Archives for January 2014

6 Good Things

Good Thing #1:  Frozen.  Holy Disney movies Batman.  I listened to the hype.  I heard everyone rave.  And yesterday, Susan and I went with a bunch of kids and we laughed the loudest and cried like big babies.  At one point, I was singing along and didn’t even know the words.  I’m even going to go out on a crazy ice storm limb and say it’s my favorite kids movie to date.  That was bold, I know.  But it was that good.  Olaf was kind of beyond fantastic.  And I don’t even have a sister, but it made me want a sister.  Susan has always called me her baby homie, so I think that really translates to baby sister and so, I think I’m going to draw up some papers and make Susan and I officially big and little sister…and then we can watch this movie over and over and over again.  So good.  Susan you game? And honestly I can’t believe I just typed that much about a Disney movie.  #noshame

Good Thing #2:  Pretzel M&Ms.  Don’t worry, I haven’t fallen off my no-sweets-during-the-week wagon just yet, but yesterday was Martin Luther King Jr. day and the kids were out of school and we did fun things like eat at Blue Coast Burrito for lunch with friends and go to the movies and I kind of felt like it was only appropriate to also do other fun things like eat pretzel M&Ms.  Pretzel M&Ms are easily my favorite M&M, besides Crispy M&Ms which Mars took away far too quickly.  In fact, now that I’m thinking more about it, I bet there are others out there like me who miss the Crispy M&M…like a lot, like a lot a lot.  Maybe we could do something like start a “Bring Back The Crispy M&M” Facebook page.  I mean, there is power in numbers.  Shall all us Crispy M&M lovers unite?  You guys can think it over first.  I know it’s a commitment.

And why yes, people are auctioning off bags of Crispy M&Ms on Ebay.  Also turns out there are others out there wondering what happened to the Crispy M&M as well…like powerfantastic7.  So what if the post was from 6 years ago, I’m just glad someone’s trying to get some answers.

Good Thing #3:  5 Ingredient Easy White Chicken Chili.  I know I mentioned it just last week and possibly the week before.  But for reals…this stuff is so flippin’ good.  Yesterday I got crazy and made it in the morning so it just waited for dinner time in the fridge and when it was dinner time, Josh Kelley simply removed it from the refrigerator and placed it on the eye of the stove.  Boom.  I also got crazy and added a can of drained black beans and reduced the chicken stock to 5 cups instead of 6.  Wowzas.  So so good.

Good Thing #4:  Scripture memorizing.  Last year one of my goals for 2013 was to start memorizing scripture and to get the kids in on the action as well.  I’m here to publicly admit we memorized a whopping ZERO verses.  None.  Nada.  Nothing.  This shouldn’t have happened, but alas, it did.  So this year, I’m taking it more seriously and doing what I know how to do best…draw and be super repetitive.  So far, so good.  Every morning we go over the verse for the week and then we all recite it on Sunday.  I even have little incentives for the kids.  2014 is already way ahead of 2013 in the scripture memorization category.  We’re all in on it and the kids are shamefully way better at memorizing than us.

Good Thing #5:  VH1.  Now hear me out before you go clicking over to another web address 🙂  Back story:  Josh and I don’t have cable.  We have rabbit ears which work really hard to get channels 2,4, 5 and 17.  No joke.  End back story.  Our morning schedules have changed a bit and I’ve been getting in most of my runs on a treadmill since January began.  I hadn’t run on a treadmill since college.  It took some getting use to at first, but I’m getting into the groove again. I’m usually running way too early in the morning now when no one is there and the other morning Susan turned VH1 on the TVs.  I was immediately taken back to middle school and high school when I would go over to my friends Ashley and Alissa’s house to watch MTV and VH1 music videos because we had basic cable at home, but Mom had blocked not only MTV, but also VH1 and BET too.  Commence your laughing now.  As I watched Passenger’s Let Her Go video, I announced to Susan, “That is not what I imagined that guy to look like.”  And just like that, 5 miles passed like a snap of the fingers.  I found myself running faster as I watched Rihanna and Eminem and Fitz and the Tantrums and then practically weeping during the A Great Big World & Christina Aguilera video.  The high of the highs & the low of the lows.  And what the what…Goo Goo Dolls have a new song?  What is happening?  You do know that bands like Goo Goo Dolls and No Doubt were my jams as a youngster.  Dang all those moving videos.  I have fallen back in love.

And Good Thing #6:  The 6 Mosquitoes.  We’re starting this study in our couples Bible study and honestly I am very excited.  Marriage is just not easy…at least for Josh Kelley and I…and it takes work and it’s hard and so far most everything I’ve read and heard about this book is good.  I’m shamelessly all about some good marriage advice and help.  Now…Disney musical movies are apparently another story 🙂

Happy Tuesday!

A Tiny Sale

Our weekend was full and lovely.  We enjoyed donuts, we celebrated my niece Campbell’s birthday, I took the boys shoe shopping, I got in some good milage running, Josh made me two killer arrows…one small and one big…there was painting, church was crazy good, we spent time with friends and I finished up some work.  It was completely well rounded.

I’m kind of already ready for Friday, but we have a fun day planned for today since school is out.  And this week will be good.  New things on the horizon, new projects and possibilities, getting accountable to one another, making choices and doing, working hard on making 2014 different.  It will be a good week indeed.

I’ve been working on orders and have some really sweet canvases completed, but can’t post them yet…they’re gifts and the givers don’t want the recipients to see.  You guys are fun.  And thank you for your orders.  I did get a chance in between process stages to work on some canvases that have been mulling around in my mind.

I have these two canvases posted under the “Currently Available” tab at the top.  They will go first come, first serve.  Make sure to check out the page for details.

12×12 “She burned too bright for this world” canvas

4×12 “Be strong and courageous” canvas

So check them out if you are interested.  I’m going to start adding more items randomly as I try and work on projects in between orders.  We’ll see how it goes.  2014 is for trying new things 🙂

Hope you all had a good weekend and enjoy your day.  Here’s to one fantastic week.

Happy Monday!

Made South

See here, I have this thing called a brother.  His name is Chris.  CHT are his initials.  That H in the middle stands for Hall which is significant because it’s Mom’s maiden name and Hudson shares it along with two of my nephews.  That H ties us up really tight with one of those hard learned sailor knots or boy scout knots…you choose.  We have quite the long history since he’s been my brother since I was born.  I’ll tell up front we can butt heads like most siblings do at some point, but we also love each other.  Since Mom died things have been hard and tricky and different and complicated, but we’re working on it.  What it comes down to though is we love each other.  And he’s my brother and I’m his sister…his only little sister in fact.  It’s a good gig being the little sister.

We’re very different individuals, but we share a creative stroke which shows its color through different outlets.  Today Chris launched a personal project called Made South.  And it’s kind of totally cool.  Being a Tennessean and living in the south our whole lives has made Chris pretty passionate about not only USA made items, but in particular southern items.  Made South searches the American South to find great things made by great people and then shares the maker’s story and product with others.

They launched today and launch days are a pretty big deal.  They are nerve wracking and exciting and it’s hard to put yourself out there in this new and vulnerable way, but when God gives you a passion and dream, fear takes a back seat.  I hope Chris will really enjoy this ride.

I’ve already signed up.  In fact, I was up bright and early this morning signing up and I got to be the first member.  Chris text me, “Well it’s only fitting that you are the very first member…”.  I like that.  So now that I’m all signed up, starting in March we’ll receive 3 really cool Southern made products delivered right to our door.  Which is totally awesome because I love getting mail.  And we’ll get this little package 4 times a year…12 different Southern made products along with their makers stories.  Holla.

I’m always looking for different and unique gift ideas and I love to support local businesses and handmade products, so this was a no-brainer for us.  Every time I go to Africa I take GooGoo’s.  I know that’s totally weird, but I do it so that I can share something made not only in Tennesse, but Nashville specifically with the people who are going to share a piece of their home with me.  I’m so excited to learn about some new Southern products outside of GooGoos 🙂

Made South is only taking 200 memberships to start out with.  If you’re interested, head on over and check out their site and request an invitation.  And when you sign-up, spread the love and share the info with your friends.  The more the merrier.  You can follow Made South on Facebook HERE, tweeting over on Twitter HERE and they’re instagramming HERE.

So proud of you Chris.  Proud of you for taking this leap of faith and trusting God with your dreams and passions.  Proud to stand beside you and share Made South with the inter webs.  Excited to see where it goes and so excited to be along for the ride with you.  Mom would be so proud. Love you!

Happy Friday!


This, That & That.

The internet is a funny thing to me.  It can be used for so many bad and hurtful things and yet it can also be used for so much good.  It can build relationships and bridge gaps and make strangers feel like long time friends.  I am so thankful for your kindness yesterday.  I’m so thankful for the sweet and thoughtful emails.  I am so thankful for the sincere and thoughtful words.  I wrote yesterday’s post because I knew someone out there could relate.  You could relate to the actual situation with your own child or a friend’s child or you could relate to the deep unwanted feeling of defeat and doubt.  I just new someone would be able to read my words and realize they are not alone in whatever struggle they face.  I needed to remind myself of God’s goodness.  I love the community the internet can build.  Thank you for being such a genuine and loving community.  It’s really something quite amazing to watch.

In other random news that is not so gushy…Remember the Shake That Does NOT Taste Like A Wendy’s Frosty recipe I shared with you?  Remember how I bet my kids would still eat it because it resembled chocolate ice-cream?  Yeah, well, I was totally wrong.  First, I totally forgot it had peanut butter in it and right before serving it to Hudson…my highly allergic to peanut butter kid…I remembered.  Harper and Sol gave it a good attempt, but they both bailed really quickly.  It was too bad even for my kids.  Geesh.

Lots of you shared recipes in the comments and through email and I am thrilled to give them all a shot.  I’ll let you know when we have a home run in the meal department.  Thank you for sharing.  My cousin Amy gave me a recipe for no-bake protein balls and then I found this recipe on Pinterest.  I ended up taking Amy’s recipe and the one I found and intermingling them.  Here’s what I went with:  1/2 c peanut butter, 1/3 cup honey and 1/2 tsp vanilla mixed together.  Then I added 1 cup oats, 1/2 cup chocolate chips and 1/3 cup ground flaxseeds.  I also did a batch where I used sun butter instead of peanut butter and used whole flax seeds instead of ground.  Everyone devoured both minus Huddy, who was a little freaked out by the overwhelming peanut butter smell.  He was convinced I was giving him peanut butter.  Amon was a protein ball fein…he was jonesen bad after he had a few bites and was ticked when I cut him off.

Josh Kelley claimed they tasted very similar to a Reeces cup.  I do think they get even better after they are balled up and sit out for a bit.  They are truly yummy.  I was completely pleasantly surprised.

I’m also still working on orders and still open for new orders.  I’m excited to start some new orders today and some canvases for a sale.  These camera straps are completed and headed to their new owners here in Tennessee and Alabama.  Thank you so much Kristy and Casey.  So appreciative for all you crazy kind people who are ordering.



And lastly, we got some new pictures of the kids from the amazingly talented Cheyenne from Shots by Cheyenne.  She never ceases to amaze me by the beautiful way she captures the ‘us’ in our family.  It’s lovely and I’m so thankful for the images she captured.  I could barely narrow down the selection to just these, so excuse the excess of Kelley kid photos.  I clearly cannot help myself.

Cheyenne is crazy good right?  Totally.  Thank you again Cheyenne.  As always I am completely over the moon.

And that’s that.  I’ve got a busy day with a certain small ace of hearts and lots of work which needs to be started and completed.  And I’ve got a hot date tonight.  I think it’s going to be a pretty grand day.

Happy Thursday!

When He Speaks

I’ve wrestled with this post for a while.  I’ve gone back and forth and back and forth searching for all the right words to even slightly express my heart and my whirlwind of thoughts.  Amon has been the kiddo who has thrown our hearts for the biggest loops.  He’s had a big life for an almost-two-year-old.  He’s had some big struggles and has had to fight hard.  He’s kind of amazing.  Holding his sweet little baby self in Ethiopia and knowing something was very wrong and then fighting hard to get him to the U.S. as quickly as possible and then stepping onto each plane back to the U.S. with that oxygen machine was incredibly hard and nerve wracking to the max.  And no matter how lost I felt, no matter how incapable or unequipped or unworthy I felt to even be a piece of his story, God was right there…sustaining, holding firm, encouraging and reminding me of how He holds time and all our plans in His hands.  He knew the journey we’d take with Amon.  He knew how Amon would change our hearts and aid in our healing process.  He knew Amon would change us in the most unimaginable way ever.  He knew Amon would show all 5 of us joy again.  And we made it.  We made it home and we made it to all the doctors appointments and we made it through open heart surgery and an almost month long stay at the hospital and we made it through being homebound for so long and we made it through the adjustment of going from a family of 5 to 6.  We made it.  And I’m so proud that we did.  I’m so proud of Amon and his fight.  I’m proud and thankful beyond thankful he is a survivor.  I do not take that lightly.  I know we are blessed.  And I don’t know why we were blessed in this way because I know so many other families have very different stories and it’s crushing to my heart…I can only imagine…only only imagine.

His struggles continued with his hearing and his development.  But God worked a miracle in his little ear…I truly believe that with every ounce of myself.  I tend not to believe in miracles much anymore or at least play the role of skeptic all too well and it’s a shame because I know in my spirit God is totally in the business of healing and redemption and restoration and renewing and who am I to doubt the power of the creator of the world.  And He gave Amon hearing in his little ear.  I believe it.  And we marched on with developmental delays with his speech and communication and autism testing and early intervention.  Lots and lots of doctors appointments and evaluations.  We voiced our concerns and our pediatrician who deserves one of those “world’s greatest” mugs has guided us all along the way.  He has been right there helping us understand and giving us his professional opinion and helping us maneuver through each possibility.  He’s been the best and helped us navigate all the referrals and all the “next step”s.  Here’s the deal:  Amon just doesn’t talk much.  He tries.  He really really tries.  And he’s been in early intervention for a while now.  He has one-on-one speech therapy every week and I love his therapist.  He has lots of signs for a kid his age.  Please, Thank you, Help, Book, Open, Close, Ball, Milk, Eat, More, Sorry, Bubbles, Sleep and he even has personal signs for Josh, Harper, Hudson and Solomon.  When I was in Africa he said Daddy and I thought I was going to cry a river knowing he had a new word.  Up until this moment Momma was his only verbal word.  And then shortly after he added “no” to the mix and we all went crazy.  Cheering, laughing, praising…we were a bunch of yahoos…all 5 of us.  I’m sure Amon thought we were nut jobs.  I thought to myself, “Here we go.  He’s going to take off.  This is what we’ve been working so hard for.  This is what Amon has been working so hard for.”  And then the words stopped.

He is making progress and he will mimic more than before, but sometimes I sit there feeling so defeated…doubting he’ll ever really talk.  I do.  I doubt.  And I look at him in all his crazy sweetness and at how hard he works and I just gush and cry about how blessed we are.  And God whispers again and again the reminder that He holds it all and nothing surprises Him.  Amon is His child…not ours…just like Harper, Hudson and Solomon are all His as well.  Josh and I have been entrusted for but a brief time to care for these gifts…these jewels…these exquisite pieces of God’s handy work.  And He allows hope to drip back in and fill up my heart as quickly as it leaked out.

He had a recent developmental evaluation and we’ve been referred for a speech eval to help rule out some things like a type of stroke that specifically affects speech and to maybe give group therapy a try and see if he picks up a little more in a group setting.  I would love for him to try music therapy because he loves music and will hum and try to sing things like happy birthday and the alphabet song.  We pray for his heart and his little mind and for the words to come.  And right when Josh and I give each other this deep, long defeated stare Amon does something amazing like mimic the word please.  And we lose our minds like all proud parents would.

The other day he mimicked “thank you” as he signed it and I sobbed.  It was the first time he put two words together.  I called Josh at work…no answer…so I text him and he called me back shortly after and we just sat on the phone together in awe.  I even got Amon to say it again over the phone for Josh.  It was emotional.  It was the hope we needed.  It was God giving us the hope we needed.  A glimpse and a reminder of His goodness.

And then I remember like the fool I am that His goodness is always there.  It wasn’t solely wrapped up in the words “thank you”.  It was already there and and it never leaves.  It’s never ending.  His goodness is everywhere…wrapped and entwined through out our entire existence.  He is good.  And even though I beg and pray to God to allow Amon’s heart to stay strong and to allow him to speak and communicate…even if something happens with his heart or Amon maxes his words out at Momma, Daddy and No, God will still be good.  He knows our plans all too well and He knows what’s best.  Everything filters through Him.  And what Satan meant for harm or to discourage or to defeat us, God meant for good.

So you’ll find us celebrating every little milestone in Amon’s journey.  We’ll be the ones cheering and hooping and hollering over every new sign or word.  We’ll be the proud parents beaming with pride as we watch Amon work so amazingly hard and try his little best.  We’ll be the ones who will tell you every single time no matter how encouraged or discouraged we feel that day, how blessed and honored we are to be his parents…to be the parents of all 4 of these wildly wonderful Kelley kids.  Yes.  That will be us because God’s goodness permeates every stitch of our family and doesn’t run out in the good times, but sustains and uplifts even in the trenches.

**Disclaimer:  Amon has many, many, many outside factors thrown in his little mix that are very different from other kids his age.  Our pediatrician has guided us through out our entire journey with Amon and we have looked to him for advice and expertise.  I share this post in hopes of encouraging others who may feel down in the trenches or defeated at times.**

Food As Of Late

One of my 2014 goals is meal planning.  I do not like to cook at all.  I wish I liked it…it would make dinner time so much more enjoyable, but alas.  My goal is to “cook” 6-7 times per week.  This helps our budget A.LOT.  I like to use the term “cooks” loosely because it could be one night we just have bean and cheese quesadillas…insert tortillas, shredded cheese, a can of black beans and salsa…not hard.  When looking for recipes on Pinterest the word “easy” is always in my search bar…always.  The easier the better.  I’ve realized easy doesn’t always taste fantastic so when I find a recipe that’s easy and tastes delicious and is good for you it’s kind of a slam dunk.

My most favorite I’ve tried lately is this 5-Ingrediant Easy White Chicken Chili.  It is sooooooo good.  And it is sooooooo easy.  Everyone ate it right up and it’s on my meal plan again for this week.

(picture source)

For the record, I did not make my own salsa verde, no way.  I did however buy a jar.  My friend Christy turned me onto this brand of salsas and they are hands down my total favorite now.  I buy mine at Kroger.  Delicious and easy.

I also revisited this Failproof-Easy-Delicious Chicken Noodle Soup (in a crockpot) recipe as well.  Made it last night.  Can’t wait to eat leftovers for lunch.  And again with all the easiness.  Totally my jam.

(picture source)

I’m also still doing my whole “no sweets during the week” and last night on FB a friend had re-posted this recipe for a healthy shake that claimed to taste just like a frosty.  Ummmm, why would I not try to make it if it tasted just like a frosty and it was easy to make and healthy.  Let me just say now, unless it is actually THE frosty from Wendy’s it is more than likely NOT going to taste like a frosty especially when it’s claimed as healthy.  It was not good.  And it did not taste like a frosty.  No way.  Not even.  Never.  I did however divide it out into 3 small jars for Harper, Hudson and Solomon’s snack this afternoon after school.  Mark my words, because it looks like chocolate ice cream, they will eat it.  I’ll report back.

Ingredients to the Shake That Does NOT Taste Like A Wendy’s Frosty:  1 cup almond milk, 1 very ripe banana, 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder, 1 Tbsp. peanut butter or sunbutter, 1 tsp. honey and 1.5 cups ice. Put all ingredients in blender and blend until smooth.  Oh and I added 1 Tbsp. chia seeds.  Remember…I told you it was not good, but maybe your kiddos will dig it.

On a total different food note…Solomon’s birthday is fast approaching and he has decided he would like regular ole’ brownies for his birthday, but with cookie dough frosting.  Hold the phone.  That sounds amazing.  So I did a little searching and after he viewed the pictures, he confirmed that this Cookie Dough Frosting was in fact the icing he wanted on his brownies for his birthday.  I can’t wait to try it.

(picture source)

And if you really have a healthy frosty recipe, show a sister some love and share it…please!!!!!  Anyone else have some good, easy and healthy recipes out there?  I would love to hear about them.

Happy Tuesday.

Haircut Saturday {I & II}

Two Saturday’s in a row have produced haircuts for the kiddos.  Last Saturday Hudson and Solomon took their turn.  The barber shop was hoppin’ so Josh and the boys spent the better part of the day waiting their turn.  Sol hates…like super hates…getting his hair picked out.  It’s his arch nemesis, so we try to keep it relatively short.  Same with Huddy’s hair.  Plus, I like them with short cuts.  I feel like they both look way handsome.

Amon was a different story.  The longer the better was the story.  Josh Kelley has been saying for quite a while now that Amon needed a cut, but I stood by my no cut…ever, ever, ever.  He even threatened to cut it while I was in Africa and I told him I’d have the divorce papers drawn up.  Then as I stared comically horrified at his holiday hair it made me realize it really was time.  And then Susan put his hair in pig tails and he was adorable and looked straight up like Olivia from The Cosby Show and it further made me realize a hair cut was long overdue.

So we pulled another Saturday haircut day.  All the new haircuts going on made Harper want one too.  I’m one of those moms who lets their kids dress themselves…mismatched clothed children does not bother me…so when Harper said she wanted to chop her hair, I was totally good with it.  It’s just hair…just like it’s just clothes.  The end result was hair everywhere.

Amon did shockingly awesome.  He just sat up there for the longest time…even without a sucker.  He got a little fidgety, so I pulled out my trusty dum-dum.  He really did great.  And I only used two suckers.

The end results…goh!  I just can barely handle it.

Amon’s mullet, well, it’s no longer with us.  #restinpeace

And now all our kids look older and super fly.

Thank you Brooke for rockin’ those scissors so quickly and so well!

Happy Monday!

Photo Overload

Fridays are always good days.  Especially when you have 2 little boys who are wildly excited about having their first friend sleepover with them.  They are already making their game plan which has included playing war, playing with their guns and then setting up a war scene with all their army men.  I kind of see a pattern.  So, like I said, Fridays are always good days.

And now I present to you a crap ton of pictures.  Most are Instagram.  You can find me on Instagram at pitterpatterart.  I continue to urge Josh Kelley to join in on the fun, but he continues to deny.  He’s not such a social media lover like myself 🙂 but I digress.

Two of my goals for 2014 are to have more date nights with the mister and to give climbing a try.  So far we’ve had success.  And climbing is way too much fun.  Totally wish I’d given it a try already.  We’re on an every Thursday night schedule for January and it’s beyond lovely.

We welcomed the New Year in with sparklers and a movie…and in the same PJs all day.  We kind of went all out.  Can you tell?

Mancala is my fave.  My Aunt Linda taught me how to play when I was little and I played it over and over and over again every time we went to visit.  When we were there at Thanksgiving she taught Harper…and life came around full circle.  She even sent Harper home with her own set.  And now we play almost every night.  It’s kind of the greatest thing ever and it makes my heart all happy like.

These two almost everyday at some point take my mind far into the future when they are little old men together.  It’s the sweetest.

Remember out new curtains that are really a shower curtain cut in half?  Yeah, so they are not nearly as good as our other curtains when it comes to playing hide-n-seek.  Sol didn’t have a chance.

What?  You wanted to see more random sleeping Amon pictures?  Well you’ve come to the right place.  A long Target trip proved to be just what this little random sleeper needed.  None of my kids ever, ever, ever did this.

I was working on a blog post at like 9:00AMish and he crawled up in my lap face down.  Next thing I heard was snores.  He does sleep at night.  And he does take a nap.  I don’t get it or understand it, but it’s really the funniest thing.  You never know when he’s going to fall asleep.  It’s like an on going game.

And #nopantsforlife

Tomorrow is a big day.  Huddy and Sol got hair cuts last Saturday and tomorrow it’s Harper and Amon’s turn.  Amon’s first haircut.  Goh!!!!!  I’ve already packed one thousand dum-dum suckers to try and keep him semi un-crazy and still.  I called in a friend to take on this grand task.  I figure if it goes horribly wrong she will still love us.

I like to purge.  I want our house to only hold things we love or need.  Last night I told Josh Kelley I was feeling smothered and I needed to clean out.  He was not surprised.  I started with my shoes 🙂

She.Is.My.Sanity.  The. End.

Maybe not The.End The. End because she also makes to-do lists.  And includes getting dressed.  And I like that.  And I like her.  Now, The.End.  For realz.

Happy Friday.