A Great Insta Friday

Insta Fridaying it up late tonight.  I’m pitterpatterart if you want to follow along.  This week was a good one, but today was the best.

Things I love about this picture:  A)  That there were Combos in Harper’s class treasure box, B)  That Harper picked Combos out of her class treasure box and C)  Harper was thrilled with her choice and could not wait to eat the Combos from her class treasure box 🙂

He can be so incredibly serious…studying and dissecting everything and with a flip of a switch he becomes the silliest boy in the house.

Target shopping, Mom/Anchor tattoo wearing, smiley boy.  I’m lucky.  He’s mine.

Their brotherness is the best.

Huddy so sweetly left flowers for me in the car…they were just for me.

Who wouldn’t dig him creepin’ on you in the car rider line?!?!

They are going to be really good old men together.  I can’t tell you how hard I pray for their brotherhood and bond…that they would always remain thick as thieves and best friends.  That they would always love each other fiercely.

Noonday Collection arm party.  It was a good day.

Boston running love with Jami and Betsy.  Jesus just has to be enough.

Baby sweat pants are the bomb.

Josh had to work last night, so he got to go into work late.  We pulled a double run day.  I especially like that it was so bright I cut Josh and Amon out of the picture.  I’m clearly very vain.

And the best part of this Insta Friday…hands down…Baby Delaney.  Courtney rocked child birth and Delaney arrived today.  She’s beautiful and incredible.  I am so proud of Courtney.  One day I’ll tell Delaney about the joy and hope she brought with her.

So here’s to a super grand weekend.  I hope you have a great one.

Happy Friday night!

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