Sneak Peek

Sorry I’m so late posting the winner for my summer giveaway.  Today got away from me in the best kind of way.  Yes, swimming…again.  Am I rubbing it in at this point…two swim days in…we’re pretty dang good at this summer break thing.  Don’t be a hater.

So that’s why I’m so late posting.  And the winner of the giveaway is Cindy…comment #77.  Cindy, check your email for a message from me.

And how about a sneak peek of some items for this Fridays Sale because I just don’t have anything else to chat about today…that’s what summer does to you…and another fun, sun soaking pool day.

Key fob sets

Camera straps

11×14 Your love stands firm forever. Psalm 89:2 canvas

9×12 Avett Brothers “Decide what to be and go be it.” w/map canvas

11×14 What he gives in love is far better than anything else you’ll find. James 4:6 (the message)

And there are more canvases.  I will try and post some more this week before Friday.  Hope your day was great.  See you tomorrow.

Happy Tuesday.

A Better Day

Thank you!  You guys are really way too kind and sweet and loving and encouraging…and hey, I’m just glad to know I’m not the only one who has a bad day and pitches a fit and is kind of a hot mess sometimes.  Good to know I’m not alone.  And thank you for reading.  I honestly am just floored that anyone would read all the randomness I type about, but I so appreciate that some of you do.  Really and truly.  Thank you!

So today was such a good day.  I’m sitting here now with a smile on my face and talking Josh’s ear off about the day and dreams and aspirations.  Tonight the impossible things, seem totally possible.

I got to spend the day with Amon.  He just blows me away.  I wish every one could meet him…Harper, Huddy and Sol too.  Amon is extra squishy though and is definitely the most cuddleable.

He slept while I did some work…like making map copies and getting my art on.  I just want to squeeze him.


I finished up two orders today.  These are headed to Cheryl and Stephanie here in Tennessee.  I like you local Tennesseans.  Thank you so much ladies.

12×12 Jeremiah 29:11 Tennessee canvas

16×16 Psalm 118:24 canvas

And tonight I went to The Strawberry Patch sale.  I actually won tickets today for the pre-sale tonight and it was amazing.  I was in this wonderment mood.  I just walked around and dreamed about everything I want to do and be as I get older.  It sounds totally weird that a barn sale did that for me, but it did.  It was swoony.

There was handmade stuff and old stuff and stuff with chippy paint and vintage sheets and bunting everywhere.  It was a total delight.  I came home with quite a few goodies.

Brea tried to take a picture of me with my big 6 on her phone.  They were all terrible and blurry because clearly Brea has no idea how to work the camera on her phone.  Consider evidence A-F…







They are all so funny.  They make me laugh.  Brea was all like, “Will you tag me in these when you put them on Facebook?”  Ummm…yeah, all of those pictures just scream “Facebook profile pic”.  Nope.  Brea also asked me to make a flip book out of them.  That, I could maybe swing.

I did run into a reader tonight at the sale.  Nita.  So, I was a total big dork and cried because she was so crazy nice.  We hugged…twice.  I’m a hugger.  If you hug me, just know you are speaking my love language.  She also told me she hoped I was having a better day.  I had to wipe the tears away like an even bigger dork.  Thank you Nita…you made my night with your kind, kind words.

And just so I make you uber jealous before I end this late night post…those barn pendant lights you see there…yep, they went home with me.  I won’t tell you how much I paid either…I’m trying not to be a stumbling block for those around me.  #greatdeal

I’m looking pretty boss with my shades and stance and dolla, dolla bills ya’ll.  It was totally a much better day.

Happy Thursday night!

Long Day #2

Thank you for the teething tips.  Apparently I am going to need to find these said magic teething tablets and give them a go.  Ashley sent me this text today and right when I read it I immediately knew what she was talking about.

I’m so tired I don’t even know how old my kids are.  Amon is 10-months-old…not 9-months-old…as I stated yesterday.  At least I wasn’t like years off or anything.  Ashley got a pretty big kick out of it.  Of course she did.  {Insert raised eyebrow.}  And because I know some of you are wondering…I changed my hash tag to #parentsoftheyear

Sol is still sick.  Not sure what is up with the kid, but I kicked it at home today with just my Ethiopian dudes.  I thought he was getting better…he even worked on his birthday thank you cards.

And then when I went to run with my niece Campbell this afternoon, Sol spiked a high fever and puked his guts up at my MIL’s house.  Awesomeness.  When we got home he immediately fell asleep…again…sitting straight up.  He is all kinds of pitiful.

Amon was funny at lunch.  I couldn’t choose just one of these pics to post.  He just makes my heart super happy.

He started trying to look under and around the camera at me and it was totally cracking me up.

Harper’s school is doing a Fun Run fundraiser.  They get pledges for each lap they run and they also get prizes for the amount of pledges they bring in.  Harper got these little ditties today at school.  Rad right?

(Pic courtesy of her incredibly, amazing teacher)

I received this email today.  Yes, a fly fishing film tour can be “bad-ass”.  I may have just cracked myself up all over again.  Like, I’m laughing pretty hard.  And yes, Josh and I do go to the fly fishing film tour.  What can I say…we must be pretty BA as well 🙂

I was able to finish a few more pieces for Saturday’s sale.  I’m getting kind of excited again.  Eeeek.  I’m still working out the details…specifically the time because Josh has to work this Saturday.  I’ll let you know for sure tomorrow.

11×14 “All was well” Mumford & Sons canvas

10×10 “You’re my Sweetheart” Lumineers canvas

8×8 “Set Free” canvas

How’s that for a random post.  A little parent failure, a little puke, some cute kiddos, a little cussing and some artwork.  Sounds about right.  Hope everyone had a great day.  See you tomorrow.

  Happy Thursday.

Long Day

Today was a long day and I am T.I.R.E.D.  At this point I would like to mention how much I hate…yes, I’m using hate for this…teething.  It’s right up there with Satan himself.  Amon is just a big mess of drool and snot and throw in some inconsolable anger every now and then…and oh yeah, waking up like a wee crazy in the night.  Josh and I are zonked.  But hey, things could easily be worse, so I’ll take a teething 9-month-old easily.  Plus he does have fabulous hair.

And now my days are filled with keeping him wrangled.  He’s everywhere and into everything.  It’s so funny how in just a few days they can totally change.  I love the strides he’s made in no time.  We now have to block off the steps and forget me ever taking a peaceful shower for the next 1-2 years.  He’s right by the tub now, jerking the curtain back and creeping me out.

Oh and Sol is sick.  Boo for sick kids.  He just laid on the couch all day and slept.  He fell asleep just like this.

After we picked Harper up from school, I took them to Sonic for a little happy hour love.  Word.  I knew Sol was really sick when he only asked for a Sprite…no slushy?!?!?!  It must be something serious.

And since Sol was out of playing commission today, Huddy spent the majority of the day drawing and cutting and gluing paper weapons, which meant I got to finish up several pieces that were overdue for completion.

(2) 9×12 “This is not our home” Hebrews 13:14-15 canvas

11×14 Ragamuffin Gospel quote over maps canvas

11×14 Exodus 14:14 canvas

These will all be up for sale this Saturday on my site.  I’m hoping to have several more finished to go along with these.  The sale will be very similar to the last Saturday Sale I held…except the time will be different.  I will post all the details Friday…still working them out.

Now I’m off the get my art on and hopefully go to bed at a somewhat decent hour, only to be awakened by a pissed off teething baby just a few hours later.  Life is grand though…it really is.  Wouldn’t trade it for anything…except maybe 8 hours of sleep.  I kid.

Happy Wednesday!


Today was one of those really great days.  The ones that aren’t just happy, but are joy filled.  One of those where things just kind of work out and laughter is big.  One where you just feel good at the end of the day.  It doesn’t happen everyday…by any stretch, but sometimes we hammer on through and choose joy throughout the day.

*Got up way too early and ran.  It was a super cold, good, hard run and when we were closing in on the parking lot where our cars were parked, I thought about how blessed I was to be able to run.  And I picked up my pace a bit.

*The wee Kelleys had dentist appointments.  They love the dentist…I have no idea why.  I kind of dread going myself, but my kids love it.  And no cavities and Huddy flossed all the way home.  He loves floss.

(The boys are all back there.  I look pasty white and tired.  I need a tan and a nap.  Ha.)

*Amon still won’t for real crawl…only swims his little body all over our house, but he pulled himself up on the steps yesterday.  And today did it more and more…and on small chairs and stools and knees.  I just adore this child.

*I made some treats for a sweet friend.  She deserves them.  And I made a few extra cookies for us too.  The ride home from school may have consisted of everyone enjoying a chocolate chip cookie.

*This kids birthday is next week.  4…ugh…he’s going to be 4.  How can it be.  Time is no friend of mine.  I adore his old man ways and his intensity and passion.  And his deep love.  They other day when we all ran at the park…he asked to hold my hand the whole time.  Swoon.

*Today I finished up a big batch of canvases.  I have so many more to complete, but so far I’m moving right along.

*How humbling and comforting and amazing and seriously, I just don’t deserve a God who cares and loves and fights like mad for me.  But, whoa, how crazy thankful I am.

*We went to the party store today and let Sol pick out some fun plates and napkins for him to enjoy his cake on.  He chose Transformer stuff.  There was a serious debate in his little head between Transformers and Star Wars…it was a nail biter for sure.  In the end, Transformers won out.  Huddy declared, “It’s okay Sol.  For my birthday I’ll have Star Wars.”  His birthday is in September.

*A kind, kind friend made us dinner for tonight and I did not have to even think about what was going to be for dinner.  Maybe my most favorite part of the day…that’s sad right?!?!  And it was amazingly delicious.

*And now, I’m sitting on the couch and every last little Kelley is already in bed by 7pm.  Now it’s time to get back to work.  Crash Kings playing from our iTunes and my finger tips need to be dyed a little bit blacker.  That is some for real joy.

Have a great night.

Happy Thursday!

Saturday Sale

Yesterday was so busy I totally forgot to post.  Sorry.  Just slipped my mind.  Tuesdays and Thursdays are quickly becoming 2 of my most favorite days of the week.  With each kiddo who joins the Kelley family we’ve been able to work it out where on MDO days (Tuesdays & Thursdays) the youngest Kelley gets one-on-one Mom time.  Last year was Sol’s year and Huddy and Harper had their year previously and this year belongs to Amon.  I love the time and attention I can pour into him.  And sometimes we do crazy things like go to tattoo parlors and run in 20 degree weather.  He was so hardcore.  He was like, “Yo, Mom, it’s cool that it’s so freakin’ cold out here.  You keep on running your way to 55 miles.  I’m good.”  So maybe he didn’t say all of that, but he was stellar and bundled up tight.  Ignore my terrible gross hair 🙂

I sooooooo wish I had noticed how blurry this picture was when I took it.  He’s going for a new after bath look that is pretty dang cute.  Golly.

Okay so onto the real meat of the post.  I have really been struggling with how to do the “business” side of creating.  I love doing orders, but honestly I get really overwhelmed and am really, really loving hanging with my little family and all these crazy wee Kelleys more.  Creating is totally in my DNA, so I still do it often and am really trying to see the ways I can bless others around me with the talents God has blessed me with.  They are clearly His.

(Random pictures thrown in for cuteness)

So here is what I’m thinking.  I love to create the ideas that often float through my mind and I’m contemplating making Saturdays sale days.  Essentially, I would create during the week and then post all the creations up for sale on Saturdays.  This Saturday we’re going to give it a try and see what happens.  Right now I have quite a list of things I would like to complete for the first sale, including (10) 4×12 “Where you invest your love, you invest your life” canvases, plus an additional 12 varied canvases.  So if all goes according to plan I will have 22 canvases up for sale this Saturday.  That’s a lot of work, but I have been busting it since last week.

This 9×12 “Now the sky’s our point of view” canvas will be in the mix too.

There you have it.  We’ll give it a go and see what happens.  If all the canvases pan out and time permits, I might have some sets of key fobs and a few camera straps up for grabs as well, but don’t hold me to it…I tend to aim super high and miss sometimes.  I think that’s about it.  Oh and I will post more details on Friday like time, total of canvases for sale, etc.  I’m excited to see what happens.

Hope you’re having an awesome day and thank you from the bottom of my crafty heart for even reading my tiny bit of the internet.  You’re amazing.  See you tomorrow.

Happy Wednesday.


Well we finally heard from the camera doctor today and they couldn’t fix my camera.  *Insert big huge world wide internet sigh*  So now I am sending it off to Cannon to see if they can do something for her.  I really love my iPhone camera and it has come in super handy, but I really, like really really, want my regular camera back.  So here’s to hoping Cannon can work their magic.

In other completely unrelated Kelley news…for all of you that ask me quite a bit if Amon ever cries, here is some proof that he really does cry sometimes.  One little lonely tear.  He is one amazing baby and most definitely the happiest baby I’ve ever met, but yes, he does cry sometimes.  And no, I did not enhance/digitally lengthen his eyelashes.  And yes, I am tempted to put mascara on them because they are beautiful.

Fall is killing me…like the good killing me.  I love it so very very much.  I wish it could stay forever.

Ashley mailed me this super awesome scarf for my birthday.  I gladly sported it this morning.  Scarfs are one of those very underrated accessories that totally deserve more props then they get.

I wish everyone could meet Huddy in person.  Maybe I’ll do a little video interview with him.  He’s hilarious and sincere and sweet and absolutely never, ever, ever without his blades.  Ever.

As fall is killing me…so is this picture.  Melt this “Momma of Mostly Boys” heart.

My giveaway over at Dreaming Big Dreams ends tonight.  Up for grabs is a 4×12 Mumford and Sons canvas.  CLICK HERE to enter.  Thanks so much Jamie for asking me to participate.

Last night my small group met up after a long break.  Jess had these waiting for us.  Too fun.  We didn’t decide on what Bible study to do next, but we did have a very deep and enlightening conversation about iPhone apps.  Ha.  I just downloaded a little Christmas app for my shopping and I must say, I am rather pumped.

I finished up this 4×12 canvas for Renae in North Carolina.  Thanks so much Renae and hope you love it.

And while I was at it, I decided to make up a few extra canvases for purchase.  These (4) 4×12 canvases are for sale.  They are all very very similar so I will just mail you one of them.  If you are interested in purchasing one, just shoot me an email and let me know you would like to purchase one.  They will be sold first come, first serve…or first email, first serve.

**UPDATE:  All canvases have sold.**

Hope you guys have had a wonderful day.

Happy Thursday!

Storing Art Supplies + Giveaway

I know you all have just been on the edge of your seats for today’s post.  I’m sure some of you even set your alarms to get up super early and read about how we store our art supplies.  It’s a pretty hot topic.

Let me start off with yes, I do let my kids draw and cut and color and glue and watercolor and stamp at any point in the day…no permission needed.  No, that may not work for your family.  This is just what works for us and I do realize I probably let my kids handle some supplies and tools a bit early…and I paid for it sometimes…like when Huddy cut Sol’s hair when they were like 18-months-old right when our social worker was arriving for a visit.  Ha!  But I have put major time into teaching the wee Kelleys how to respect their art supplies and how to handle and use them correctly…like not using scissors to give each other haircuts.  Art supplies required responsibility  So do what works for you and your kiddos.  Different strokes, for different folks.  Right on!

So here’s the method to our crazy crafty madness.  Essentially we have two main containers that hold most of our craft supplies.  The bigger one holds some supplies that the wee Kelleys have to ask permission to get out and use.  It has two layers of supplies…yes, I am crazy when it comes to organizing.  It’s not healthy, but all of these items have to fit into this one container.  In the bottom is paint (acrylics & fingers paints…does not include watercolors), dot painters & rollers and embellishments.

The next layer consists of pipe cleaners, beads, string, glitter, confetti and pom poms.  I mainly take most items out of their original packaging and relocate them to zip-lock bags and beads and embellishments are stored in bead boxes with all the little fun compartments.

Pretty sure the first container stresses Josh Kelley out.

Kelley Family Fun Fact #88:  Josh Kelley hates and I mean H.A.T.E.S glitter.  How did we ever get together?!?!

The other container is smaller and shallow and hold supplies they can get out any time they would like…pastels, school glue, giant box of Crayolas, stickers and mini markers.

These both fit nicely on one of Harper’s low shelves in her closet.

We also have this killer piece of furniture that holds dvds, cds, camera gear and our tv sits on top.  My mom found it at a used furniture store for cheap…it was ugly…I painted it and voila…teal organizing loveliness.

The top middle drawer is the wee Kelleys…easily accessible for them.  It holds stamp sets, paper, notebooks and watercolors.

And lastly I use jars.  Lots and lots of jars.  The jars hold pencils, colored pencils, fat markers, skinny markers, twist up crayons, paintbrushes, regular crayons and Sharpies.

Then I use one small basket to hold the fat markers, skinny markers, regular crayons, paint brushes and colored pencil jars.  This basket is kept in the teal piece so the boys or Harper can get to it and any time.  All they have to do is pull the one basket out and put it on the table.

Harper’s room is downstairs right beside the kitchen/living room and dining room so the other jars of Sharpies, twistable crayons and pencils are kept in her room on their little table.  Along with a tape dispenser, a small basket that holds glues sticks, scissors and erasers and another girly bucket that hold’s different fun pens that have been specifically given to Harper at some point…like birthday, Christmas, etc or she bought them with her own money.

The boys are allowed to use their table in Harper’s room or go in and bring out any of the jars whenever they would like.  I also make them help with going through supplies…like testing markers and tossing all the ones that do not work anymore.  This is our test sheet.

And I do make them clean up after themselves…being an artist takes some responsibility…even on super crafty days when things get a little out of hand.  When they put up a fight, which sometimes they totally do…they’re kids, I just make it clear that if we can’t be responsible and clean up after ourselves, then we won’t be able to use our art supplies.  Usually that gets them going.  I tell them all the time, “I say what I mean and I mean what I say”, so art privileges have been revoked before.  Boom.

Hope this helps a bit…hope you feel empowered to let your wee ones get crafty…don’t be scared…you can do it.  Just find what works for your family and go for it…you may have a budding artist at your fingertips.

Happy Crafting!

PS:  I am a guest giveaway over at Dreaming Big Dreams today.  Up for grabs is one of my 4×12 “Where you invest your love” canvas.  Head over and enter to win.