
I like happiness, but it’s definitely fleeting.  This weekend was one of real contentment.  Good, great, grand and wonderful contentment.  Glad to be right where we were, when we were.

Amon and I took a little siesta together on Friday.  Good Lord this boy is joy to my heart.

Harper lost her first tooth.  I want to call Time really, really bad names.  She cannot be old enough to lose a tooth.

The tooth fairy left two very sparkly dollar bills thanks to some sparkly nail polish.  Wink, wink.

A sweet customer gave us some awesome goodies.  These cupcakes were gone by the end of the weekend.  We’re a sweet eating family…we’re all weak.  Thank you so much Cheryl.

I broke down and bought baby food.  My life just got a tad bit easier.  I debated in my head about what was worth more to me currently…time or money?  Time won.  I’ll have to sell a few extra art pieces each month to pay for these tiny little helpings of food:)  I laugh because Amon is living the life…Harper, Huddy and Sol all ate Mom pureed cheap baby food.  Not Amon…time is of the essence.

Harper went to a little birthday party.  It was so sweet and nice and fun and low key.  I like low key.

I heart Face Time.  Like a lot.  A whole, whole lot.  Now we get to see my Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom anytime we like.  Too fun.

Amon’s new favorite toy is an empty packing tape roll.  This is clearly evidence of him being the 4th child.

These three crack my up.  Sol even more so.  He looks a bit hilariously threatening in this photo.

Jelly Bellys are a piece of heaven on earth.  They made Moonrise Kingdom even better…like that could even happen.  Great movie.  Made me cry.  Big drippy tears.

We went to pick out the kids’ 2012 ornaments.  The boys are set on either a superhero ornament or a Star Wars ornament.  Harper wants a tooth ornament.  They’re still thinking it over.

I bought this stocking 2 years ago for our next little boy.  And this year…he’s home.  I just cannot explain how this makes me feel.  God has been so gracious and merciful to us…and has blessed our socks off with Amon.  He is just incredible.

This is the most loveliest Nike sweatshirt ever.  It shall be mine.

Last night I got the craziest, sweetest, most thoughtful gift ever…that was totally not deserved at all.  You know my camera that is broken…that could not be fixed and was being shipped to Canon…well, I now have a brand new one thanks to some incredible people.  I am still floored and just beyond grateful.

The first thing I did was take a picture of our Christmas tree.  And my favorite new ornament a sweet reader mailed to me.

And we’re gearing up for a super fun Thanksgiving.  It’s going to be good.

Hope you all had a great weekend.  Get excited…it’s a holiday week.  Turkey and parades and football and pies and naps.  Sounds good to me.

Happy Monday!


  1. Wishing you and your family a happy and holy Thanksgiving – GOD IS GOOD!

  2. Tara Jewell says:

    I love reading your posts….you are so full of normal good ol’ love and sweetness! I saw a church sign a few weeks back that reminded me of you…. “The worth of an anchor is found in the storm.” Have a fabulous Monday! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Amon has got to be the sweetest thing. Ever. Okay… I need to know… what’s up with the Thanksgiving bags for the big wee Kelleys? Out of the blue happies are the best kind – so glad you’ve got a new camera and a beautiful ornament! Hope ya’ll have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Laura and Family! You are so blessed and such a joy to so many of us! Your post ALWAYS make me smile! Love you, Girl!

  5. My little girl lost a tooth this week too and I know exactly how you feel about her not being old enough. I love the sparkly dollar – wish I had seen that before our tooth fairy had been in action the last two years! Just want you to know your family has blessed me and I know that might be crazy not even knowing you but God is good like that. By the way, I’m the one whose Africa shirt got burned while we were in Africa and I still sleep in it because it makes me happy 🙂

  6. I was just thinking I would chip in if someone was organizing to get you a new camera – but someone else already thought of it! 🙂 Since I love my own camera, I felt your pain without yours. It makes me happy that you have a new one! Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

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