Maybe Not Our Best Day

Well I thought we would maybe be going home sometime really soon and I have now decided that when you enter the hospital your main game plan should definitely be “Expect the Unexpected”…which I think might also be a line for the reality TV show Survivor…I think.  Anyways…So Amon is going to be in the hospital quite a bit longer…like close to an additional 10 days…yep.  He’s having some more issues that aren’t really so tiny anymore, but all the doctors are quite confident he’s going to be just fine…it will just take some time.

The suck part of this is he cannot eat for 7 of those days…today was his first full day with no food.  This makes for a very pissed off baby for the majority of the day.  My go-to “try-not-to-think-about-how-ticked-you-are-right-now-because-you-want-to-eat” move is hitting his balloons down in his face.  He loves it, so I stand for far too long hitting balloons during the day.

And eventually he falls asleep for a bit and we start all over when he wakes back up.

I can also do a bit of distracting by sitting him up in my lap.  This doesn’t always work for a really long time, but definitely a good change from just laying in the bed.  Poor guy…the back of his head is now bald…like bald, bald.  Definitely no match for the front…it’s still fabulous.

So that was the really hard part of our day…but I am so thankful all these hang-ups are happening at the hospital instead of at home.  And I am really thankful for such thorough doctors who caught a very serious problem in time to fix it.  So thankful for Amon and his incredibly sweet heart and his crazy awesomeness and this journey we are on.  I may also be thankful for cable TV.

We had lots of fun visitors today, but my favorite part of the day was taking Amon for a walk with Courtney.  Our sweet nurse helped us become portable and we set out for a little walk.  Amon really seemed to enjoy it and didn’t fuss one bit.  He had not had anything to eat in over 30 hours at this point…6 more days to go.  He’s a little something Courtney likes to call “hangry”…he’s hungry and angry.  The walk totally did him some good.  And we got to get some fresh air as well.  The weather was amazing.

Some more musicians came by last night and sang The Beatles “Here Comes The Sun”…a cappella…it was beautiful, but I’ve decided it was also a terrible selection to sing for parents.  I cried my eyes out…I’m not proud…it may have gotten pretty ugly.

And since nights around here just got a little more complicated with a very hangry little boy, I was able to do a little more art last night since I was up for quite some time.  This 8×10 canvas is for a very dear, sweet woman in my life.  She’s amazing.  Mumford & Sons is just the gift that keeps on giving right now.  It’s true love.

The big wee Kelleys have been living it up while our hospital stay extends on a bit.  I miss them incredibly, but thankful for phone pictures of their days.  The 6 of us need to be back together stat.

Isn’t it just like life to throw those curve balls…always.  But Courtney reminded me again this morning…At the top of my lungs, Hallelujah!  We would still sincerely appreciate your prayers for Amon.  Thank you for all your kindness…it is really amazing and our family is very grateful and humbled by your love.

Happy Wednesday!

**Because I am already getting emails about the not eating thing…the hospital is not starving him…I promise 🙂  He gets TPN…nutrition…through his picc line, so he will not be wasting away.  It unfortunately does not make him feel full…that’s the kicker.  I asked if they could sedate him…they laughed…so I, in turn, laughed too playing it off like I was just kidding…but I wasn’t 🙂  Thanks for your concern.**

Hospital Art

We’re on day 12 here at Vandy’s children’s hospital.  I haven’t left the hospital yet and don’t plan on until we’re going home together.  I am getting a bit antsy and I’ve watched enough cable TV to kill a person.  I’ve tried my hand at other little crafty projects, but I was really itching to have stained finger tips and have been super inspired by the new Mumford & Sons CD.  If you don’t have it, just go ahead and do yourself a favor and head on out right now and go get it or download it on iTunes.  I like to still buy cds so Josh picked me up a copy at Target.  Anyways, you’ll thank me later.  Happy brilliance.  It’s infectious.

So Josh brought me all my goods and I made this 10×10 canvas with one of my most favorite lines from the album:  “So I’ll be bold as well as Strong.  And use my head alongside my heart.”  Someone mentioned this maybe being a giveaway canvas…I hadn’t thought about it, but maybe it could be a “Hallelujah We’re Going Home Giveaway” when the time comes.  Who knows.

I also made this 8×8 canvas with a bit of Alabama Shakes and an ode to the Tennessee flag, since Tennessee is one of the greatest places on earth.

I think I’m going to try and make a few more canvases as well.  In other hospitalish news…Amon is doing really well.  He’s annihilating his infection and his smile is as bright as ever.

One of the nurses did glue his shirt to his body…on both sides…with suture glue.  I am not kidding.  I wish I was because it was super sad having to separate him from his shirt that was glued to his body.  He puked all over himself and Josh went to take his little scrub shirt off and well, it wasn’t coming off.  You just can’t make this stuff up.

He was much more pleasant after he wasn’t covered in puke and wasn’t laying in puke and after his shirt was no longer glued to his body.  Oh the joy.

Being in the hospital with Amon has given me time to think about really important things…like maybe my next tattoo 🙂  I’m working on several drawings for possibly my next one.  I like to sketch out lots of sketches…like 20+…before I make a decision, so I’ve got some more work to do before a decision is made.

And Josh got to hold Amon for the first time since his surgery yesterday.  It was a great moment.  I love my Kelley boys…all 4 of them.

That’s all for today.  We still so appreciate all the prayers for Amon…I feel like we’re almost out of here, but just not quite yet.  Almost though…almost.

Happy Tuesday!

Hospital Sights

The scale.  Me and this scale are very familiar with each other and the weight of pee and poop now.

Dry erase wall.  We’re BFF too.  And the wee Kelleys have found quite the entertainment with her as well.

Magazines.  A mental break.  Thank you Emily.

The sweetest globe ever.  A forever keeper.

Hospital crib and the cutest baby in the world.  Yes, the world.

Amon’s door and all his sweet pictures from his siblings and cousins.

Chocolate milk.  On ice.  The good ice.  Like Sonic ice.  Breakfast of champions.

Sugar babies.  I haven’t eaten these in years upon years, but put me in the hospital for 10 days and apparently I’ll eat three boxes.

Pop-tarts.  Again, haven’t eaten these in years upon years.  Tried them one morning.  Didn’t try them again.  Not what I remembered as a kid.

My bags.  Crazy messy and ever changing positions and contents.

Cable TV.  We don’t have cable at home, so I have been so amazed at what all there is to watch.  It’s actually really nice to get lost in a crazy show sometimes.

And a tubeless baby.  Amon had his last two stomach tubes pulled this morning, which is awesome.  But now he is having some complications, so we would really appreciate your continued prayers.

Happy Sunday!

That Smile

Today has been the best day yet!

He’s made some great progress today and best of all…he smiled and those big, bright eyes are back.  Melt my heart into a big drippy puddle.

Seriously, such a good day!  I cannot say enough how truly thankful we are for all the prayers and love…we are just so very grateful.  God is too good.

Happy Thursday!

Movin’ On Up

Yesterday Amon was looking around more later in the evening.  And he has been steadily losing more and more wires & other attached medical equipment today.

This morning when I woke up they had taken off his “headband” which measured the oxygen in his brain and his internal jugular line in his neck that went straight to his heart.  Medical stuff just blows my mind.  During the day they also pulled his pacing wires and two stomach tubes which is awesome.

He is still having stomach/eating issues and does have fluid in one of his lungs, but he really is doing just incredible.  And they let us move out of the PICU and up to a regular room…which is so nice.

When we got the news we packed up and hit the patient transport elevators.

And now we’re settled in his new room.  It’s been kind of crazy busy day with more x-rays and an echo and I took a CPR class which they make all parents take.  I’ll be honest in the fact that I’m pretty terrified to take him home now, but we still have some time here at the hospital and it is very good to know infant CPR now…just freaked me out a bit 🙂

But for sure all the doctors and nurses and our surgeon agree that A) He really is completely rockin’ this open heart surgery recovery thing and B) His hair is still really fabulous.

Happy Monday!

The Big 3-0!

Today is Josh’s 30th birthday.  I’m sure it hasn’t been anything like he ever imagined, but I wouldn’t know because I haven’t heard one complaint from him.  He’s just that kind of guy…awesome.  He’s thankful Amon is doing well and I think that’s all the 30th birthday present he or I could ask for.

I will slightly proclaim my love for Josh on the internet…since it is his birthday.  Josh Kelley is one crazy amazing, awesomely incredible, God fearing, makes me laugh all the time with his dry humored witty self , hot to the hotness, madly loves his wee Kelleys, makes my brain hurt smart, works like a dog, isn’t too manly to do laundry & dishes & bathe kiddos, all the while making me feel like the most stellar woman in the world.  He is truly that good.

Happy 30th birthday Josh.  I love you more than cookies and doughnuts and pie!

I’m Tired :)

What a day, what a day.  We got to the hospital around 6am…anesthesia took Amon back around 8…surgery started around 9…they thought they were finished around 1:30…then Amon had some bleeding issues and they had to re-open him back up…and finally close to 6 we got to see our incredibly amazing, sweet, sweet, triple sweet boy.

Can I just say that technology is amazing.  I am blown away with how everything is working for Amon…where all these tubes and wires and IVs and ports are going and what all they are doing.  It is absolutely crazy.

This is definitely Amon’s most fun tube.  Who new medical tubes could be so stellar.

Amon will have 5 super rad scars as apart of his story…1 nice sized one from the incision and then 4 smaller ones from tubes coming from his belly.  The ladies are going to love this guy.

Thank you for smothering him in prayer…we felt it.  It was a long, long, hard, emotional, but yet incredible day.  So thankful for this crazy sweet boy and his new heart.  So thankful for a God who ordains and holds and comforts and restores.  Amazing.

Now for some sleep.  And for the quickest recovery ever.  Thank you for praying…truly, truly, truly…thank you for praying.

May God receive all the praise.

Ace of Hearts

Thank you for praying.  Sincerely…THANK YOU!

Amon is officially back for surgery.  He looks phenomenal in his little white scrubs.  He is going to completely rock today.

Now to get comfy and get our wait on.  I can’t wait to see him with a new patched up heart.  Today will be a good, good day for Amon!  Thankful for incredible doctors and an amazing hospital and for a God who restores and makes things new.  God is too, too good.

Happy Heart Day!