
Amon had some unexpected bleeding this morning.  A little while later our pediatric cardiologist came in shaking her head back and forth and said, “I was going to send you home today.”  Ugh.

Amon was taken off food again…nothing by mouth the entire day.  Seriously bummed.  What a roller coaster this has been.  All day they ran blood tests and we met with some specialists and they did more x-rays.  Nothing was panning out.

Just a little bit ago, they decided to try and let him eat again later tonight.  And we’ll go from there.  He seems totally fine.  This mess, along with his little heart, makes me semi terrified to take him home…how will I know if something is wrong.

But he is happy.  Well kind of.  He had just gotten his appetite back so he has been a little ticked all day.  That means extra Amon cuddles for me though.  So we’ll see how eating goes through the night.  I’ve decided it is, what it is.  We’ll go home one of these days.  And I’ll leave you with cute Amon pictures.

Abdomen x-ray time.

Just let him eat something.

He’s a big hand guy…loves his hands.

Aunt Ashley he loves his dream light…thank you!!!

#1 pass time…other than cable TV.

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  Thank you for all the prayers.  Happy Friday!


  1. He is sooooo flipping cute! YES! He is! Praying! Praying!!

  2. Laura thank you so much for the update and the awesome pictures of Amon. I have just finished praying specifically for Amon. Funny I woke up this morning and as I was praying I felt you and Amon were going to be able to go home over this weekend. I know it is very very hard continuing on this roller coaster ride knowing you want more than anything to be home together again as a whole family ~ not a separated one. I will continue to pray for you and Amon ~ Keep looking up because God definitely has everything under control.

  3. Today was not unexpected to God. He had you right where you needed to be! I’m praying for fast recovery and an uneventful night for you and Amon.


    Thanks for sharing the ups and downs and the amazing photos! He is a treasure. I pray that you all get to be together at home soon and that you will have wisdom concerning his care. Bless you for opening up your home to this little sweetie!

  5. Dear Laura

    You do not know me personally but we have mutual friends/family. Charlie and Marsha Herndon are great friends of ours. Their first job in ministry was with the North Park church (Illinois) where I worship and work. They were just back for a visit a few weekends ago and we love them dearly.

    Charlie has been forwarding your blog posts to me for the past week or so. I’m teaching a Ladies Class on Wednesday night using materials I wrote entitled: Standing, Kneeling and sometimes just Falling on God’s Promises. And by that I mean, sometimes we confidently STAND and conscioulsy see God and His works and blessings. We “feel” strong and positive and His plan and purpose for us is pretty clear. There are also days when we find ourselves in a place of concern where we KNOW we need help and we know that the place we’ll find it is on our knees at the cross. Our head is aware of God and that He is in control but we don’t “feel” it yet. In other words our heart hasn’t caught up with our head. And then there are days when we’re so distraught, so grieved, so upset than we find ourselves falling on the cross and just hanging on until ‘help’ comes.

    In my mind all of these places are acceptable to God and He knows we’re going to experience all of them and sometimes all on the same day.

    Well in your 3rd blog Charlie forwarded, you said: “but God has brought me to my knees and taught me a very valuable lesson about swallowing my pride and asking for help and accepting help when people offer.” And guess what the subject was for that week….Holy Spirit!!! So I felt the HS was prompting me to use your story for another illustration of kneeling. I shared excerpts of blogs and several darling Amon pictures. We’ve all fallen in love with him….and you.

    I just wanted you to know, you have sisters that you do not know and most likely will never meet, who are praying for you and baby Amon.


  6. Our prayers and thoughts are with you … keep the faith – it all works out beautifully! 😀

  7. awww man… bummer. Praying the hospital folks have figured things out with your sweet boy. Praying he’s eating again and lovin’ every drop! Praying his food is nourishing to his little body and helping the healing process instead of adding more issues. Praying for your strength because it is the hardest thing in life for us to see our babies suffer. Prayers you’re impacting people you are meeting at the hospital and you’re creating lasting friendships through this experience. Amon is a cutie pie and super blessed to have such a great mommy!

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