Busy Stained Hands: Full Heart

Josh Kelley and all the wee Kelleys really do fill my heart right up.  To the max.  Spilling over.  And when I create, it comes close to doing the same thing.  I feel at ease.  Like I’m right where I’m suppose to be.  My hands covered in ink and stain.  Our kitchen table covered up in supplies and canvases.  When I am immersed in my process, eyes focussed in and my hands are busy means my heart is full.  When I am cutting and piecing together fabric, putting together color combinations and trying to think & sketch ideas.  In those moments I feel God speaking and moving.  I feel like I’m using the gifts He’s given me and it brings me such great joy.

Life has been crazy lately, as always, and spare time has been hard to find.  When I don’t create I feel my heart stress…I don’t feel like myself.  I know that probably sounds completely strange to some of you, but I know God has wired me in a certain way which soars and is elated when my creativity in brewing.  It’s just how He made me.  And I’m so very glad He did.

This week has been so good for my heart.  We’ve had a rough year in a lot of areas, some of which I choose not to discuss and honestly, this week has renewed a sense of hope for me.  Even though a lot of things are still completely up in the air, there is hope in a God who loves us like crazy and is absolutely relentless with His love.  I’ve been trying to draw in near to Him…focus on Him…make the time He deserves…and I am digging the closeness and watching Him work.

My creativity I know is from God…He created us all so differently and anointed each of us with great gifts…and I want to use mine.  I want to use mine and use mine and use mine.  Lately I’ve had the time…carved out the time…to make sure I create…and instantly, the world is a better place.  The sun shines brighter and my head is clearer and my attitude is more in check and everything just jives a little better.  Today I am so thankful I have to privilege to do what I love to do.  I do not take it for granted, nor do I want it to go to waste.  May I always focus in on my Maker…and thank Him for the gifts He has given me and use them for His glory.

The sun is out, the day is bright and God is so very very good.

Happy Wednesday.

Craft Class 2 & 3

Friday night and Saturday afternoon I held two more craft classes.  The ladies were amazing and it was so much fun…just like the first one.  We even had a pair of sisters from Indiana and a sweet lady all the way from Maryland.  Cara, Abigail and Bekah you ladies are crazy fun!!!  Thanks to each of the ladies who came and crafted.  You were a pleasure.

There were only a few freak accidents like me almost decapitating a fellow crafter with a canvas.  I thought about that one a bit longer and how unfortunate of a death that would have been…right up there with being crushed by your spouse on the bottom bunk at a couples retreat.  I also got one of the ladies boards stuck on Josh’s drill bit…Susan fixed it.  And I might have insisted a few of the ladies change their last and get their goats back to match their newly created wreaths.  So much fun!

Commence crafty photo overload.

















And how about phone pictures.  Several of the ladies sent me their pics.  I wore my glasses both days…to try and hide how tired I looked.  Makes sense.  I decided I should have listened to the Walmart optical lady who suggested I get the glare-less lenses, but they were way more expensive than the plain ones so I opted out.  I should have taken her advice.  I’ve also decided I’m super awkward around people I don’t know, but especially when they want to take a picture.  So I do weird things like bend my knees or hunch my shoulders over because everyone wants to looks shorter and Quasimodo-ish in pictures.  Evidence as follows.

Thank you so much ladies.  I loved meeting each of you.

The plan for April is two more craft dates.  I’m nailing down dates and will offer the spaces up to my wait list folks first and then the remaining spots here on my site.

What a pleasure and blessing and honor it is to get to do something you love to do for a living.  You guys are pretty dang awesome!

Happy Tuesday!

Working, Working, Working.

So many fun work things going on for PPA right now.  I’m still working on orders and taking orders as well.  If you have placed an order, I promise I’m working my way through the list as quickly as I can.  And craft night is right around the corner.  I just don’t think I could be anymore excited about it.  It’s incredibly amazing and fun to be gathering and organizing all the supplies…crazy, crazy, crazy fun.  And for those of you who donated items for the ladies, holy cow, you guys rock.  I can’t wait to share all the goodies that are coming in and where you can purchase your own.  There are truly some talented artists out there using all types of mediums.  I love it.

I finally found some good time to finish up these order items.  Camera straps and key fobs.



And a 24×36 canvas headed off to Michigan this week.  I am kind of smitten with the hymnal background.

I am continually humbled and grateful to be able to do something I am completely in love with for a living.  Thank you for ordering!  It’s an honor to work on each of your custom orders.  Big gigantic thank yous.

Have a great Monday!

A Tiny Sale

Our weekend was full and lovely.  We enjoyed donuts, we celebrated my niece Campbell’s birthday, I took the boys shoe shopping, I got in some good milage running, Josh made me two killer arrows…one small and one big…there was painting, church was crazy good, we spent time with friends and I finished up some work.  It was completely well rounded.

I’m kind of already ready for Friday, but we have a fun day planned for today since school is out.  And this week will be good.  New things on the horizon, new projects and possibilities, getting accountable to one another, making choices and doing, working hard on making 2014 different.  It will be a good week indeed.

I’ve been working on orders and have some really sweet canvases completed, but can’t post them yet…they’re gifts and the givers don’t want the recipients to see.  You guys are fun.  And thank you for your orders.  I did get a chance in between process stages to work on some canvases that have been mulling around in my mind.

I have these two canvases posted under the “Currently Available” tab at the top.  They will go first come, first serve.  Make sure to check out the page for details.

12×12 “She burned too bright for this world” canvas

4×12 “Be strong and courageous” canvas

So check them out if you are interested.  I’m going to start adding more items randomly as I try and work on projects in between orders.  We’ll see how it goes.  2014 is for trying new things 🙂

Hope you all had a good weekend and enjoy your day.  Here’s to one fantastic week.

Happy Monday!


I cannot tell you how good it feels to be back to taking orders.  I love it.  I love making things because I want to make them or because I just cannot get an idea out of my head, but I also love to make exactly what a customer had in mind.  These orders will be headed out to Georgia, Texas and to some local Tennesseans.

Thank you guys as always.  I am constantly amazed and grateful to God for the opportunity to do something I truly love to do.

6×6 “W” monogram canvas

Camera straps for two lovely ladies.

12×12 “Mom’s To-Do List” canvas

If you are interested in placing an order please read my “Pricing & Info” page at the top and then shoot me a message HERE.

Have a great rest of the day.

Happy Thursday!

December 4

Today for our kindness advent we are shopping for a family for Christmas.  We’re actually doing this later today so Josh Kelley can join us.  So all 6 of us will hitting up Target along with it’s unsuspecting shoppers.  God speed Target.

Tomorrow we are over paying for a Contributor newspaper.  I’m a huge fan of what the Contributor stands for and is doing.  Our go-to distributors are Ms Eileen and Mr Rob.  We smile and wave and chat…even when I don’t have cash to buy a paper.  They’re just nice people.

Let me insert some random stuff for you here:

*I ordered my Erin Condren life planner recently.  2014 is lurking.  I’m a write stuff down type of person and this will be my third year rockin’ this planner.  It’s superb and perfectly perfect.  Easy on the eyes too.  It also helps when your friends give you gift cards so the moola doesn’t actually come out of your pocket.  But it is totally worth the money too.

*I’ve decided, along with Susan, that Hudson needs a Buddy the Elf costume.  He would totally make the best Buddy.  Yesterday while we were on the hospital elevator, as the door closed he went running up to it from the back of the elevator and said, “Oh, I forgot to give you a hug.”  Sol and I totally cracked up.

*Amon is still randomly falling asleep.  I just don’t understand, but it’s hilarious.  The first picture below he is literally in the middle of our kitchen floor.  #crazyness  He now reminds me of those fainting goats.  If you’ve never seen them, please go you tube it right now.  You won’t be disappointed.

*I’ve got an art giveway coming up next week on a blogger friend’s site.  I’ll let you in all the details when it starts.  I kind of love it.

I also finished up this 24×24 canvas for a customer.  This was my last custom order of 2013.  I think it was a good one to end on.

And I made this piece for Amon’s nook in the boys’ room.  I will never be ashamed to say I dig Katy Perry.  Ever.

*Christmas is suppose to be this wonderful, loving Jesus & others time of year and yet, every year I feel like we get more judgmental.  Santa or no Santa, lots of gifts, just a few or no gifts at all, participate in elf on the shelf or don’t, advent or no advent…ummm, the list could go on and on.  Can’t we just accept that everyone is different…no two alike…and that families are all very different.  Who needs more judgement and feelings of inadequecy, I know I certainly don’t.  What works for one is not going to work for all.  Different strokes, for different folks.

*I just heard Huddy say to Sol “Oh stinkin’ jack balls.”  I just couldn’t not share this little tid bit.

*And lastly, I have a 4×12 Mumford and Sons canvas ready to ship.  $115 plus shipping.  Send me a message HERE if you are interested.  **CANVAS SOLD**


That’s it.  Hope your day has been grand.  Peace out.

Happy Wednesday.

Kickin’ It Off

Our day is packed out with fun.  No time to blog today…I have little peoples to tend to 🙂  I hope you have an amazing weekend…full of encouragement and big love.  I’ll leave you with some orders.  They have a theme.  I like it.  Of course.

Taggie blanket for Hannah in Kansas.  Thank you Hannah!

And for my friend Miranda.  It was an honor.  Thank you for asking me!

12×12 Psalm 93:4

12×12 Hebrews 6:19

Peace out.  Happy Friday.

“If I Can Just Make It Through Friday”

That was my slogan this week.  So many things to get done.  So many deadlines.  So many things to accomplish and Friday was my big day.  If I can just make it through Friday.  And I did.  And I’m happy the week is done.  And now I’m sitting on our couch absolutely exhausted and ready for bed at 7:22.  Oh and I’m working on my new computer which is very exciting and semi paying attention to GI Joe.

Tomorrow is the 1-year-anniversary of Amon’s open heart surgery.  It’s a big important day for our family.  It makes me really weepy because the transformation that occurred in Amon was absolutely crazy amazing.  God has just been so good to us.  The time while Amon was in the hospital was definitely one of the hardest things our family has ever done. The people in our life who stepped in and really helped us out made a very hard time a bit easier.  I made lots of cookies this week to deliver today and tomorrow as a small way to say thank you.  I wanted these special people to know we didn’t forget the ways they supported us.  I wanted to say ‘thank you’ again.

You guys have helped us rock Amon’s heart fundraiser.  We still have two weeks to raise money and right now we have raised $5,600.  THANK YOU!!!!  If you haven’t donated and wanted to, there’s still time and if you make a donation of $15 or more I’ll mail you a ‘thank you’ key fob.  I’ll make key fobs until I’m blue in the face when the money is going to heart research.  Absolutely.  You can donate HERE on our personal fundraising page.  Then don’t forget to CLICK HERE and send me your mailing address.

And I also had to finish Ms. Flower’s silent auction basket for Harper’s class.  All you locals…here’s a chance to snag some art for a great price and all the money stays in Harper’s school.  There will be a set of 5 key fobs up for grabs as well as an individual piece of art too.  Then there will be class baskets…Ms. Flower’s is full of these:

4×12 “Where you invest your love, you invest your life.”

9×12 “Let me be singing when the evening comes.”

8×10 “Where there is love, there is hope.”

11×14 “Nothing more beautiful and true than the love we’ve found in you.”

DISCLAIMER:  I do make mistakes…all the time…this picture was taken before the fix.  This is what happens when you work with 3 little wild boys in tow.

12×12 “I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people.”

There will be lots of different baskets at the silent auction along with games and prizes and food.  It’s Pioneerfest yo and it’s one of Madison Creek’s biggest fundraisers.  So come out next Saturday and bid.

Happy this week is done.  Happy to have finished up some big projects.  Happy tomorrow is Saturday…and I’m sleeping in.

Happy Weekend!