to already have back ups on hand in the weeks to come.

Date night!  It involved steak and cooked broccoli and a mall trip where we contemplated walking around with each others hand in the others back pocket of their pants…like all the cool kids are doing these days.  We decided to save that move for another date night.  I got to spend a H&M gift card which I’ve had 4-eva!  And we browsed the Old Navy and Fossil outlets like we owned the places.  Perfection.

I got a little break yesterday from this dude and it was just what I needed.  I love him to pieces pieces, but he drives me insane insane.  The busiest child I have ever had.  Into everything.  All the time.  Cannot go to the bathroom without a catastrophe happening.  I breathed in extra deep during my few hours of peace and when we were reunited, he hugged my neck extra tight.  I dig him.

Lunch with Jessica…internet friend and owner of Noonday Collection.  She was in town for a show and we made lunch happen.  And I’m so glad we did.  Loved meeting this sweet friend, fellow adoptive momma and business owner in the flesh…real life yo!  Lots of good conversation.

And that you guys are too nice and supportive and kind.  March craft classes are totally on.  There are just a few spots remaining and I am incredibly grateful.  Over the top grateful.  Thank you!

These are the remaining spots:

Friday, March 21 from 5:30-9:30…2 spots available

Saturday, March 22 from 12:00-4:00…3 spots available

Just send me a message HERE if you would like to snag a spot or few 🙂

Have an awesome weekend and Happy Friday!


A)  Craft night…two days away…holy cow.  So flippin’ excited and nervous and I just can’t wait.  After I get this one under my belt, and all goes well 🙂 I’ll share the March dates.  They will be made available to the ladies on my wait list first and then I’ll make the remaining spots available here on my blog.  Oh goodness.  So so incredibly fun and exciting.  I just can’t even express how full my heart feels.  Cannot wait to meet and craft with everyone who’s coming on Saturday!

B)  I’m 4 days into my 21 Day Fit Challenge and I’m really enjoying it.  Here’s the other thing…Susan and I just figured out it’s actually called the 21 Day Fix Challenge.  We’ve been talking about it and telling everyone and hash tagging it up on Instagram…yep, wrong name.  Ha. But I’m sticking with me #21dayfit because I’m committed to the wrong hashtag already.  So far I am learning a lot and feel great.  It’s all about portion control and eating the right foods and getting in your exercise.  They give you the prettiest rainbow colored boxes so you can visually see what your portions should look like and I seriously thought I would starve…and I haven’t.  They are really good portions and you get to eat lots of healthy foods that are good for you.  If you want to learn more about the program you can contact sweet Marta and she will get you all the information you need.

Susan and I have been working out at like ummmmm, 4:45am, which is redonk, but we have to so we can get it in.  We have resolved to taking zero face pictures because, well, it’s 4:45am.  Who looks good that early?!!



C)  We can do hard things.  It’s true.  Like when I made some friends my absolute favorite cake, Bunny’s Cake, yesterday and did not, I repeat, did not have a taste test to make sure it wasn’t poisonous.  It was a flat out miracle.  Praise Jesus.

D)  Key fobs.  Golly, I love the color.  They make me happy and it makes me even happier to be mailing them out all over the place.  I’m feeling a little behind because I still have several canvas orders in mid work…which drives my OCD brain crazy, but I have to get my first craft night finished and then I’ll get back down to business.  Thank you for your patience all you canvas order people 🙂

E)  I was kind of afraid Amon was leaving his randomly falling asleep days behind…He just hasn’t been randomly falling asleep lately… that is…until today…when he got a little too comfy eating his Cheerios…and it made my day.

And F) You guys had me totally cracking up yesterday about all your kid’s clothing quirks.  You care-less kid dressers made me feel normal.  And all you ladies who dress your kids nice and keep them stylin’ thank you for making up for my ragamuffin kids…you give kids everywhere a good name 🙂  Glad the world is made up of so many different types of people.  It’s awesome.

Happy Thursday!