Insta Friday

Right now in my head is that horribly amazing song…”It’s Friday, Friday.  Gotta get down on Friday…Yesterday was Thursday, Thursday.  Today is Friday, Friday…”  Oh you know the one.  And just for the record, I had to google “Friday song lyrics” to know exactly what they were.  Don’t want to lose street cred or anything.

So here’s the run down on my PPA instagram feed this week.  If you want to follow along I’m pitterpatterart.  Just a heads up, there may be a bit of TMI…you’ll know it’s coming when you see the anchor coffee mug with a tea bag…just turn your head and scroll.  You’re really thinking, “Oh wow, this is going to be good.”  Well, I have a hunch it will at least induce a bit of laughter…at my expense.

Let’s begin.

THIS.CHILD.  Rockin’ yellow stripes and camo…being a trendsetter with freshly washed and combed, tame hair.  And a killer smile to boot.  I adore him.

Be still my heart.  Sour Jelly Bellys are my most favorite, favorite, favorite.  And the cotton candy ones too.  Please give them a shot…they deserve it.

I always imagined myself the mom of 4 boys…came up 1 short, but I suppose Harper will do 🙂

Snowcones were a must after every soccer game last year…same for this year, until they bumped the price up to $3 a snowcone.  “Are you for real?  I owe you $9?”  I didn’t even have enough money to pay.  Good thing Aunt Jen was close by and gave us a snowcone loan.  We’re going to be re-evaluating our after game snowcone ritual.

Picture day with balloons and fantastic weather and an incredible photographer even with two sick kids can still equal lovely photographs.  Cheyenne is the proof.

TMI time.  I don’t like coffee or tea at all.  I’ve never even had hot tea until this week.  My friend Brea gave me this healthy hot tea to try.  I was game based on all the benefits she told me about it.  It wasn’t bad…just like lightly flavored water.  Flash forward…I almost pooped my pants while running.  We’re talking full on stomach in knots…I need to walk a bit to get this under control…I may not make it back to my car…should I go poop in the bushes?  My running ladies – Jami and Betsy – Jami semi enjoying the humor in how bad I had to go and Betsy being more concerned with how I was feeling.  {They are both laughing right now, I know it.}  Turns out the tea was a DETOX tea.  Yes, Brea forgot to mention this part…which was kind of important, considering it caused all kinds of spontaneous bowel movement and made me think I had the stomach virus again.  And…you’re welcome.

The weather has been off the hook.  Outside time constantly.  Quilts out, shoes off, play in full swing.

Even our weeds are jammin’.

Swoon.  Sigh.  Swoon again.

Tuesday nights totally deserve sparklers…totally.

Josh had to work one night this week, so he got to hang with us at home for a bit during the day.  Lunch with all my favorite guys made my day.

Representin’.  We’re Oakland fans…me by default because I married Josh Kelley.  Huddy may even be named after a past Oakland pitcher.

Found him just hanging out on the scale.  He’s clearly concerned with his recent weight loss due to the stomach virus.

And date night.  Lovely, lovely, unexpected date night.  I like you Josh Kelley.

Tomorrow I’ll post the winners of my stationary giveaway…there’s still time to ENTER.  Also, a new giveaway will be posted too…one that involves adoption and running.  Check back tomorrow.

Happy Friday.


  1. Oakland fans?! I didn’t know! Us too! One of our Sidama ET boys is named Maguire, for much the same reason you mentioned above! 🙂

  2. Holy crap!!!! I laughed out loud. Major picture in my head of you running while trying to clench! Good news is your mom so you would of had wet wipes to clean up with. Love your honesty and realness!

  3. I am still laughing! And I just purchased 2 pairs of our shoes in black. Not excited about the color, but they are the only 2 pairs of size 7 pure flows on the internet according to google. Have a fantastic weekend!

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