A)  Craft night…two days away…holy cow.  So flippin’ excited and nervous and I just can’t wait.  After I get this one under my belt, and all goes well 🙂 I’ll share the March dates.  They will be made available to the ladies on my wait list first and then I’ll make the remaining spots available here on my blog.  Oh goodness.  So so incredibly fun and exciting.  I just can’t even express how full my heart feels.  Cannot wait to meet and craft with everyone who’s coming on Saturday!

B)  I’m 4 days into my 21 Day Fit Challenge and I’m really enjoying it.  Here’s the other thing…Susan and I just figured out it’s actually called the 21 Day Fix Challenge.  We’ve been talking about it and telling everyone and hash tagging it up on Instagram…yep, wrong name.  Ha. But I’m sticking with me #21dayfit because I’m committed to the wrong hashtag already.  So far I am learning a lot and feel great.  It’s all about portion control and eating the right foods and getting in your exercise.  They give you the prettiest rainbow colored boxes so you can visually see what your portions should look like and I seriously thought I would starve…and I haven’t.  They are really good portions and you get to eat lots of healthy foods that are good for you.  If you want to learn more about the program you can contact sweet Marta and she will get you all the information you need.

Susan and I have been working out at like ummmmm, 4:45am, which is redonk, but we have to so we can get it in.  We have resolved to taking zero face pictures because, well, it’s 4:45am.  Who looks good that early?!!



C)  We can do hard things.  It’s true.  Like when I made some friends my absolute favorite cake, Bunny’s Cake, yesterday and did not, I repeat, did not have a taste test to make sure it wasn’t poisonous.  It was a flat out miracle.  Praise Jesus.

D)  Key fobs.  Golly, I love the color.  They make me happy and it makes me even happier to be mailing them out all over the place.  I’m feeling a little behind because I still have several canvas orders in mid work…which drives my OCD brain crazy, but I have to get my first craft night finished and then I’ll get back down to business.  Thank you for your patience all you canvas order people 🙂

E)  I was kind of afraid Amon was leaving his randomly falling asleep days behind…He just hasn’t been randomly falling asleep lately… that is…until today…when he got a little too comfy eating his Cheerios…and it made my day.

And F) You guys had me totally cracking up yesterday about all your kid’s clothing quirks.  You care-less kid dressers made me feel normal.  And all you ladies who dress your kids nice and keep them stylin’ thank you for making up for my ragamuffin kids…you give kids everywhere a good name 🙂  Glad the world is made up of so many different types of people.  It’s awesome.

Happy Thursday!

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