Serious Cookie Business

Today I have a bunch of prep for tomorrow’s class and the first thing on my list was a little sweet treat.  Then after making the treat, I ate 7, text a friend and said she had to come get some cookies because they were THAT good, she came over, confirmed my tasty suspicion and then I knew I must report to you guys asap so you can make these as well and eat 7 too.  I can’t be alone in this people.

So here’s the cookie low down.  I found this sugar cookie recipe on Pinterest, but instead of flattening the cookies like the recipe suggest, I just cookie scooped them out and moved on.  I baked them for 10 minutes on parchment paper.  I’m kind of an all the time parchment paper user for my cookies, so there’s that.  I used the icing recipe she suggests in her comments.  Whenever I find a recipe on the internet I always, always read the comments…they typically provide helpful information.  So that’s where I found the icing recipe.  I actually doubled the dough recipe, but did not double the icing recipe.  Once I made the icing I put it in a microwave safe bowl and heated it up for 30 seconds.  I gave it a quick stir and started dipping the tops of all the cookies…every 3 cookies I stopped and sprinkled, then continued on.  Reheat the icing as necessary.

You must, I mean like you really must, make these right now and share because cookies make people smile.  I laughed so hard last night over dessert with a grieving friend about how we wanted a shirt that read “Sugar Heals”.  Ahhhhhh.  These are the healing kind of cookies.


This cookie recipe.  Don’t flatten.  Use the icing recipe in the comments section (the vanilla frosting one).  Melt icing for 30 seconds.  Dip to tops of the cookies.  Every 3 cookies sprinkle or not, but you “or not” people are crazy.  Eat 7.  And share.

Happy Friday!


  1. Rebecca says:

    I wish you lived closer. Now I’m craving cookies 🙁 .

  2. Nita McAdoo says:

    Ok. I just made these cookies, Jiminy Cricket are they good! The only thing I changed was to use almond flavoring instead of vanilla. I iced them with a cream cheese frosting. I’m hooked. Thank you for sharing this easy and delicious cookie!

  3. Made these and they taste delicious but my flatten out on their own when they cook. How do you get them to stay in a little ball?


  1. […] became all re-smitten with THESE cookies as I got everything ready Saturday.  Then I had a little photo shoot with the plate of […]

  2. […] going to make THESE really soon.  I’ve been thinking about them a lot lately.  I just re-read that last […]

  3. […] finally made THESE again and be still my cookie loving heart.  They are just the grandest.  I’m totally […]

  4. Faves says:

    […] These cookies.  Oh man, oh man.  They are speaking to me.  I’ll probably dream about them tonight. […]

  5. […] I did major cooking for the party.  I kind of just love for people to fill our house and eat.  I never want there to be lacking in the food department so I am an over-preparer.  I made sausage balls with hot sausage…always, ham & swiss poppyseed rolls, chips with salsa and queso…let’s be honest, this trio will be in heaven, a veggie plate, gooey butter cake, Nutter Butter Balls dipped in white chocolate, my favorite chocolate chip cookies and THE BEST iced sugar cookies. […]

  6. Tuesdayness says:

    […] weekend I made THESE cookies.  If you haven’t made them yet, please please please do.  They are like tiny […]

  7. […] before baking.  You know, to valentines them up a bit.  I also had all my supplies out to make MY FAVORITE SUGAR COOKIES IN ALL THE LAND…yes, the capitalization is completely necessary…and then for some reason unbeknownst to me, […]

  8. Alas! says:

    […] making THESE at some point today.  I just can’t quit them and I’m going to give heart shapes and a […]

  9. Hi! says:

    […] the Help Center down the road stocked  This week I made cookies.  And not just any cookies but THESE cookies.  Just make them.  They are my go-to.  They are my favorite.  They are always and […]

  10. […]  We did however continue on in our tradition of books and beans (jellybeans) for Valentines and one of my all time favorite cookies […]

  11. […] and fruit.  Pink gatorade, by her request, and an array of pink candies.  There we’re our favorite iced sugar cookies hombred in shades of pink, chocolate cupcakes with pink icing and all the sprinkles and ice-cream. […]

  12. […] to share with her friends at school, our go-to crockpot chicken noodle soup for dinner and our most favorite iced sugar cookies for everyone to decorate after dinner.  Yes, yes, yes and […]

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