Archives for October 2012

The Happiest 5k On The Planet

A while back I heard about The Color Run and knew this was a must for the Kelleys.  This was the first year it was held in Nashville and I signed Josh and myself up the day registration opened.  Kids 5 and under are free so I knew we were good to go if the wee Kelleys decided to join us.

After showing the kids the video, I said, “So do you guys want to do this with me and dad?”  Sol’s words: “Nope…I’m not doing that.”  I thought surely with a little peer pressure and coaxing he would cave and come with us because Harper and Huddy were both game, but he stuck to his guns and decided to stay home with Amon.  I was bummed, but Sol knows what he likes and doesn’t like pretty well.  Maybe I can get him to do it next year.

Everyone wears white tees for a very good reason.

Our little family before picture…sun in the kids’ eyes.

Shortly, and I do mean shortly, after our wave began, Harper and Huddy both told us they were tired.  Ha.  We still had 2.9 miles to go.  There was some complaining near the start and the color stations could not show up quick enough, but once they did, it really was the happiest 5k on the planet.

I’ll admit as I walked with Huddy through the first color station, yellow, I teared up a bit…I want them to love things Josh and I love and mixing fabulous colors with a good run is in my blood.  A young guy singled Huddy out and absolutely dowsed him in yellow powdered paint.  I waited to see his reaction.

We were good.  All smiles and some spitting.  He wore his color like a badge of honor and the rest of the race was sheer bliss.

After yellow was orange.

Then pink.  Harper’s favorite and it probably didn’t hurt they were playing one of her favorite songs too.  She walked through the pink zone like she was riding a unicorn in a sky full of rainbows.

And lastly, blue.

At the end we all got our own bags of the powdered paint and everyone was celebrating by throwing them in the air.  Too fun.

We ran into some friends, The Greens, at the beginning of the race, so that added to our fun time for sure.

Our little family after picture.  Glorious.

The Color Run completely did not disappoint.  It was organized and fun and we all had a complete blast.  I’m crossing my fingers that next year Sol and Amon will join us.  Just have to get Sol okay with having paint thrown in his face.

Hope you had a colorful weekend too.

Happy Monday.

Oh Snap!

We’ve almost been home 1 whole week from the hospital and it feels fan-freakin-tastic!  Just glad to have us all home again.  Amon had a doctors visit with his cardiologist today.  Everything looked good.  There is a leak from one of the patches on his heart, but we’re all crossing our fingers it closes on its own before our next appointment in a month.

Dinner was on our front porch again last night.  It was amazingly good.  Josh plays baseball with some incredible men and their families are just as incredible too.  We are quite blessed by the Full Count ministry.

I love awake Amon and asleep Amon…both are equally adorable.

And maybe one better is the Amon who will go door to door and try and sell you a vacuum.

It was bath day for Huddy and Sol.  You know I’m not good at remembering to bathe my kids…no Mom-of-the-Year award for me.  I won’t tell you how long it’s been.

I decided after bath that Sol officially needs a hair cut.

It is never a good idea to get into a diaper box that is far too small for your body on a stair step.  I was glad I caught this in action and not in the possible aftermath.

I finished cleaning out my craft room today and found this little stationary jewel.  I’ll mail them to the first person who sends me a message with their address.  Clearly nothing says Merry Christmas like a polar bear with a frosty mug of beer.

Now let me take it down a notch…My brother and I are almost finished going through my Mom’s house.  It sucks.  I got her sewing basket.  I love this basket and all the little memories that come along with it.

And I love to share about products I really love and a new one arrived in our mailbox today.  While in the hospital I had some time to search for some sweet recipe cards. I ended up ordering some from Earmark…and well, I’m in love.  They have a super cute shop with lots of goodies and the recipe cards I ordered are pretty darn stellar.  And they were packaged all cute too…I’m a sucker for cute packaging.  I bought the Mix & Match Set.

Go show Earmark some love because people who do handmade well are awesome.

Hope you have an amazing weekend.  Happy Friday!


I think he’s getting longer.  It could be a pj optical illusion though.

Fall is my favorite season.  Completely love it.  All of it.  This tree is on our street.  I wish it was in our yard.

Our friends Brea & Jonathan are having a yard sale to help raise money for St. Jude.  What a great reason to purge.  I spent the whole day cleaning stuff out.  There’s something super hot about a good purge.

The boys entertained themselves while I cleaned out.  I like that they sported their Ethiopian headbands & wristbands for the majority of the day.

Harper got to bring her class frog home.  They call it the Lucky Frog.  Have I mentioned I love Harper’s teacher…I really do.

Saw this Halloween Popcorn Mix on Pinterest.  I’m totally making this…the wee Kelleys will love it.

Picture Source

Three new art books I ordered arrived.  Cannot wait to dive in.  Harper has already started a “To Make” list.

And some new art pens arrived too.  I love a good Sharpie, but these are right up there with them.  Very stellar pens.

Amon’s hair is pretty funny right now.  A total party in the front and ummm, well, kind of nothing in the back.

My SIL Jen gave me some mustache magnets.  The kids have been putting them to good use.

And on my to-do list for tonight is to get a handle on this hot mess of a craft space.  This is what happens when you are in the hospital for 24 days with your kid and you’re sending bags of random art supplies back and forth with your husband.

And once it’s all magnificently organized…all will be right with the world again.

Happy Thursday!

They Are Pretty Super

Happy Wednesday.

Crazy Blessed {Hope}

Crazy blessed…

by sweet wee Kelleys who are bad at fake sleeping…except Huddy…he nailed it.

…that this little ace of hearts should not be doing this, but is.  I am constantly flipping him back over all day long.

…by kiddos who can fight the hardest with each other and still love each other fiercely and adore each other and have just too much fun together.

…to be a part of their everydayness.

…by the possibility of one life event forever changing our life’s path.

…to comfort in the not-so-good parts of the day…even the accidentally-poking-yourself-in-the-eye-with-a-stick part of the day.

…by sweat pants and comfy house shoes.

…to be this kids mom.  Seriously?  He’s for real isn’t he?  He so is.

…to find dinner on our front porch.

…for groceries to be delivered to our house.  Such sweet friends are all around us and just smothering us in love right now.

Today was such an encouraging day…a day I found belief and hope in.  God is constantly reminding me of how truly crazy blessed we are.  Life is never perfect or easy or smooth…it can be pretty darn hard, but just the same it is full to the brim of blessings & is indescribably beautiful.  Hope is a wondrous thing God gives and I am deeply thankful for it today.

“But I’ll still believe though there’s cracks you’ll see.
When I’m on my knees I’ll still believe.
And when I’ve hit the ground, neither lost nor found.
If you believe in me I’ll still believe.”

-Holland Road by Mumford & Sons

Happy Tuesday.

Day One {Nerves}

We are finally home.  Big, huge, ginormous praises.  I can hardly believe it.

As they began going over our papers before leaving the hospital the anxiety hit.  I had felt it when I did the CPR class a few days after Amon’s surgery, but I guess it had disappeared a bit since we were at the hospital for so long.  But it all came flooding back quickly shortly after our nurse began going over Amon’s medicines.  And she kept going and going and going.  Josh could clearly see it on my face.  Here it comes.  We’re taking him home now.  No machines to let us in on his heart rate and oxygen levels and pulse.  No daily blood draws to check everything.  No vitals every 2 hours.  No doctors or nurses listening to his heart every time they come in his room.

We’re it now.  Stress.  Big, big stress.  And worry.

We got home late.  The night was kind of rough just because Amon is totally off his old schedule and he has so many meds and shots to take at very specific times.  Never did I ever think I would give anyone…anyone a shot.  I still have to sike myself up each time I have to do it.

We’ve set our phones up to remind us of medicine/shot times.  Apparently heart medicines are pretty important.

Amon already had a doctors appointment today.  He’ll also see his cardiologist this week too.  Everybody has to check in on him pretty regularly to start off.  We will see his surgeon next week.  And the doctor said he looked great.  Of course he looks great.

Amon and I are pretty tight now.  And tired.  Very, very tired.  I could probably sleep for days.  Days I said.  For real.  Days.

One of the nurses sent a stethoscope home with me.  Harper loves it.  She has given everyone in the house an exam…multiple times…whether you want it or not.

Harper is also in heaven.  I feel like her little spirit has lifted to a new level of joy and contentment.  She is truly madly in love with her littlest brother.  And he still saves the biggest smiles for her.

No, he’s not flipping you off.  When I walked in the door from Amon’s doctors appointment Josh said, “I thought we were going to pass you on our way to the emergency room.”  Turns out, Sol was trying to open up a big chestnut with his shovel and sliced his finger pretty good.  Lots of blood.  But no emergency room visit…just a couple of different dressings to finally do the trick.

And it’s that time again for Huddy’s asthma to flair and his breathing to go crazy.  I could win big bucks if I bet on Huddy’s asthma every year.  Which makes me super nervous because we have been given strict instructions that not only is Amon not suppose to go anywhere for 6 weeks, but anyone who comes in our house cannot be sick, have been around others who have been sick and they must have had the flu shot.  And now Huddy is already sporting a runny nose & cough with his breathing issues.  Awesome.

But I was reminded today when I read this:  Philippians 4:6-7 Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.”

We are joyous and nervous as all get out to have Amon home and God is so good.  Why would we worry even for a minute.  I’m learning.  It’s been a great first day back home…I’m just so glad to be home.

Happy Monday!


Happy Sunday indeed!


Amon had some unexpected bleeding this morning.  A little while later our pediatric cardiologist came in shaking her head back and forth and said, “I was going to send you home today.”  Ugh.

Amon was taken off food again…nothing by mouth the entire day.  Seriously bummed.  What a roller coaster this has been.  All day they ran blood tests and we met with some specialists and they did more x-rays.  Nothing was panning out.

Just a little bit ago, they decided to try and let him eat again later tonight.  And we’ll go from there.  He seems totally fine.  This mess, along with his little heart, makes me semi terrified to take him home…how will I know if something is wrong.

But he is happy.  Well kind of.  He had just gotten his appetite back so he has been a little ticked all day.  That means extra Amon cuddles for me though.  So we’ll see how eating goes through the night.  I’ve decided it is, what it is.  We’ll go home one of these days.  And I’ll leave you with cute Amon pictures.

Abdomen x-ray time.

Just let him eat something.

He’s a big hand guy…loves his hands.

Aunt Ashley he loves his dream light…thank you!!!

#1 pass time…other than cable TV.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  Thank you for all the prayers.  Happy Friday!