Insta Friday

What a week.  It’s been a crazy and good one, that’s for sure.  And I’m pumped for a long weekend.  So here’s some Instagram pics from the past week.  If you want to follow along I’m pitterpatterart.

He kind of only wears stripes.  Like all the times.  Smiles and stripes is his go-to look…and I’m totally cool with that.

Amon love the Kitchen Aid stand mixer.  They are bffs…4-life!

Posted my first ever sun rise/sun set picture on Instagram.  I kind of didn’t have a choice.  It was around 5am and the sky looked on fire…crazy, amazing on fire.  I even stopped and got out of my car to take it.  I made sure there were no cars coming…safety first when Instagramming.

Snickerdoodles are pretty much love in baked good form.  And baked goods can change the world…or at least make your principal and vice principal feel awesome.

I told Harper she could have anything she wanted for dinner since we were celebrating the last day of school.  She said, “Anything?”  I said, “Anything.”  Rainbow waffles it was.  I like her.

I just mixed up the waffle mix, divided it out into however many bowls I needed for each color, added the food coloring and then just randomly dumped the different colors onto our waffle maker.  Totally easy.  Everyone declared they were the best waffles I’ve ever made.  Of course they were.

And the aftermath of the last day of school and soccer practice and rainbow waffles and a late night baseball game.  There are so many dishes in the pile…ugh…time to get washing.

Hope you have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.  I sooooo love a long weekend.  Enjoy.

Happy Friday.

Local Info + Insta Friday

All you local folks…Tennesseans call people ‘folks’ sometimes, but I digress…Friends are having a big adoption carnival, bake sale and silent auction this Saturday.  You can get all the details HERE.  This 4×12 Mumford & Sons canvas will be in their silent auction.  Go and spend some moola.

And this is a shameless ploy to locals in our area, but we are still looking for a house or land in Goodlettsville.  We’re all over Realtracs and watch it like a hawk, but are also looking for houses or land for sale by owner.  If you have something or know of someone who does, I would so love additional info.  Thank you so much.

  Okay, so on to Instagram pics for the week.  You can find me by pitterpatterart.  Amon kind of ruled my feed this week.

Teal hair + pink hair + silly only lady child = big like.

I promise he’s not always pantless.  Pretty often, but not always.  Sleeping with no pants though, is kind of glorious.

I call this one “pantless baby stuck in laundry basket”.  #pantlessagain

Star Wars and cosmic bowling and foam noodles…tucking this little combination away in my mom file.  Crazy good fun.

BTW:  Zero filter here.  Cosmic bowling is way trippy.  I really wanted to break out my Pink Floyd black light posters and incense.

He was playing the role of a pantless, award winning accountant this day.  #pantlessagainagain

The best running shoes ever…like ever ever…Brooks Pure Flows, have been discontinued.  Jami wants me to make a complaint to go along with hers.  I got lucky…like lucky lucky…to find a rare size 7 online after weeks of looking.  I considered it a good day.

He only sort of kind of liked the Oreo I let him have.

I die.  His cuteness is too much.  #pantlessagainagainagain

They are wearing their bikes out.  And I love it.

Josh having to work at night means I get him during the day.  Windows down and me in the passenger seat.  Rare & Awesome.

Hardworking legs and feet.

It feels like the doctors appointments never end, but I am incredibly grateful for good medical care, health insurance and a resilient kid.  We are blessed.

Campbell played the best big bad wolf ever.  She was awesome and Amon was slightly terrified of his wolf cousin.

Hey Time, why don’t you come a little closer so I can punch you in the face.

Whew!  That was a lot of pictures and a lot of pantlessness.  Now I’m off to enjoy the day with my 3 little Kelley boys.  There is stuff to do and fun to be had.  I hope you have a wonderful weekend.  I hope it is crazy grand.

Happy Friday.

Crazy Friday.

Today has been nutso…yesterday too…and how about we just count the whole week as crazy.  Life just never seems to slow down…or I don’t let it.  Grocery shopping and Mother’s Day shopping.  Teacher appreciation week prepping and working on lots of orders.  Soccer, soccer and more soccer.  Broken bones and falls into thorn bushes on bikes and bleeding foreheads.  Almost every meal on the go.  I only cooked twice this week…and by cook I mean we had a chicken noodle soup mix one night with a can of chicken and tonight I’m doing tacos.  The rest of the week we snacked for dinner or grabbed something at the ballpark.  We have been all over the place.  And some of it was documented on my beloved Instagram.

Legos.  They’re all pretty passionate about legos.  I love that they have finally let go a bit and ventured into building without the booklet.  They still follow step by step booklet instructions, but now they will build at will too and with confidence.

Have you heard of MighteeKids?  They’re amazing.  I love everything they stand for.  Last month’s tee supported autism awareness…this month’s tee is helping send soccer balls and build soccer fields in Africa.  Check it out and let your kiddos rock some supportive and way cool tees.

These two.  Sigh.

Finished up my 50 miles this week.  Decided to go for 75 this month.  I’m already doubting myself, but we’ll give it a go and see what happens.

They have this crazy infectious love for each other.  I absolutely adore watching their relationship grow and take shape.

Sol still hates the boot, but decided to keep it classy one day.

For those of you wondering…the 6:45 bedtime did happen.  It was magic.  Like rainbows and unicorns kind of magic.  Harper and I “peacing out” as she headed off to bed.

A custom key fob order.  And a whole lot of truth that I needed to write over and over and over again.

Key fobs for days.

Confession time…mini red velvet cheesecakes…last night…10:30pm…homemade whip cream…good golly…it was lovely…and glorious…and I had to make sure they weren’t poisonous.

Realized today I need to pick up another #6…not grooving on the satanic vibe we’re rockin’ right now in our dining room 🙂

And while waiting for our oil to be changed on the van today I took this picture of the boys.  Sol asked to see it and upon seeing the photo he said, “Huddy looks gorgeous.”  He’s a keeper and a possible shoe in for funniest superlative of his future high school.

I’m pitterpatterart on Instagram if you want to follow along during the week.  Hope your weekend is crazy grand.

Happy Friday!

Holla…It’s Friday

I’m pretty pumped it’s Friday.  No soccer tonight.  We’re probably going to do our ritual of pizza and a movie.  It’s just what we do…and it’s pretty darn glorious.  The weekend is pretty low key too which is always a plus.

So here’s my instagram from the week.  If you want to follow along I’m pitterpatterart.

Haircuts.  They were far overdue.  Both boys hit up the barber shop and we’re looking crazy good when they left.  And if you cannot tell, Sol loathes having his hair picked out…kind of like I loathe cooking and laundry and ants.  We’re loathers…together.

Amon still only has two teeth, but that PB & Jelly sandwich stuck to the roof of his mouth makes him looks like he has way more.  Wishful thinking.

I’m almost at my 50 miles for this month and may, just may go a little over.  Some of my running/crossfit people are considering doing a Tough Mudder.  Anyone done one?  If so, how was it?  Any tips for race day you would like to pass along would be awesome.

I like him.  A lot.  A lot, a lot, a lot.

I cheated this week.  I sent Ashley the picture along with my confession.  She then used my cheat to make eating a piece of cookie cake okay.  We have issues.  What’s one to do when eating yummy frozen yogurt will result in raising money for your kids beloved school?  Well, I took one for the team and obliged.

I expected the worse from this situation and it actually turned out okay.  I was shocked.

They’re crazy and blurry and totally messes, but my heart is full to the tippy top.  They’re good kiddos.

He’s mine.  Try and not be too jealous.  Josh Kelley, I married you for all the right reasons.  The bow tie is one of them.

Betsy is running the Country Music 1/2 tomorrow.  They are expecting cold weather and thunderstorms.  Betsy, you should probably just meet me at Starbucks and call it a day.  I kid.  She going to totally rock it.

My goods from the Strawberry Patch barn sale.  Minus the most amazing old green chippy paint box that is going to be our new coffee table.  It’s so lovely.

And I’m working on a 1st birthday gift today.  My small group always ropes me into signature gifts…like Jess and her darn sleep sheep 🙂  Name pillows have become my signature 1st birthday gift now too.  Makes shopping easy.

Hope you have a grand grand weekend.  Pretty excited the weekend is finally here.

Happy Friday!

A Great Insta Friday

Insta Fridaying it up late tonight.  I’m pitterpatterart if you want to follow along.  This week was a good one, but today was the best.

Things I love about this picture:  A)  That there were Combos in Harper’s class treasure box, B)  That Harper picked Combos out of her class treasure box and C)  Harper was thrilled with her choice and could not wait to eat the Combos from her class treasure box 🙂

He can be so incredibly serious…studying and dissecting everything and with a flip of a switch he becomes the silliest boy in the house.

Target shopping, Mom/Anchor tattoo wearing, smiley boy.  I’m lucky.  He’s mine.

Their brotherness is the best.

Huddy so sweetly left flowers for me in the car…they were just for me.

Who wouldn’t dig him creepin’ on you in the car rider line?!?!

They are going to be really good old men together.  I can’t tell you how hard I pray for their brotherhood and bond…that they would always remain thick as thieves and best friends.  That they would always love each other fiercely.

Noonday Collection arm party.  It was a good day.

Boston running love with Jami and Betsy.  Jesus just has to be enough.

Baby sweat pants are the bomb.

Josh had to work last night, so he got to go into work late.  We pulled a double run day.  I especially like that it was so bright I cut Josh and Amon out of the picture.  I’m clearly very vain.

And the best part of this Insta Friday…hands down…Baby Delaney.  Courtney rocked child birth and Delaney arrived today.  She’s beautiful and incredible.  I am so proud of Courtney.  One day I’ll tell Delaney about the joy and hope she brought with her.

So here’s to a super grand weekend.  I hope you have a great one.

Happy Friday night!

Insta Friday

Right now in my head is that horribly amazing song…”It’s Friday, Friday.  Gotta get down on Friday…Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday.  Today is Friday, Friday…”  Oh you know the one.  And just for the record, I had to google “Friday song lyrics” to know exactly what they were.  Don’t want to lose street cred or anything.

So here’s the run down on my PPA instagram feed this week.  If you want to follow along I’m pitterpatterart.  Just a heads up, there may be a bit of TMI…you’ll know it’s coming when you see the anchor coffee mug with a tea bag…just turn your head and scroll.  You’re really thinking, “Oh wow, this is going to be good.”  Well, I have a hunch it will at least induce a bit of laughter…at my expense.

Let’s begin.

THIS.CHILD.  Rockin’ yellow stripes and camo…being a trendsetter with freshly washed and combed, tame hair.  And a killer smile to boot.  I adore him.

Be still my heart.  Sour Jelly Bellys are my most favorite, favorite, favorite.  And the cotton candy ones too.  Please give them a shot…they deserve it.

I always imagined myself the mom of 4 boys…came up 1 short, but I suppose Harper will do 🙂

Snowcones were a must after every soccer game last year…same for this year, until they bumped the price up to $3 a snowcone.  “Are you for real?  I owe you $9?”  I didn’t even have enough money to pay.  Good thing Aunt Jen was close by and gave us a snowcone loan.  We’re going to be re-evaluating our after game snowcone ritual.

Picture day with balloons and fantastic weather and an incredible photographer even with two sick kids can still equal lovely photographs.  Cheyenne is the proof.

TMI time.  I don’t like coffee or tea at all.  I’ve never even had hot tea until this week.  My friend Brea gave me this healthy hot tea to try.  I was game based on all the benefits she told me about it.  It wasn’t bad…just like lightly flavored water.  Flash forward…I almost pooped my pants while running.  We’re talking full on stomach in knots…I need to walk a bit to get this under control…I may not make it back to my car…should I go poop in the bushes?  My running ladies – Jami and Betsy – Jami semi enjoying the humor in how bad I had to go and Betsy being more concerned with how I was feeling.  {They are both laughing right now, I know it.}  Turns out the tea was a DETOX tea.  Yes, Brea forgot to mention this part…which was kind of important, considering it caused all kinds of spontaneous bowel movement and made me think I had the stomach virus again.  And…you’re welcome.

The weather has been off the hook.  Outside time constantly.  Quilts out, shoes off, play in full swing.

Even our weeds are jammin’.

Swoon.  Sigh.  Swoon again.

Tuesday nights totally deserve sparklers…totally.

Josh had to work one night this week, so he got to hang with us at home for a bit during the day.  Lunch with all my favorite guys made my day.

Representin’.  We’re Oakland fans…me by default because I married Josh Kelley.  Huddy may even be named after a past Oakland pitcher.

Found him just hanging out on the scale.  He’s clearly concerned with his recent weight loss due to the stomach virus.

And date night.  Lovely, lovely, unexpected date night.  I like you Josh Kelley.

Tomorrow I’ll post the winners of my stationary giveaway…there’s still time to ENTER.  Also, a new giveaway will be posted too…one that involves adoption and running.  Check back tomorrow.

Happy Friday.

Insta Friday

Word up, it’s Friday.  Everyone is feeling way better today…praise Jesus.  I dare say we may all even be back to our 100% stomach virus free selves.  I thoroughly enjoyed all the emails and comments about kids puking in cars.  Completely hilarious.  Thanks for making me feel so much better.  I especially loved our friend Chris’ comment on Facebook, “And the smell of puke in a car as it gets warm in the sun.”  Well, that made things way better.  Bring on the hot weather.

So it’s Insta Friday.  I know you are all on the edge of your seats…I kid.  I know I’m kind of a big dork…I’m cool with that.  I’m pitterpatterart if you want to check out my crazy feed during the week.

Harper asked if I would make her a special shirt for The Color Run.  Done and done.  I adore this rainbow chevron fabric by Riley Blake.

I kind of love these before The Color Run pictures.  I think my favorite part is Huddy doing the double bird shooting guns.  I haven’t quite figured out why but, he does a lot of pointing with his middle fingers and dances with his middle fingers waving in the air or bobbing up and down.  It’s kind of awesome.

I finished up my 70 miles on Easter.  It was no easy feat.  Harper ran with me…in the rain.  This month I was shooting for 60 miles because life is a bit crazy for April, but then after the week we just had, I’m dropping it to 50.  So far I’m off to a zero miles start.  Dang you stomach virus.  We’ll see how it goes.

This guy.  I like him.

Even though he wasn’t feeling well, he was a great post office assistant.  It resulted in a sucker from Mrs. Betty our favorite post office lady.  She’s good to us.

Sol was a bit baffled as to what to do home alone with only Amon.  He ended up missing everyone and so he made them all mail.  He’s a good one.

Amon believes only is long, slobbery, open-mouthed kisses.  They’re amazingly stellar.

Huddy is a beast.  He is so funny and fun and creative and has the kindest heart and went completely untouched by the stomach virus.  We were all miserable and there he was right in the middle…just being Huddy.

So you wake up looking pretty H.O.T when you puke your guts up the day & night before.  Hot to the hotness.  For sure.  I have no shame.

I found this note under my pillow.  Oh, just from “Somebody”…aka Harper Kelley.  I like her.

Amon was super pleased as he sat and just waved to himself.  Totally cracked me and himself up.  #easilyentertained

This is my new baby cousin Graham.  Rockin’ that anchor hat hard and cute.  Picture taken by Kristen Reed out of Memphis, Tn.  Thanks for sharing with me Rebecca.

And this morning Harper went to school and I went to the post office.  If you’ve been waiting on a package, it’s on the way.  Thank you for your patience.  You can be sure if I’m at the post office before 7am I am usually rockin’ my Toms and jams or running gear.  Keeping it classy.

Now I think I’ll do something a little crazy like take a shower and put on some clothes that are not PJs and maybe, just maybe, fix my hair and put on makeup too…I’m feeling extra crazy today.

Hope you have an amazing weekend.  Thank you so much for reading.  I completely appreciate it…you guys are too nice for even stopping by.

Happy Friday.

Insta Friday

Today is Harper’s birthday + Good Friday.  Makes for kind of a stellar day.  I’m sure I’ll be blowing my Instagram feed up with this lovely little 6-year-old lady.  She’s my sanity and love.  She makes my day.  Come check us out at pitterpatterart

I know two little boys who are going to be pumped to find Darth and Yoda in their Easter bucket.  Star Wars for Easter…it’s just how we roll.

He’s kind of got this crazy cool swaggar going on.  I fear the teenage years.

Prepping for our birthday week.  We gave Amon a little walker for his birthday on Monday and then he took his first steps on Tuesday.  I’d say we totally got our $20 money worth.

I would like to re-live his birthday over and over and over again.  He is just delightful.

This was our waiter for lunch one day.  I thought he was pretty cute.

He studies and examines everything.  He could look at books for days.  I really love this about him.

I found the kids man handling this dead mole.  Huddy was super empathic when I told him the mole was dead…”Well now he just looks sad.” and “But he was so furry.”  The best part was when I said, “Why did you pick up a dead mole?”…Harper’s reply, “Well we didn’t know it was a dead mole, we just thought it was poop.”  OH.WOW.  Well that makes it all better.

I’ll admit it.  This kid completely melts me…and I’m totally okay with that.

3 days left…I can do it.  #70miles

Birthday prep for a girl who adores color.  That’s my kind of girl.

Harper’s 6th birthday door.  My most favorite one we’ve done for her yet.  Her exact words, “This is awesome.”  She has my heart.

She asked for donuts for breakfast.  Boom.  Can’t believe I now have a 6-year-old.  Say it ain’t so.  I feel too blessed by this lady kid.  She’s the best.

Birthday cake.  She requested a big chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting and “lots and lots of sprinkles”.  Ask and you shall receive.  #nosuchthingastoomanysprinkles  That’s my girl.

Hope you have an incredible Easter weekend.  So thankful for a Savior who defeated death, took on my nasty sins and saved the world.  That’s a mad kind of love.

Happy Friday!