
I think he’s getting longer.  It could be a pj optical illusion though.

Fall is my favorite season.  Completely love it.  All of it.  This tree is on our street.  I wish it was in our yard.

Our friends Brea & Jonathan are having a yard sale to help raise money for St. Jude.  What a great reason to purge.  I spent the whole day cleaning stuff out.  There’s something super hot about a good purge.

The boys entertained themselves while I cleaned out.  I like that they sported their Ethiopian headbands & wristbands for the majority of the day.

Harper got to bring her class frog home.  They call it the Lucky Frog.  Have I mentioned I love Harper’s teacher…I really do.

Saw this Halloween Popcorn Mix on Pinterest.  I’m totally making this…the wee Kelleys will love it.

Picture Source

Three new art books I ordered arrived.  Cannot wait to dive in.  Harper has already started a “To Make” list.

And some new art pens arrived too.  I love a good Sharpie, but these are right up there with them.  Very stellar pens.

Amon’s hair is pretty funny right now.  A total party in the front and ummm, well, kind of nothing in the back.

My SIL Jen gave me some mustache magnets.  The kids have been putting them to good use.

And on my to-do list for tonight is to get a handle on this hot mess of a craft space.  This is what happens when you are in the hospital for 24 days with your kid and you’re sending bags of random art supplies back and forth with your husband.

And once it’s all magnificently organized…all will be right with the world again.

Happy Thursday!


  1. Michelle Wray says:

    That tree looks like the one in my yard:) LOVE LOVE LOVE Amon’s bald in the back look (and the dino sticker on his back)

  2. I have always wondered how you organize your craft stuff – particularly the fabric. Would love to see a post on that one day 🙂

  3. cousin amy says:

    Amon definitely looks longer!!! SO SO THANKFUL y’all are home – hope we will see u at least before Christmas:)

  4. I heard of something and thought of you and Amon. You might want to check it out.
    It is a bead project where cardiac patients (and others) receive beads for major milestones along their journey to health. It sounded like something you’d love- I know how you love to document the journey for them.

  5. Fall is fantastic and purging is very cathartic! I spent all day yesterday purging too… now to sell/donate all the collected items… Don’t you just love it when kiddos entertain themselves and you can be productive?! Me too! Amon looks GREAT! Party/bald hair and all… hoping he’s feeling as great as he looks! Take lots of pictures with Lucky Frog and Miss H… such a fun experience! Enjoy the beautiful fall weather and a great weekened!

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