Archives for November 2012


I like happiness, but it’s definitely fleeting.  This weekend was one of real contentment.  Good, great, grand and wonderful contentment.  Glad to be right where we were, when we were.

Amon and I took a little siesta together on Friday.  Good Lord this boy is joy to my heart.

Harper lost her first tooth.  I want to call Time really, really bad names.  She cannot be old enough to lose a tooth.

The tooth fairy left two very sparkly dollar bills thanks to some sparkly nail polish.  Wink, wink.

A sweet customer gave us some awesome goodies.  These cupcakes were gone by the end of the weekend.  We’re a sweet eating family…we’re all weak.  Thank you so much Cheryl.

I broke down and bought baby food.  My life just got a tad bit easier.  I debated in my head about what was worth more to me currently…time or money?  Time won.  I’ll have to sell a few extra art pieces each month to pay for these tiny little helpings of food:)  I laugh because Amon is living the life…Harper, Huddy and Sol all ate Mom pureed cheap baby food.  Not Amon…time is of the essence.

Harper went to a little birthday party.  It was so sweet and nice and fun and low key.  I like low key.

I heart Face Time.  Like a lot.  A whole, whole lot.  Now we get to see my Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom anytime we like.  Too fun.

Amon’s new favorite toy is an empty packing tape roll.  This is clearly evidence of him being the 4th child.

These three crack my up.  Sol even more so.  He looks a bit hilariously threatening in this photo.

Jelly Bellys are a piece of heaven on earth.  They made Moonrise Kingdom even better…like that could even happen.  Great movie.  Made me cry.  Big drippy tears.

We went to pick out the kids’ 2012 ornaments.  The boys are set on either a superhero ornament or a Star Wars ornament.  Harper wants a tooth ornament.  They’re still thinking it over.

I bought this stocking 2 years ago for our next little boy.  And this year…he’s home.  I just cannot explain how this makes me feel.  God has been so gracious and merciful to us…and has blessed our socks off with Amon.  He is just incredible.

This is the most loveliest Nike sweatshirt ever.  It shall be mine.

Last night I got the craziest, sweetest, most thoughtful gift ever…that was totally not deserved at all.  You know my camera that is broken…that could not be fixed and was being shipped to Canon…well, I now have a brand new one thanks to some incredible people.  I am still floored and just beyond grateful.

The first thing I did was take a picture of our Christmas tree.  And my favorite new ornament a sweet reader mailed to me.

And we’re gearing up for a super fun Thanksgiving.  It’s going to be good.

Hope you all had a great weekend.  Get excited…it’s a holiday week.  Turkey and parades and football and pies and naps.  Sounds good to me.

Happy Monday!

Family Photos

I just could not not share a few of our recent family photos taken by the amazingly talented and wonderfully sweet Laci of Barefeet Photography.

They don’t need many words at all.  Laci captured everything so divinely and I am just too thankful for her and her talent.  Hope you enjoy and have a grand weekend.  Celebrate some today…it’s Friday.

These are all four of their favorite sleep animals {Braveheart Lion, Tubby the Hippo, Froggy the Frog & Snowy the Polar Bear}

Happy Friday everyone!


Well we finally heard from the camera doctor today and they couldn’t fix my camera.  *Insert big huge world wide internet sigh*  So now I am sending it off to Cannon to see if they can do something for her.  I really love my iPhone camera and it has come in super handy, but I really, like really really, want my regular camera back.  So here’s to hoping Cannon can work their magic.

In other completely unrelated Kelley news…for all of you that ask me quite a bit if Amon ever cries, here is some proof that he really does cry sometimes.  One little lonely tear.  He is one amazing baby and most definitely the happiest baby I’ve ever met, but yes, he does cry sometimes.  And no, I did not enhance/digitally lengthen his eyelashes.  And yes, I am tempted to put mascara on them because they are beautiful.

Fall is killing me…like the good killing me.  I love it so very very much.  I wish it could stay forever.

Ashley mailed me this super awesome scarf for my birthday.  I gladly sported it this morning.  Scarfs are one of those very underrated accessories that totally deserve more props then they get.

I wish everyone could meet Huddy in person.  Maybe I’ll do a little video interview with him.  He’s hilarious and sincere and sweet and absolutely never, ever, ever without his blades.  Ever.

As fall is killing me…so is this picture.  Melt this “Momma of Mostly Boys” heart.

My giveaway over at Dreaming Big Dreams ends tonight.  Up for grabs is a 4×12 Mumford and Sons canvas.  CLICK HERE to enter.  Thanks so much Jamie for asking me to participate.

Last night my small group met up after a long break.  Jess had these waiting for us.  Too fun.  We didn’t decide on what Bible study to do next, but we did have a very deep and enlightening conversation about iPhone apps.  Ha.  I just downloaded a little Christmas app for my shopping and I must say, I am rather pumped.

I finished up this 4×12 canvas for Renae in North Carolina.  Thanks so much Renae and hope you love it.

And while I was at it, I decided to make up a few extra canvases for purchase.  These (4) 4×12 canvases are for sale.  They are all very very similar so I will just mail you one of them.  If you are interested in purchasing one, just shoot me an email and let me know you would like to purchase one.  They will be sold first come, first serve…or first email, first serve.

**UPDATE:  All canvases have sold.**

Hope you guys have had a wonderful day.

Happy Thursday!

A Little Of This

Yep…I get to help parent these two.  They are crazy and wild and fun and challenging and sweet and a big twin ball of energy.  I’m a very lucky lady.  They look good in jerseys too.

There’s not much I like listening to more lately than Harper read.  Although a little Avett Brothers isn’t bad either.  Josh decided they make the perfect fall playlist.  I concur.

I may have a serious addiction to Face Time.  Best thing about the iPhone ever…ever.  And Ashley…she’s glorious.  I get to see her everyday…any time I please.  Hooray!

Never, ever, ever did I think I would be pureeing carrots for the fourth time around.  Long gone were the days of making baby food to save money.  Why, oh why, does baby food have to be so pricey?  Anyone have any money saving tips on buying baby food for cheap?

Should I be worried?

I decided to be daring yesterday and step outside my normal white sock routine.  Funky jazzy socks are pretty fun.

Amon was crying the other night while I was getting his bottle fixed.  He suddenly quit and when I came back I found this.  Sweet big brother Sol had figured out his own way to get Amon to calm down.  Inventive little boy.

My mom loved when the trees changed.  God’s handy work.  I stopped outside her bank to snap this today.  Some days a heavy heart is hard to shake, but God’s goodness is everywhere.

Yesterday we had a very successful home study.  Our social worker Lisa is the best.  We’ve known her for a long time now.  She remembers when Harper was little and Huddy and Sol were babies.  She was smitten with Amon, but who isn’t.

It’s about to get real.  To get ready for our home study Josh and I folded and put away maybe the largest pile of clothes ever in our house.  It was so dense & compacted it felt like a dead body was buried under there.  Let’s just say neither one of us has been good at keeping up with laundry lately.

Last night we had a super fun dinner.  Harper’s school had a spirit night at our local Chick-fil-a to help raise money for their school. You don’t have to twist my arm to eat at Chick-fil-a and not to have to fix dinner and to help raise funds for her awesome school.  We ended the night with smores.  {Insert raise the roof hands here.}  Harper is not a marshmallow fan and was cracking me up tonight.  Harper: “Wow I don’t like real smores, but I love microwaved smores.”  Yep.

I finished up two more orders.  This 12×12 canvas is headed to Emily in North Carolina.  Thanks so much Emily and hope you love it.  I kind of want to keep it for myself.

This 12×12 canvas is headed to Kristen here in Tennessee.  Hope this will be loved for years to come.  Thanks Kristen.

And my giveaway over at Dreaming Big Dreams is still going on.  CLICK HERE and enter to win a 4×12 Mumford & Sons canvas.  YippY!

Hope you have a great Wednesday.  Thanks for reading my little tiny piece of the internet.  You’re pretty amazing.

Happy Wednesday!

Storing Art Supplies + Giveaway

I know you all have just been on the edge of your seats for today’s post.  I’m sure some of you even set your alarms to get up super early and read about how we store our art supplies.  It’s a pretty hot topic.

Let me start off with yes, I do let my kids draw and cut and color and glue and watercolor and stamp at any point in the day…no permission needed.  No, that may not work for your family.  This is just what works for us and I do realize I probably let my kids handle some supplies and tools a bit early…and I paid for it sometimes…like when Huddy cut Sol’s hair when they were like 18-months-old right when our social worker was arriving for a visit.  Ha!  But I have put major time into teaching the wee Kelleys how to respect their art supplies and how to handle and use them correctly…like not using scissors to give each other haircuts.  Art supplies required responsibility  So do what works for you and your kiddos.  Different strokes, for different folks.  Right on!

So here’s the method to our crazy crafty madness.  Essentially we have two main containers that hold most of our craft supplies.  The bigger one holds some supplies that the wee Kelleys have to ask permission to get out and use.  It has two layers of supplies…yes, I am crazy when it comes to organizing.  It’s not healthy, but all of these items have to fit into this one container.  In the bottom is paint (acrylics & fingers paints…does not include watercolors), dot painters & rollers and embellishments.

The next layer consists of pipe cleaners, beads, string, glitter, confetti and pom poms.  I mainly take most items out of their original packaging and relocate them to zip-lock bags and beads and embellishments are stored in bead boxes with all the little fun compartments.

Pretty sure the first container stresses Josh Kelley out.

Kelley Family Fun Fact #88:  Josh Kelley hates and I mean H.A.T.E.S glitter.  How did we ever get together?!?!

The other container is smaller and shallow and hold supplies they can get out any time they would like…pastels, school glue, giant box of Crayolas, stickers and mini markers.

These both fit nicely on one of Harper’s low shelves in her closet.

We also have this killer piece of furniture that holds dvds, cds, camera gear and our tv sits on top.  My mom found it at a used furniture store for cheap…it was ugly…I painted it and voila…teal organizing loveliness.

The top middle drawer is the wee Kelleys…easily accessible for them.  It holds stamp sets, paper, notebooks and watercolors.

And lastly I use jars.  Lots and lots of jars.  The jars hold pencils, colored pencils, fat markers, skinny markers, twist up crayons, paintbrushes, regular crayons and Sharpies.

Then I use one small basket to hold the fat markers, skinny markers, regular crayons, paint brushes and colored pencil jars.  This basket is kept in the teal piece so the boys or Harper can get to it and any time.  All they have to do is pull the one basket out and put it on the table.

Harper’s room is downstairs right beside the kitchen/living room and dining room so the other jars of Sharpies, twistable crayons and pencils are kept in her room on their little table.  Along with a tape dispenser, a small basket that holds glues sticks, scissors and erasers and another girly bucket that hold’s different fun pens that have been specifically given to Harper at some point…like birthday, Christmas, etc or she bought them with her own money.

The boys are allowed to use their table in Harper’s room or go in and bring out any of the jars whenever they would like.  I also make them help with going through supplies…like testing markers and tossing all the ones that do not work anymore.  This is our test sheet.

And I do make them clean up after themselves…being an artist takes some responsibility…even on super crafty days when things get a little out of hand.  When they put up a fight, which sometimes they totally do…they’re kids, I just make it clear that if we can’t be responsible and clean up after ourselves, then we won’t be able to use our art supplies.  Usually that gets them going.  I tell them all the time, “I say what I mean and I mean what I say”, so art privileges have been revoked before.  Boom.

Hope this helps a bit…hope you feel empowered to let your wee ones get crafty…don’t be scared…you can do it.  Just find what works for your family and go for it…you may have a budding artist at your fingertips.

Happy Crafting!

PS:  I am a guest giveaway over at Dreaming Big Dreams today.  Up for grabs is one of my 4×12 “Where you invest your love” canvas.  Head over and enter to win.


I hope you had a great weekend.  We had a very lovely one.  The weather was amazing and we spent lots of time outside and enjoying being home all together.

We may have started gearing up for Christmas.  We have a pretty fun Thanksgiving planned, so we got a head start on Christmas since we won’t be around too much the week of Thanksgiving.

Harper had a super fun homework project.  She had to disguise a turkey.  Not sure if we did it right or not and she insisted on disguising him as a Christmas tree.  I feel like this turkey will totally survive Thanksgiving with this get up.

I finally got out our Thanksgiving books.  Yes, I am one of those moms who keeps all the holiday and season books on the highest shelf and brings them out only for the corresponding time.  Maybe it’s the teacher in me.

We’re still doing our thankful leaves.  Not really sure how I feel about Harper’s most recent leaf…a little friend…who is a boy…who she adores.  Not sure if Josh Kelley is going to survive this whole having a girl thing.

Amon sported some Baby Solomon clothes this weekend.  Oh the memories.  I only kept a few of my most favorite things all of my babies wore.  Sol was adorable in this little helicopter hoodie…Amon too.

I was able to get out and run a few errands alone.  Target revamped their $1 section…which should now be called the $1-$3 section.  Still amazing.

I got a pair of Sanuks for my birthday.  Hello shoes that feel like socks.  Hello shoes that should be worn by 80-year-old men.

Lots of chalk drawing.  I like a good fully covered sidewalk area.

This is Robin.  The wee Kelleys discovered him.  He is now in our kitchen…in a jar.  He’s visiting Harper’s classroom today, but don’t fret, he’ll be released when she gets home.

Amon loves his Dream Lite.  He is completely enamored with it.

Josh and I were big fans of the Dream Lite too…that is, until it went crazy and into some kind of flashing, non-stop rave mode and we could not get it to shut off.  We laid there in our grown-up bed watching it rave on.  All we needed were glow sticks and pacifier necklaces laced with something illegal.  Josh ended up having to take the batteries out.

Huddy is by far my most inventive child.  Enough said.

And after posting this picture on Facebook a friend asked about how I store the kids art supplies.  I gave an answer and when we started cleaning up, I realized there was much more of a method to our crafty madness.  Thus leading to an entire post devoted to how I store the wee Kelleys craft supplies for tomorrow.  Riveting, I know.

Hope your weekend was lovely too.  Let the week begin.

Happy Monday.

Ready For The Weekend

My camera is still at the camera doctor.  I’m hoping it can be fixed.  If not, I may hold a small gathering of spiritual people and lay hands on it.  It seriously needs to be fixed.

Yesterday in Harper’s folder I found a sheet she did in class.  I am at the point in parenting a school aged kid where you have to draw a line in the sand on what you keep and what you toss, in fear that your house will be overtaken with paper products.  I decided this was definitely a keep.

Amon is super hilarious on his little activity mat.  Sometimes he just won’t let go of the rings…even when he’s flipping over.  Maybe he’ll be a gymnast…rings being his specialty.

I opened the most amazing birthday package yesterday.  It was divine and filled with too many lovely things.  It was hard to pick a favorite item because they were all perfect and amazing and thoughtful, but this one had my heart.  Sara…I’m just not sure what to say anymore.  You are too good to me.  Truly, truly, thank you!

I’m about to get real.  Currently our sink looks like this…and has all day.  Did you mini throw up in your mouth about the milk?  I did.

Today was just one of those days that was long and makes you want to go to bed at 6pm.  We had doctors appointments starting at 9am and minus going home for lunch we were hanging out with medical professionals until 4pm.

Huddy was actually the first one up for a doctor’s visit today.  He has some kind of funk going on so he had to get blood drawn.  That part was not pretty.  We discovered that Huddy does not do well at seeing blood.  This was good to know later in the day when they took like 10 viles of blood from Amon.  #notexaggerating

He bounced back though.

We took a break at home for lunch and then hit the road again for Amon’s appointments at Vandy.  Before we left the boys were showing Amon his Dream Lite.  Dream Lites are the bomb.

Amon was amazing at all of his doctors visits.  I know I am a bit partial, but I just have never seen a kid be and act and do and handle and deal like he does.  He’s just simply amazing.

He has this pesky little blood clot in his jugular.  I know…seriously.  We were hoping after his ultrasound today that we would be done with his blood thinner shots.  Unfortunately, we had to get a refill.  I was a bit bummed, but we’ll talk with his team on Monday and decide our next steps.

When we were finally ready to leave Vandy for the second time today…yes, we left and then were called to come back in for his refill meds…Huddy, Sol and myself were done…and tired…and hungry.  After getting Amon’s prescription I hunted down some snacks.  I was super excited to find a spicy trail mix to help stabilize my emotions.  I’m so weak.

As we waited for valet to bring our car around for the 2nd time today, the boys entertained themselves with this fish.  I do so love Vandy’s children’s hospital.  It really is a gift.  Everyone is sweet and kind and goes out of their way to help.  I’m thankful we have this place for our kids.  It’s a blessing.

And maybe the most fun part of my day was an all day long text message with Courtney.  It all began way early this morning when I asked her to pick me up a headband when she went to Christmas Village tonight.  Several text messages later…all of which had nothing to do with the headband…she asked what my favorite color was.  I didn’t know she was asking for headband purposes.  And so began our entire day long text game of 157 questions.  It wasn’t really 157 questions, but that number was funny to me and it was a lot.  I now am confident Courtney and I could go on The Newlywed Game show and dominate.  Yes, it still exists.  No, I haven’t seen it.  Thank you Google.

Hope you have a great weekend.  Rest up.

Happy Friday.

All Over The Place

My blogs are always so random.  I was super excited when yesterday’s post was so focused on one thing.  Even though that one thing was Huddy and Sol’s haircuts…a bit lame…but at least I narrowed the subject down.  Today I come before you with yet another random collection from our life, but isn’t that exactly what life is…random goodness.

Last week was super full of birthday celebrating which resulted in not one completed order.  I knew I had to get back on the ball.  These two canvases are headed to Emily in Texas.  An 8×24 Today I Will Choose Joy canvas…

And an 11×14 It Is Well With My Soul canvas.  Thanks so much for your order Emily.  Truly appreciate it.

Huddy is home sick today.  Like Sol, I want to quarantine him.  Maybe put him in a bubble fashioned from zip-lock bags…probably freezer ones…they seem stronger.  He’s rocking a fever and not much of an appetite.  He said this was his finger puppet…clever.

No joke…he fell asleep just like this…on our hardwood floors…sword in hand.  He’s kind of pitiful and I told you his blade love affair was serious.

Most definitely a Future Caped Crusader.  His super power will be killer eyes.

Book orders are serious business…not to be taken lightly at all.  We could probably keep Scholastic up and running and flourishing all on our own.  I should probably buy stock.  Do they even have Scholastic stock?  If they don’t, they should.  I could finally use my “stocks” app.

I love taking her to school.  And I hope she’s always okay with me walking her in and holding her hand.

I was working in my craft room last night and found last year’s birthday card from my Mom.  This month has been a tough one.  Cried and smiled about the card.  I miss her like crazy.

Janet has been bringing the pain in zumba lately.  My most fun days of the week are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  Thank you Janet for always being stellar.

And speaking of hot ladies…should Halloween candy really look like this?  I blushed a bit.

I brought my A game for dinner last night…apples, carrots and cheese & crackers…on paper towels.  I have zero shame…I like to keep dinner super classy.

They love each other fiercely, but can also fight the hardest.  Sol was aggravating Huddy yesterday and I could see Huddy getting mad.  Then in his most angry tone he said, “Quit, you funky face.”  Burn.  I wish adults called each other funky face.

She loves books…always has.  And now books just got even better.  #wehaveareader  Easy readers here we come.

It was clearly a very intense movie…Monsters Inc…one of our favorites.  And no, they don’t stand too close to the tv at all.  Ha!  I guess intensity requires closeness.

My camera has finally gone to see the camera doctor.  I hope she gets fixed.  I miss her.  Hope you all are having a great day.  You know tomorrow is Friday?  Hooray.

Happy Thursday.