Torandic Monday

In true Tennessee weather fashion we’re in full on tornado season and I’m dreading the thought of trying to pile all 6 of us into the closet under our steps that seriously holds our vacuum and a empty few boxes & paint cans.  It’s the world’s tiniest closet and literally the only safe spot in our home.  A definite down side to a house with big windows EVERYWHERE and no basement.  It’s sure to be a long night so we’re being super lazy today which is not good because my to-do list is long.  I am making time to finish up a few more art canvases though.  Hoping to have a Saturday sale sooner than later.  Josh and I are both going to Nicaragua this summer with Full Count and I’m going to try and raise some funds.  We’re both pretty excited.

Our weekend was really fun, but tiring.  Baseball and a birthday party and the kids marathon and Bible study and church and the drive-in movies and then throw in all our regular life stuff.  Really fun.  Super busy.

We’re still raising funds for the Ngungwane carepoint in Swaziland, Africa too.  I cannot tell you how absolutely thrilled I am with the generosity and kindness of you guys and others.  The world is still full of amazing people and God is always in the business of making the impossible happen.  You can read all about the giveaway HERE.  Remember, one lucky donator will receive over $700 in Noonday Collection goodies.

Speaking of Noonday…my best friend Ashley who lives in Orlando, Florida just became an ambassador.  What the what?!?!?  The greatest news.  I am beyond excited for her.  So if any of you Floridians want to host a Noonday show and earn some free items, shoot me a message HERE and I’ll get you Ashley’s info.  She’s awesome and fun and kind and totally the best.

Bike riding is kind of all the rage in the Kelley house now.  That and baseball.  The boys are crazy obsessed.  Amon is majorly crazy obsessed.  Every morning he wakes up talking about “baeball” and his glove is becoming permanently attached to his hand.  He takes it everywhere.

Hey, no kick stand?  No problem.

I always wanted to be a mom of 4 boys…this is pretty dang close.  And having a girl in the mix to relate to is just as good if not better.

I’m making these alleged best snickerdoodles cookies tonight and tomorrow.  I’ll let you know how they go.  I have big, high hopes.  Needing to share lots of cookie love this week.  Baked goods can still change the world.

And that’s all I’ve got.  So how was your weekend?  Do anything crazy fun?  Have any randomness to share.  I feel like my posts are always just like the thoughts in my brain…scattered and random.  I’m always shocked you guys stop by to read, but I am so thankful and glad you do.

If you need me, we’ll be in the closet.  Happy Monday!