All Over The Place

My blogs are always so random.  I was super excited when yesterday’s post was so focused on one thing.  Even though that one thing was Huddy and Sol’s haircuts…a bit lame…but at least I narrowed the subject down.  Today I come before you with yet another random collection from our life, but isn’t that exactly what life is…random goodness.

Last week was super full of birthday celebrating which resulted in not one completed order.  I knew I had to get back on the ball.  These two canvases are headed to Emily in Texas.  An 8×24 Today I Will Choose Joy canvas…

And an 11×14 It Is Well With My Soul canvas.  Thanks so much for your order Emily.  Truly appreciate it.

Huddy is home sick today.  Like Sol, I want to quarantine him.  Maybe put him in a bubble fashioned from zip-lock bags…probably freezer ones…they seem stronger.  He’s rocking a fever and not much of an appetite.  He said this was his finger puppet…clever.

No joke…he fell asleep just like this…on our hardwood floors…sword in hand.  He’s kind of pitiful and I told you his blade love affair was serious.

Most definitely a Future Caped Crusader.  His super power will be killer eyes.

Book orders are serious business…not to be taken lightly at all.  We could probably keep Scholastic up and running and flourishing all on our own.  I should probably buy stock.  Do they even have Scholastic stock?  If they don’t, they should.  I could finally use my “stocks” app.

I love taking her to school.  And I hope she’s always okay with me walking her in and holding her hand.

I was working in my craft room last night and found last year’s birthday card from my Mom.  This month has been a tough one.  Cried and smiled about the card.  I miss her like crazy.

Janet has been bringing the pain in zumba lately.  My most fun days of the week are Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.  Thank you Janet for always being stellar.

And speaking of hot ladies…should Halloween candy really look like this?  I blushed a bit.

I brought my A game for dinner last night…apples, carrots and cheese & crackers…on paper towels.  I have zero shame…I like to keep dinner super classy.

They love each other fiercely, but can also fight the hardest.  Sol was aggravating Huddy yesterday and I could see Huddy getting mad.  Then in his most angry tone he said, “Quit, you funky face.”  Burn.  I wish adults called each other funky face.

She loves books…always has.  And now books just got even better.  #wehaveareader  Easy readers here we come.

It was clearly a very intense movie…Monsters Inc…one of our favorites.  And no, they don’t stand too close to the tv at all.  Ha!  I guess intensity requires closeness.

My camera has finally gone to see the camera doctor.  I hope she gets fixed.  I miss her.  Hope you all are having a great day.  You know tomorrow is Friday?  Hooray.

Happy Thursday.


  1. even though your camera is broken, your photos still look great!

  2. i enjoy your random posts. 🙂 You had me laughing out loud at Funky Face. that’s hilarious! Huddy looks so cute sleeping on the floor – reminds me of my son. The card from your mom is so sweet…

  3. your random posts go well with my ADD 🙂

  4. I love randomness! it makes me smile!

  5. Loved it! 🙂

  6. Laura,
    I lost my mom two weeks ago, so when you put up the card with your mom’s handwriting…tears. It’s the little things like that that make me miss her like crazy and make me proud to be her daughter. I can “hear” that in your writing and even though we’ve never met I appreciate not walking this road alone. Hugs, friend. Major hugs.

  7. Love the canvases! They’re so happy. I had to laugh @ your dinner…we eat lunch (and sometimes dinner too!) like that around here a lot….after all, it has everything they like, is super easy to make and clean up…no sense in dirtying up a plate!

  8. Okay… here’s my random comment to your random post… I have GOT to own one of your “Joy” canvases! It’s on my wish list for birthdays or Christmas or Mother’s Day or a Tuesday… whatever comes first! 🙂 Sick babies are no fun… glad he’s getting some sleep… even if it is on the floor! Book fair time totally rocks! I loved ordering books for my classroom kiddies and am already looking forward to ordering fun books for my girl! The card from your mom tugged at my heart… you are a delight! Way to go zumba chick! Keep it up and they’ll be putting you on the Avengers candy sticks box! 😉 Have a great weekend!

  9. Just dropping by to say “Hey” and leave a little love for you, Laura. Am I the only person that looks at that photo of Amon and sees a little brown Baby Jesus?! That yellow circle under his head looks like the halo’s in old paintings of Mary and Baby Jesus! He is just so precious! Saying some prayers for Huddy to Heal and for Divine Protection over Baby Amon. My heart hurts when I think about your sweet Mama and how much you miss her. But, I believe she’s always right there with you! Consider yourself Hugged! ~ Jo
    P.S. I’m likely going to leave this life soon, due to tumors on my brain stem. And, when I meet your Mom in Heaven, I will give her a big Hug from you! I don’t get out much and I live alone, so I come here to PPA for a good dose of Love and Joy and Kindness each day. You always provide all of that and so much more! (Betcha’ didn’t know about THAT Random Act of Kindness, huh?!) : )

  10. I look forward to seeing a new post pop up from you. You’re story has touched my heart over and over. I dedicated a nursery design for Amon on my blog. I’d love to link the post to your blog so that others can learn about Amon and your beautiful artwork. Please check it out and let me know.

    Trusting in His amazing grace,


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