
I hope you had a great weekend.  We had a very lovely one.  The weather was amazing and we spent lots of time outside and enjoying being home all together.

We may have started gearing up for Christmas.  We have a pretty fun Thanksgiving planned, so we got a head start on Christmas since we won’t be around too much the week of Thanksgiving.

Harper had a super fun homework project.  She had to disguise a turkey.  Not sure if we did it right or not and she insisted on disguising him as a Christmas tree.  I feel like this turkey will totally survive Thanksgiving with this get up.

I finally got out our Thanksgiving books.  Yes, I am one of those moms who keeps all the holiday and season books on the highest shelf and brings them out only for the corresponding time.  Maybe it’s the teacher in me.

We’re still doing our thankful leaves.  Not really sure how I feel about Harper’s most recent leaf…a little friend…who is a boy…who she adores.  Not sure if Josh Kelley is going to survive this whole having a girl thing.

Amon sported some Baby Solomon clothes this weekend.  Oh the memories.  I only kept a few of my most favorite things all of my babies wore.  Sol was adorable in this little helicopter hoodie…Amon too.

I was able to get out and run a few errands alone.  Target revamped their $1 section…which should now be called the $1-$3 section.  Still amazing.

I got a pair of Sanuks for my birthday.  Hello shoes that feel like socks.  Hello shoes that should be worn by 80-year-old men.

Lots of chalk drawing.  I like a good fully covered sidewalk area.

This is Robin.  The wee Kelleys discovered him.  He is now in our kitchen…in a jar.  He’s visiting Harper’s classroom today, but don’t fret, he’ll be released when she gets home.

Amon loves his Dream Lite.  He is completely enamored with it.

Josh and I were big fans of the Dream Lite too…that is, until it went crazy and into some kind of flashing, non-stop rave mode and we could not get it to shut off.  We laid there in our grown-up bed watching it rave on.  All we needed were glow sticks and pacifier necklaces laced with something illegal.  Josh ended up having to take the batteries out.

Huddy is by far my most inventive child.  Enough said.

And after posting this picture on Facebook a friend asked about how I store the kids art supplies.  I gave an answer and when we started cleaning up, I realized there was much more of a method to our crafty madness.  Thus leading to an entire post devoted to how I store the wee Kelleys craft supplies for tomorrow.  Riveting, I know.

Hope your weekend was lovely too.  Let the week begin.

Happy Monday.