The Highlights

I always get a little extra hop in my step on Fridays.  The weekend means later starts each morning and more lingering.  And making up for things like missed baths 🙂  This week was full and good.  Lots of fun things going on.  Lots of things to be thankful for.  My weeks highlights in no particular order:

Working on orders.  Canvases and key fobs this week.  Love taking all these custom orders.  Love working to create a product the customer loves.  And I’m still open to orders.  Makes my busy hands and heart happy.

Making it past the half way mark for the 21 day fix program.  Eating good, not letting my emotions rule my choices, busting my butt and feeling really, really good about all of it.

This a-freakin-mazing Kind healthy grains…it’s like granola, but not.  Loaded with good stuff and kicks my sweet tooth cravings.  I bought one bag at first and may have gone back the very next day and bought two additional bags because I wanted to already have back ups on hand in the weeks to come.

Date night!  It involved steak and cooked broccoli and a mall trip where we contemplated walking around with each others hand in the others back pocket of their pants…like all the cool kids are doing these days.  We decided to save that move for another date night.  I got to spend a H&M gift card which I’ve had 4-eva!  And we browsed the Old Navy and Fossil outlets like we owned the places.  Perfection.

I got a little break yesterday from this dude and it was just what I needed.  I love him to pieces pieces, but he drives me insane insane.  The busiest child I have ever had.  Into everything.  All the time.  Cannot go to the bathroom without a catastrophe happening.  I breathed in extra deep during my few hours of peace and when we were reunited, he hugged my neck extra tight.  I dig him.

Lunch with Jessica…internet friend and owner of Noonday Collection.  She was in town for a show and we made lunch happen.  And I’m so glad we did.  Loved meeting this sweet friend, fellow adoptive momma and business owner in the flesh…real life yo!  Lots of good conversation.

And that you guys are too nice and supportive and kind.  March craft classes are totally on.  There are just a few spots remaining and I am incredibly grateful.  Over the top grateful.  Thank you!

These are the remaining spots:

Friday, March 21 from 5:30-9:30…2 spots available

Saturday, March 22 from 12:00-4:00…3 spots available

Just send me a message HERE if you would like to snag a spot or few 🙂

Have an awesome weekend and Happy Friday!

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