Archives for March 2013

Saturday Sale + Orders

So just a little update…I will be having another Saturday Sale this Saturday, March 23.  Still working on the time and will totally let you know once I get it nailed down.  I was hoping to have a ton more items up for sale, but it may be a smaller amount just because this week has already turned into one I’m not too fond of 🙂  But it happens.

Also I will be opening up 10 custom order spots on April 1st.  I do not keep a running wait order list, so once I post the available spots and they are spoken for, they are gone.  If you are interested in a custom order spot, please only claim one if you are really going to place an order 🙂 Again, those will be posted on April 1st.

Here are three new canvases that will be up sale on Saturday.

11×14 “Grateful” Sunflower canvas

8×10 “Rise and Shine and give God the glory” rooster canvas

8×10 “The peace that passes understanding is my song” canvas

And just because he’s kind of too cute not to share with the interwebs.  He’ll be one soon.  Good golly, where did time go?!?!  He continues to wow and amaze us and it’s honestly a total, incredible honor to be his mom…same goes for those other three wee Kelleys too though.

Happy Tuesday!

PS:  Did you read THIS yet?  If you haven’t, you definitely should.  “…because one day we’ll both discover we got some parts right and other parts wrong.  Jesus’ mercy is going to be enough for us all.”  Can I get a big Amen?

Lived It Up

And that’s just what we did this weekend…lived it up.  Josh was gone to Tampa all weekend enjoying spring training baseball with his brothers, dad and Coop.  I decided with the weekend alone why should he have all the fun 🙂

We went full force and filled the weekend with good fun.  My niece Meiya even got to join in on the fun too.  Consider the evidence.

Stair climbing.

Pizza eating.

Movie watching.

Craft making.

Outside playing.

Surprise decorated leprechaun dog finding.  (Thanks to whoever did this…all the kids decided it must have been St. Patrick.)

Park enjoying.


Puzzle working/Creepy baby photo bombing.

Egg dying. (Yes, we picked up another little cutie for egg dying.)

Candy and chick stuffing.

Cat pretending.

Soccer shopping.

And bath having.

And that is exactly how it went.  Crammed full of fun.  How was your weekend?  Hope it was grand.  Our wasn’t too shabby at all.

Happy Monday!

Insta Friday

Word up…it’s the weekend.  Are you ready?  I am.  And here is my regular scheduled Insta Friday.  You can find me at pitterpatterart.

It’s so very very true.  Awesome to the awesomeness.

A windy run.  Still moving towards 70 miles.

The cutest bath baby ever.  Cutest teeth.  Cutest scar.  Cutest hair.  Ugh…he’s just cute all around.

Dang  you spring forward time change.  It put the wee Kelleys in a real funk…like falling-asleep-in-front-of-your-cereal-bowl-we-need-to-be-out-the-door-for-school-like-now-and-you’re-still-in-your-PJs kind of funk.

I watched as Sol licked the end of a nerf dart and then stuck it firmly and directly to Amon’s forehead.  Amon didn’t mind one bit…and now we have a unicorn.  #brothers

This winter season has not been easy on this guy.  Breathing treatments on a regular basis.

Water bird whistles are going to make the most perfect cupcake toppers ever for a spring birthday girl.

This was Tuesday.  Gorgeous amazingly great weather.  Campbell and I enjoyed the sun and a run.  Next day…snow flurries.  What is wrong with Tennessee weather.

Cabbage.  Totally just for Courtney.  Now she knows exactly what cabbage looks like.

Sweet little adorable feet.

Huddy’s handcrafted paper universal key…”it opens any kind of door in the whole world”.  A maintenance man’s dream.

I kind of, sort of like them.  I mean, they’re okay…I guess 🙂


Yesterday we took Mom’s best friend Roy out for dinner for his birthday.  We love him and he loves us right back.  Before we left Harper showed me the card she made him.  Golly.  Roy, Harper and I may have all cried at dinner.  It was a sweet time, but definitely not pretty.

And a Cracker Barrel baby.  His hair is a hot mess.

Hope you enjoy your weekend.  I’ll see you again on Monday.  Thanks so much for stopping by and humoring me for a bit.  Happy Friday!


Love is seriously something spectacular.  I’ve been thinking a lot about how big and grand and hard love is.  It makes you do things you never thought you could do or want to do, but you do them anyways because of love.  You try new things.  You step out in faith.  You forgive.  You apologize.  Love makes those really hard days better…the ones when you are just downtrodden and all you want to do is stay in bed, but nope…you’ve gotta get out of that bed and do what God’s love has spurred you on to do.  Love makes you put others above yourself.

It’s amazing and crazy and it’s deep and difficult.  It bends and molds and shapes you.  Love changes you.  Not everyone is easy to love.  I know my Mom and Josh and the wee Kelleys would most definitely say I was hard to love at times.  My mom always taught me to love and to love hard…especially those who do not reciprocate that love.  Mom always told me to love them the hardest.

Love is messy and heartbreaking some days.  Love takes work…big, not-so-fun-sometimes, painstaking work.  But you stick with it.  You press on.  It’s hard to know exactly how to love the people in my life.  Lately I have felt God pressing on my heart how loving others around me has to be specific and purposeful and unique to the person.  Not everyone receives and feels love the same.  I’m learning, but I so want to love and bless the people in my life well and right.

Yes, love is seriously something spectacular.  So spectacular that Jesus thought it was pretty darn important too…the greatest thing.  I probably need this tattooed to the inside of my eyelids…I need to see it all the time…a constant reminder.  Love big or go home.

“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”  Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’  This is the first and greatest commandment.  And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’  Matthew 22:36-39

A Crafty Declaration

I declare that today will be a good day.  And for the most part because I am bound and determined to spend a good portion of my day in one of my most favorite little areas of our house.  Creating is a need of mine…I know God wired me that way and I am thankful to Him for it.  Let the inspiration come.

And my next Saturday sale will be March 23rd.  When I figure out all the details I will let you know asap.

Here’s to a smashingly good, productive and creative day.  It will be a good day!

Happy Wednesday.


Mom’s preacher recently got diagnosed with a very rare and aggressive type of cancer.  For as long as I can remember, one of the things my Mom always told me was to pray for our preacher.  Mom believed in prayer greatly.  She was the most praying woman I have ever known…besides my MawMaw.  One of the things I still remind the wee Kelleys of is just how much Grammy prayed for them and over them.  Even Amon.  There is no telling how many prayers she prayed for that child.  Countless.  She could not wait to see his face and she covered him in prayers all the way from Tennessee.

She believed in smothering her preacher with prayers and encouragement.  In fact, I think it was one of her gifts.  She had me make him art and she sent him cards and baked him bread and prayed like mad for him as the leader of their church and for his family.  I know with the recent news of his cancer, that Mom’s prayers would only have multiplied.  Right after Mom’s funeral, Brother David came up to me…we don’t know each other…but he said to me, “I can’t tell you what an encouragement your mother was to me.”  I know she truly was.

Yesterday I watched the sermon he preached last Sunday and it was the best thing I did all day.  We don’t attend Long Hollow, but I know it is an amazing body of believers and I may have boohooed while watching, but what a testament to God’s goodness and mercy.  A message everyone needs to hear and take deep into their hearts.  Please check it out and pray for this sweet man of God and his family.

CLICK HERE to view Brother David’s sermon.


So how was your weekend?  Are you glad it’s Monday?  I’m just not a big fan of Mondays really, so I would love to head back into the weekend.  Our weekend was good and full of cheer.  It was a little busy and we tried several new things this weekend.  Trying new things and getting out of our comfort zone is good & hard…nervousness may have set in a bit, but it’s so exciting and fun to try new things.

Huddy did a little fist pumping in the back seat when I reminded the kids Josh was running his 1/2 marathon on Saturday.  He was a fist pumping fool.  It made me laugh out loud.  He was convinced Josh was going to win.  It was really sweet.

Harper stuffed her class Easter eggs.  Sol helped.  He’s a really good helper.  I’m trying to stay ahead of the game for March since we have Easter and Spring Break and Harper’s birthday and Amon’s birthday.  It’s going to be a very celebratory month.  I’m pretty stoked about it.

My most recent Pick Your Plum order arrived and totally made my day.  You can never have enough washi tape.  Never.

A nice somebody dropped a bouquet of chocolate mustache suckers off on our front porch.  Josh found them.  I wondered if they were poisonous, but of course we risked it…it was chocolate.  Thank you to the kind stranger for the delicious non poisonous chocolate mustache suckers.  All the Kelleys enjoyed them.

Josh ran his 1/2 on Saturday.  It was so so fun being on the other end of the race.  He’s run one before, but we were unable to make it, so I was especially excited to be there to cheer him on.  The wee Kelleys were thrilled.  They yelled so loud for him and waved their signs proudly.  Super, crazy proud of you Josh Kelley.  Glad you’re ours.

This may be my most favorite picture from the day.  Amon rockin’ his sign well with his furrowed brow.

Last night, thanks to the whole “spring forward” time change, I was up too late, but finished this gift canvas.  Such a great promise…such a comforting verse.  God is pretty dang good.

And now I’m contemplating letting Huddy do a breathing treatment for,ummmmm, maybe an hour, and getting a little nap in.  #parentoftheyear.  I kid.  Maybe.

Hope you have a great day and hope your week is grand.

Happy Monday.

Insta Friday

Welcome Friday, it’s so good to see you.  Pretty stoked for our weekend and our regular Friday pizza and movie night.  Insta Friday is in full swing.  You can find me at pitterpatterart.

Even Green Lantern has to do chores in the Kelley house…and he does them well.

Amon so very badly wanted in Harper’s room, but they were playing with an ungodly amount of pennies.  Poor boy just laid there and stared under the doorway.  Every now and then Harper, Huddy and Sol would stick there hands out for him.

It’s not always guns or knives or swords…sometimes it’s just an axe kind of day.

He is the sweetest cuddler ever.  Ever, ever, ever.

Harper and Sol were really into playing hairdresser with my hair…which is actually my most favorite game ever.  I love having my hair played with.  While I was getting a new hairdo, Huddy brought me some “stew” and an axe, you know, just in case I needed an axe.

Sharpie hand reminders are an absolute necessity.  Our pediatrician calls it my “palm pilot”.  Ba-dum dum ching.

Double pink.  The skies parted and the sun shown down and a choir of angels sang a sweet tune.  Double pinks = God’s favor 🙂

Literacy night at MCE was so fun.  I absolutely adore our school.

We may have read every single Star Wars book we have…twice.  The force is definitely strong with these two.

Snickerdoodles.  The End.

My friend Karen got engaged.  Her ring is off the hook.  Karen is just so nice and delightful and deserved a little celebratory toast.  Ahhhhh, so thrilled for you Kare Bear.  PS:  The baby only had milk.

I see this picture everyday and it always makes me smile.  Maybe my most favorite Josh and Harper picture.

Ace of Hearts for days.

Yep.  Those two are mine.  I get to be their mom.  Try not to be too jealous.  Their pretty crazy rad.

And today we’re working on race signs for Josh’s 1/2 marathon tomorrow.  They told me exactly what to write for their signs…Sol’s may be my favorite.

That’s all I’ve got.  Thanks so much for stopping by and reading my little piece of the internet.  Hope you’re weekend is crazy good.

Happy Friday.