Hospital Sights

The scale.  Me and this scale are very familiar with each other and the weight of pee and poop now.

Dry erase wall.  We’re BFF too.  And the wee Kelleys have found quite the entertainment with her as well.

Magazines.  A mental break.  Thank you Emily.

The sweetest globe ever.  A forever keeper.

Hospital crib and the cutest baby in the world.  Yes, the world.

Amon’s door and all his sweet pictures from his siblings and cousins.

Chocolate milk.  On ice.  The good ice.  Like Sonic ice.  Breakfast of champions.

Sugar babies.  I haven’t eaten these in years upon years, but put me in the hospital for 10 days and apparently I’ll eat three boxes.

Pop-tarts.  Again, haven’t eaten these in years upon years.  Tried them one morning.  Didn’t try them again.  Not what I remembered as a kid.

My bags.  Crazy messy and ever changing positions and contents.

Cable TV.  We don’t have cable at home, so I have been so amazed at what all there is to watch.  It’s actually really nice to get lost in a crazy show sometimes.

And a tubeless baby.  Amon had his last two stomach tubes pulled this morning, which is awesome.  But now he is having some complications, so we would really appreciate your continued prayers.

Happy Sunday!


  1. Try the chocolate poptarts! You’ll change your mind. They are heavenly!!!

  2. we’re in recovery here too– from cleft palate surgery– definitely not open hart surgery- but man– i feel your pain with recovery and seeing your little one in pain:( i finished off an entire bag of mini reeses peanut butter cups and got tons of sewing done during our surgery;)

  3. QPrayers for that sweet, sweet baby boy

  4. Praying!

  5. Prayers for complications to completely disappear and for Amon to recover beautifully and quickly! PS – Breaking Amish is so interesting….

  6. Praying for Amon’s complications to clear up quickly, so he can go home soon.

  7. Glad to hear the tubes were removed, hope the little problems are soon gone!

  8. Laura again I see an amazing strong woman in you<3 You are so very special. I have not commented in a few days but absolutely love the adorable smiles Amon has these days which I know puts you over the top after seeing him so lifeless before. Absolutely Adorable. Steals my heart everytime I see that smile<3 You have not mentioned but am wanting to know how in the world do you keep his hands from wanting to pull at all the wires ~ I know he no longer has the tubes but is still hooked up to the monitors and being a baby doesn't understand all of it. I have not seen his arms tied or anything how do you do it? Will definitely keep praying for a Complete recovery for Amon and strength and wisdom in the days ahead for you. BTW loved your post yesterday sharing Huddy's birthday with us ~ Publix does an amazing job on their cakes ~ you must try their buttercream icing ~ I know I, like you, love to bake and make my own but they do amazing ones ~ BTW if you are ever in a hurry and do not have time to make they sell their buttercream icing in whatever size you need ~ just something you might consider in the future. My hometown of Lakeland is where Publix was founded ~ know it very very well:) Blessings<3

  9. It’s the little things, the small victories and small everyday items, that we notice and that make our day, isn’t it? Things we take for granted when we are NOT confined to the space you are. And the little setbacks and complications heighten our worries, but God is still God and He is doing remarkable things for Amon!

    Praying for another little victory for you!

  10. That is awesome news that Amon is now tube free! Will pray that the complications clear up quickly.
    Oh, and the Sugar Babys picture made me laugh 🙂


    “And he took the children in his arms, placed his hands on them and blessed them.” May Jesus drop by today and do this for little Amon. : )

  12. Try the S’Mores poptarts. I hate all poptarts but them. Toast them just enough to be warm and melty.

    Amon looks so good! Praying for infection!

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