Maybe Not Our Best Day

Well I thought we would maybe be going home sometime really soon and I have now decided that when you enter the hospital your main game plan should definitely be “Expect the Unexpected”…which I think might also be a line for the reality TV show Survivor…I think.  Anyways…So Amon is going to be in the hospital quite a bit longer…like close to an additional 10 days…yep.  He’s having some more issues that aren’t really so tiny anymore, but all the doctors are quite confident he’s going to be just fine…it will just take some time.

The suck part of this is he cannot eat for 7 of those days…today was his first full day with no food.  This makes for a very pissed off baby for the majority of the day.  My go-to “try-not-to-think-about-how-ticked-you-are-right-now-because-you-want-to-eat” move is hitting his balloons down in his face.  He loves it, so I stand for far too long hitting balloons during the day.

And eventually he falls asleep for a bit and we start all over when he wakes back up.

I can also do a bit of distracting by sitting him up in my lap.  This doesn’t always work for a really long time, but definitely a good change from just laying in the bed.  Poor guy…the back of his head is now bald…like bald, bald.  Definitely no match for the front…it’s still fabulous.

So that was the really hard part of our day…but I am so thankful all these hang-ups are happening at the hospital instead of at home.  And I am really thankful for such thorough doctors who caught a very serious problem in time to fix it.  So thankful for Amon and his incredibly sweet heart and his crazy awesomeness and this journey we are on.  I may also be thankful for cable TV.

We had lots of fun visitors today, but my favorite part of the day was taking Amon for a walk with Courtney.  Our sweet nurse helped us become portable and we set out for a little walk.  Amon really seemed to enjoy it and didn’t fuss one bit.  He had not had anything to eat in over 30 hours at this point…6 more days to go.  He’s a little something Courtney likes to call “hangry”…he’s hungry and angry.  The walk totally did him some good.  And we got to get some fresh air as well.  The weather was amazing.

Some more musicians came by last night and sang The Beatles “Here Comes The Sun”…a cappella…it was beautiful, but I’ve decided it was also a terrible selection to sing for parents.  I cried my eyes out…I’m not proud…it may have gotten pretty ugly.

And since nights around here just got a little more complicated with a very hangry little boy, I was able to do a little more art last night since I was up for quite some time.  This 8×10 canvas is for a very dear, sweet woman in my life.  She’s amazing.  Mumford & Sons is just the gift that keeps on giving right now.  It’s true love.

The big wee Kelleys have been living it up while our hospital stay extends on a bit.  I miss them incredibly, but thankful for phone pictures of their days.  The 6 of us need to be back together stat.

Isn’t it just like life to throw those curve balls…always.  But Courtney reminded me again this morning…At the top of my lungs, Hallelujah!  We would still sincerely appreciate your prayers for Amon.  Thank you for all your kindness…it is really amazing and our family is very grateful and humbled by your love.

Happy Wednesday!

**Because I am already getting emails about the not eating thing…the hospital is not starving him…I promise 🙂  He gets TPN…nutrition…through his picc line, so he will not be wasting away.  It unfortunately does not make him feel full…that’s the kicker.  I asked if they could sedate him…they laughed…so I, in turn, laughed too playing it off like I was just kidding…but I wasn’t 🙂  Thanks for your concern.**


  1. I feel sure I have NEVER seen anything cuter than that baby in the wagon. I mean. I’m so sorry for this latest hitch in the plan. I can only imagine the gamut of emotion you go through every hour. We are praying!!!!

  2. KELLYE bELT says:

    Prayers continuing for your sweet family, Laura.

  3. Can’t the put something in his IV to keep him full? That’s awful!

  4. Oh sweet Laura, I am so for hiccup on Amon’s road for recovery. Praying these next 10 days go as planned and Amon keeps kicking recovering-from-open-heart-surgeries butt.

    Lots and lots of prayers.


  5. Father, you know Amon’s issues. You have numbered the hairs on his head (even the bald spot).. You have given him a body made in Your image. You have given wisdom and knowledge to the healthcare folks who are helping him. You have laid every experience that they gone thru, so that they are perfectly anointed to take care of Amon. Please give Laura strength to make it thru the days, pour out your grace and patience to Laura, so she can continue to pour it out. Please keep your arms around Josh and the wee ones at home, as they must be missing their Momma and super cool new little brother.
    Father, just keep a hedge of protection around these folks. In Your Son’s beautiful and precious name. Amen.

  6. Still praying for you…BIG prayers!!

  7. Hang in there, Laura. God’s got this. I will be in continual prayer for all of you. Tell Amon that there are tons of ladies on this sight that are truly in love with his sweet little self and together we are all going to pray for God’s speed in his healing. May God bless you dear. You are a fine example of what every Mom should be. Keep looking up 🙂

  8. Praying daily for you guys! Don’t stop believing!

  9. Praying for you and your precious family! Praying for peace that passes ALL understanding, strength beyond what is your own, and healing from the Great Physician!
    Always “In His Grip” 🙂

  10. Laura I’m not going to quit saying it ~ You are an A~mazing Woman of God ~ Lord Jesus has got you so covered ~ covered ~ covered by His Blood ~ walking by faith ~ living in love ~ you are covered ~ covered ~ covered by His Blood. God says in His word that by His stripes Amon is healed ~ He also says in His word that He supplies Peace and Strength to those who need it and Wisdom to all who ask ~ Lord we remind you right now of Your word and ask You to perform Your word over Amon, Laura, Josh & the wee Kelley’s at home ~ Your word does not return void ~ Lord I also ask You for Creative ideas for Laura for help in keeping Amon entertained and also Creative ideas for her art ~ Use her Lord in ways she cannot even imagine possible ~ In Jesus’ name we ask ~ Amen. Prayers will continue to go up for everyone Laura and Blessings will come down ~ You are Loved:)

  11. Oh Laura, covering you with prayers! And that sweet precious baby! God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will NOT fear, though the earth should change (Amon needs to stay in hosp for complications)! Ps 46:1 Praying for strength and comfort and rest for you my dear!

  12. We love you Laura. I have not met Amon yet, but how could We not fall in love with this precious Angel?? Thank you for keeping us part of the Adoption and now the healing process. I pray for him continually!! God is in control!! I would love to help you in ANY WAY!! SERIOUSLY!! You tell Josh i would LOVE to come clean your house!!! LOVE TO!!! Please have him call me!! I will come watch them if you need me..ANYTHING!!
    Praying for your family!
    ~ God is in the Detail~


    Laura, I am inspired by your heart and your art! There will not be these ‘life curves’ in the new heaven and the new earth. I guess we get them now to keep us humble and hungry for God. “For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.” 2 Cor 4:17

  14. It is good to praise the Lord … For you make me glad by your deeds, O Lord; I sing for joy at the works of your hands. Psalm 92:1

    Keep praising Him because He is doing an amazing work for all of you! 🙂 This will be a distant memory before you know it. We’re keeping all of you in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. As I read the first part I was wondering if you had been outside the hospital since he went in, and if there was some way you could go for a walk–and then there it was. Do those every day if they will let you, especially outside. Praying hard that he will heal up and faster than expected. So glad you are able to work on your art while you are there.

  16. Prayers are continuing from Iowa…lots of them! Lots of Iowa Prayer Warriors are praying over your sweet boy, your family & the medical staff. Praising God that these “hiccups” and “speed bumps” have happened while he is still in the hospital.

  17. Praying for Amon even in the wee morning hours of the day. I pray these days will go by quickly. Love your art piece! Stay strong and God Bless you all.

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