Tuesday {+ Giveaway DAy}


Tuesday’s kindness acts are done.  Boom.  This is how we rolled yesterday:

#1  Doughnuts to school.  I was a kindergarten teacher so I know first hand what a hard and under paid and joyful job being a teacher is.  I was thrilled to be able to bless Harper’s school staff with something simple and yummy like doughnuts.  Yesterday morning’s kindness acts started early…I literally rolled out of bed and left the house in the clothes I slept in plus boots and a jacket.  It’s cold here in Tennessee now.  I was looking H.O.T.  My friend Brea said she looked like “death on a cracker” the other day.  Yep, that was me yesterday morning.

And here’s a little Krispy Kreme tip for you the Krispy Kreme lady shared with me.  If you call ahead with an order of 10+ boxes they will give them to you for $5.10 a box.  I did not know this prior…now I know and am passing the info along.

#2  Flowers for Mrs. Sherry.  Mrs Sherry is the custodian at Harper’s school and I figured she would appreciate some pretty fall flowers and some yummy cookies.  You can never go wrong with either.

#3  Gift card for a single mom.  God bless you single mommas our there.  You work crazy hard and deserve some extra love.  I thought a pedicure and some extra grocery money would do the trick.

#4  Treat for photographer.  We had family pictures taken yesterday afternoon and our regular go to photographer Cheyenne of Shots by Cheyenne was completely booked.  She passed on the info of her partner Laci of Barefeet Photography and Laci was able to get us in…and was amazing…to say the least.  When I saw this picture…big tears people…big, big tears.  I adore this child.  And Laci is having an awesome “pay it forward” photo session giveaway right now…CHECK IT OUT HERE.

And while I’m “God blessing” people…God bless Laci for putting up with a hot mess of wee Kelleys.  The boys had MDO yesterday which means no naps, plus they had Halloween parties.

Well let’s just say I had to take my wooden spoon with me when we left the house…for all you parents who spank, you know what this means 🙂  {Side Note:  If you don’t spank, that’s cool…different strokes for different folks.  Un-Side Note}  Laci totally earned her little treat…some cookies and a Starbucks card.  Thank you so much Laci for your patience and hard work…we appreciate you.

As we drove to our photo destination Harper said, “Do you think this is what Green Lantern girl would look like?”  Ummm, yes.  Nailed it.

When we got home the back seat looked a little like this.

And Amon practiced his photo bombing skills after everyone was in bed.  I love this kid.

#5  Chalk door hangers.  I bought these awesome hanging chalkboards for super cheap a while back on Pick Your Plum.  When I bought them I had no idea what I was going to use them for and then it dawned on me.  The boys and I hit up all our unsuspecting houses before I dropped them off at school.  My favorite part was when I stepped in dog poop at one house and Huddy said, “Dogs should really learn to wipe their bottoms.”  Yes, that would solve my problem.  The door hangers made an easy little act of kindness.

**See that reflection…that is a “death on a cracker” reflection.

And when I got home this was hanging from our kitchen cabinets.  Let’s do one more “God bless”…God bless Josh Kelley.  He’s a keeper.

#6  Share Sonic happy hour.  $5 gift card taped to the order board at the beginning of happy hour and Bam!…Happy Sonic Happy Hour to the next person to pull into our spot.  And I may have ordered myself a cranberry sprite while I was there.  Getting crazy on day #2.

And today’s list is a good one.

Plus it’s Halloween…my favorite holiday.  Don’t judge.  I know some people are not fond of the holiday, but I am a big lover of it.  Sadly, I’ll be rocking it out with Amon…aka Superman…at home.  Handing out candy and being away from germs.  The wee Kelleys will be going door-to-door with Josh.  Fun will be had.

And I almost forgot…see #4 on my list for today.  Yep, it’s an art giveaway for you guys.

Up for grabs is this 10×10 Mumford & Sons Canvas…”So I’ll be bold, as well as strong and use my head along side my heart.”

Here’s how you enter:

Please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Entry #1 Tell me if you’ve done some kindness acts of your own this week…or what you’re doing for Halloween…or any old comment will do.

Entry #2  Share this giveaway on your personal Facebook status or Twitter.

Entry #3 Subscribe to PPA to receive posts by email.  Check out the right side bar and enter your email address under Email Subscription.

Entry #4  Become a fan of PPA on Facebook HERE

Again, please leave a separate comment on this post for each entry.

Giveaway will end tomorrow, Thursday, November 1st and I will announce the winner in tomorrow’s post.  Canvas will be mailed directly to the winner.

Happy Wednesday!



  1. Sure love reading your acts of kindness to get ideas on paying it forward!

  2. What an amazing way to celebrate your birthday! Great way to model for those crazy cute kiddos.

  3. Chrissy vAS says:

    Simply amazing! Roasting our pumpkin seeds as I type. Need to spread some kindness. Not sure what I’ll do. Happy Halloween!

  4. Up in our corner of Wisconsin Halloween is handled the weekend before so we trunk or treated Friday, went to a party Saturday, and handed out candy Sunday! We like Halloween too…

  5. june Bennett says:

    We plan to attend a halloween block party with our family! Fun times!

  6. Subscriber 🙂

  7. I was going to have the kids be Dorothy and the gang for Halloween, but it’s just too durn cold for that thin, gingham dress! So we’re opting for our 3rd annual version of cowboy and cowgirl, complete with Montana cowboy hats that they got on vacation.

  8. Follower 🙂

  9. I am a Facebook fan!

  10. Shared 🙂

  11. Love the photos and the random acts of kindness ideas! Do you ever sleep??? Have fun today!

  12. I am going to be making brownies for my neighbors later this week.

  13. I am already a facebook fan.

  14. I always look forward to receiving your updates from your blog. Such a true inspiration & aiming to gain just a little bit of your energy & enthusiasm for life 🙂 Keep it up.

  15. I am going to hand out candy at home too! I also have been working at a preschool with low income families

  16. Shared

  17. Love your idea of acts of kindness for your birthday, Christmas, etc. I think I am going to borrow your Advent idea from last year!

  18. Already getting emails!

  19. Already a fan and love reading!

  20. As I’m turning 30 on Sunday too, your post last week inspired me to do my own random acts of kindness too. Monday we took Starbucks and cake pops to the libraries, Tuesday we bought groceries for the person behind us at HEB and today we are taking Panera to Gabe’s therapy office.

    Thanks for the inspiration, pretty lady!

  21. Fan of PPA on facebook!

  22. I am taking our youngest daughter (who is in 9th grade!) trick or treating with friends tonight. They are dressing as Band Geeks and want to play their pep band songs as they walk thru the neighborhood.

  23. Already subscribe to PPA by email.

  24. Shared on facebook.

  25. I took my Young Fives to Nottawa Farms for a field trip. Hay rides, pumpkin picking and decorating, and more! They had a blast!

  26. Our latest random act of kindness was paying for the strangers tv privledges in the seat next to us on the plane across the country. I think we scared her at first, but then she was excited. We’ve made our Advent list, we’re running it Nov 1-Dec 24, so we can afford it all. 🙂 We’re very excited to ‘borrow’ your project from last year.

  27. Already subscribed by email! 🙂

  28. Already receive PPA emails 🙂

  29. Already subscribe to emails from PPA.

  30. Already a HUGE fan on PPA on Facebook.!

  31. Already am a fan on Facebook.

  32. Shared on Facebook. 🙂

  33. another Laura says:

    facebook fan!

  34. Not this week but last gave my staff gift cards to Panera Bread

  35. another Laura says:

    blog follower

  36. another Laura says:

    we made too much BBQ (pulled pork) monday so yesterday my husband blessed his work with a BBQ lunch at the office

  37. I am spending Halloween in a room full of toddlers! I can’t wait to see more pics of the Wee Kelleys all decked out in costume.

  38. I am a fan on Facebook!

  39. I subscribed via email.

  40. My little ethiopian is sporting that same batman costume tonight 🙂

  41. So excited to start my ‘random acts advent!’ You are such an inspiration!!! And I can’t wait to see more beautiful Kelley pics from the photo shoot today 🙂

  42. I get PPA email- and it makes me smile!

  43. Valerie wieners says:

    I bought the persona coffee behind me yesterday morning.

  44. I’m a fan of PPA on fb, too.

  45. We are just spending some quiet, family time together tonight – our lives have been crazy busy for weeks so we are seizing the moment and chilling….with breathing treatments every 4 hours for the kiddos 🙂

  46. And now I’ve shared on fb! Thanks, Laura! Loving your 30 random acts of kindness for your birthday…may have to steal this idea!

  47. Shared this on my facebook!

  48. Kristy smith says:

    Shared on fb

  49. Laura, you amaze and inspire me! Thank you for all that you do to make our world a better place! I LOVE reading your posts!

  50. We are trick or treating for the first time this year!!! We have a ninja, a rock star, rapunzel, a UGA football player, a UGA cheerleader and a teenager who is way too cool to dress up. I am super excited for my kids to partake in all the fun this year. We have been living in a legalistic world for a long time. 😉

  51. I shared this on Facebook.

  52. I subscribe to PPA by email.

  53. Shared of fb!

  54. I am a BIG Facebook fan!!!

  55. Fb fan!

  56. Nancy cornwell says:

    Happy Birthday week! Just wanted to say that we were at VCU for some testing for our 6-month-old a few weeks ago and saw you and Amon. There was already a crowd around you, so we didn’t say hi, but he was adorable and definitely wooing the crowd!

  57. SHARED on Facebook 🙂

  58. Nancy cornwell says:

    Already get your email updates.

  59. Nancy cornwell says:

    A Facebook fan!

  60. Valerie wieners says:

    I love all of your art, very inspirational


  62. huge fan…..Huge…HUge…HUGe…HUGE FAN! 🙂

  63. Jil blunt says:

    Todays Halloween will be spent at the preschool party of the Trav man and then off to the Halloween parade for the big 2nd grader. No Halloween parties here in KS for the bigger kids :(. So I am making a special great for huk’s entire class and even more special treat for his awesome teacher! Then it’s pumpkin shaped pizza for me and my unexpecting running partner yep dropping one by her house! Have a super in Halloween!!

  64. melissa evans says:

    Hey Laura! I adore reading about your sweet family. I am a preschool teacher, so I am dressed as a black cat and will be spoiling my sweet kiddos today, as well as all the staff with cookies. Then I will be going trick or treating with my adorable niece. 🙂

  65. Ashley Usry says:

    Absolutely adore your beautiful family and all of the wonderful acts of kindness! God Bless!

  66. Lonni Pechacek says:

    Hanginf out with some kids I mentor and passing out candy to the ninos!

  67. I know it’s cheap, but the kids and I love to tape quarters to candy and toy vending machines. What’s really silly is that I never let me kids “waste their money” buying those things. Every once in a while my four-year-old will go look to see if someone else might have taped a quarter there. I’ll have to get some quarters and do this today (though I have a feeling most kids will have enough candy already).

  68. I subscribe to PPA e-mail posts (and I love Mumford and Sons)!

  69. I’m a fan of PPA on FB

  70. Laura…you are so uplifting and inspiring! You are such a gift to so so many!

  71. Reading your blog absolutely makes my day. You seriously make me step up my game. You are the most giving, caring person. Thank you for all you do for others, you are such an inspiration.
    Love these acts of kindness. The chalk board hangers are awesome. Keep up the crazy awesome kindness. You rock!!

  72. Our Halloween plans are dressing up the 4-year-old as Spiderman and the 5-month twins as peas in pods and heading to my mom’s. The twins won’t stay long – long enough to get pictures! – but Spiderman will then trick-or-treat around her neighborhood with his Daddy (who may or may not be Lizard!). 🙂

  73. alicia martin says:

    I absolutely loved reading this post. Not only are your acts of kindness heart warming and inspiring, they are super cute and fun! (I may have to borrow one or two of them!) I always love reading (and seeing) how your beautiful family does its thing. Thank you for sharing, and keep doing what you do!

    Tonight, my brother and his family have a layover in our city, so I hope to take my neice trick or treating in my neighborhood after a long overdue meal together.

    Happy Halloween!

  74. melissa evans says:


  75. I subscribe by email!

  76. alicia martin says:

    Already a Facebook fan.

  77. I am a Facebook friend!

  78. alicia martin says:

    Now an email subscriber

  79. My birthday project starts tomorrow. My birthday is at the end of the month so for the month of November I do one(at least one, sometimes more) random act of kindness per day. I always start off with a trip to Starbucks and pay for the drinks for the person behind me in the drive thru, my personal favorite because then I get Starbucks. 😉
    I always look forward to your posts! Happy Halloween!!

  80. Your acts of kindness have truly inspired me. My birthday is coming up in January. And I’m already working on my list. 🙂

  81. I follow your blog via e-mail. 🙂

  82. I like your blog on facebook. 🙂

  83. Thank you so much for inspiring me with your positive nature! You have given me such great ideas for random acts of kindness for when I turn the big 4-0! what a great way to celebrate! So, I’m stealing your idea! My goal each day is to give out 5 compliments to anyone….hoping that will make someone’s day! Thanks again : )

  84. alicia martin says:

    Shared this beautiful, happy post on Facebook!

  85. Subscriber!

  86. Facebook fan!

  87. For Halloween I always take my little cousin trick or treating. Its a tradition (:

  88. Shared on fb

  89. Your random acts of kindness are so very inspirational! Thank you for being so kind to the world!

  90. I just shared your give away through twitter!

  91. tonight we are taking our wee ones to a harvest party at church 🙂 your posts are inspiring some ideas for random acts of kindness in my community too:)

  92. I follow Pitter Patter Art on facebook. Love the canvas you are giving away 🙂

  93. I am a subscriber!

  94. I don’t have a Facebook account *GASP*!

  95. The world needs more people like you! I love reading your blog and catch myself telling others about you and all the cool things you and your family do! I have even had my co-workers praying for Amon!

  96. I love your Not-So-Random Acts of Kindness! They rock! My b-day is on May 1st(which used to be a USSR holiday) and also May Day(which is historically a pagan holiday), but I always wanted to leave flowers on all my neighbors front porches. Sadly, my mom knew the cost prohibitive nature of said surprise. What is stopping me now? Nothing should be. Next year, for the big 4-0, I’ll be getting my flower gifting ON!!!!

  97. the acts of kindness is amazing!

  98. I love the random acts of kindness – and I love Halloween too! I am dressing up as Mary Poppins and entering the costume contest at work today. Should be fun!

  99. Kelly Tuttle says:

    I only wish that I had half of your energy! Each time I go to Hobby Lobby, the same gentleman is there selling Contributor papers. He is always so kind and patient, and I now try to remember to be prepared and look for him. So, on yesterday’s visit, I was able to pay a little more for my paper and treat his to a six pack of my favorite flavored water and a can of yummy cashews. Actually, when Amon was in the hospital my precious Aunt was also at Vandy (still is) for a heart valve replacement. So, when I stopped at GiGi’s to grab cupcakes for her and my cousins, I got a few extra for the Kelleys. Sadly, Amon wasn’t listed (private perhaps?) It’s easy to say that it’s the thought that counts, but with cupcakes, I’m not so sure…

    You’ve inspired the secret, hidden artist within me, but my first attempts are not quite as lovely as yours!

  100. Your acts of kindness make me want to go out and share some love with people on my college campus. Thank you for showing me what the real meaning of being a good neighbor is. I wish and hope the best for your family and for whoever wins this artwork. God bless and thanks again. Happy Halloween!

  101. Love the random acts of kindness! I’m thinking I’ll drop off a little something special to the cub scout leader’s house this afternoon. She works hard and doesn’t always receive the appreciation she should.

  102. I was just telling my husband about this and he loved the idea so we’ll be doing something similar very soon. It just looks like so much fun and I really want my kids to join in on the fun! Thanks for a great art giveaway, hope I win!

  103. I’m already an email subscriber!

  104. Amanda Skinner says:

    Love it! This would make and awesome Christmas present for my hobby 😉

  105. rachael hartline says:

    Oh I LOVE this one!!

  106. Shared on FB 🙂

  107. I’m a Facebook fan!

  108. Tricia Conrey says:

    Already a fan on FB!!!!

  109. You are such an inspiration! This week while we were buying Halloween candy, my 4-yr-old daughter asked the checkout lady at Wal-greens what her favorite candy was. She told us Snickers, so we bought her one and my girl handed it over to a very surprised, very happy lady. You make me remember that it’s easy to bless others with little acts/gifts that can make a big difference! Happy Halloween!!!

  110. Tricia Conrey says:

    Already subscribed and love the email updates!!

  111. I’m a PPA facebook fan! (and I love this canvas! Even if I don’t win, I want to order a Mumford & Sons one from you when you reopen!)

  112. I subscribe by email. 🙂

  113. shared on FB

  114. Michele Rees says:

    I love all your acts of kindness! Have already done our annual kid’s Halloween party this past weekend, but tonight is tradition of english muffin pizzas and trick or treat. I have been practically obsessed with Babel, and would love to hang this piece in my home!

  115. We are going to church for trick or treating

  116. BridGette says:

    I found your random acts of kindness last year through Pinterest! It’s been so neat to see your family growth this past year, and encouraging to see you not only deal with the passing of your Mom but with everything with sweet little Amon from waiting for him to join your family and his heart! You are such a role model for what a Proverbs 31 woman and wife should be like! So glad I found this blog!

  117. BridGette says:


  118. Already a fan on Facebook! 🙂

  119. Michele Rees says:

    Shared on facebook!

  120. Michele Rees says:

    Already a fan on facebook!

  121. Tweeted!

  122. I am so loving your birthday week. This is such a wonderful idea! Every post has made me cry a little. 🙂 We are not doing anything for Halloween today. Had trick or treat a couple of days ago.

  123. Love your random acts of kindness week. Truly inspiring, as always. This morning, I brought two of my coworkers their fave Sonic drink to start their day off right.

  124. I posted the giveaway on my Facebook page. I *love* this canvas! I love me some M&S!

  125. I subscribe via email

  126. I am a Facebook fan 🙂

  127. Loving your 30 RAOK. I to turned the big 30 this year. So Happy Birthday! We will be hanging out at our church’s Fall Festival tonight and serving Hot Chocolate to raise money for our Neverthirst project http://tannehillvalley.org/theneverthirstproject

  128. I really love what you are doing and wish I could afford to bless/thank (should we call this combination “blank”? cause that would be funny). redo… I wish I could afford to “blank” as many people as you do. It’s great.

  129. My husband and I are in Disney with our 3 kids. We bought breakfast for 2 families this morning. Happy Halloween!!!

  130. Shared on Facebook!

  131. I AMA Facebook fan. Love your artwork. Love your kind heart. Xxoo

  132. erin Martin says:

    Your family is beautiful! I love reading about them!
    I am so encouraged by your birthday kindness.
    I’m in nursing school and have a friend who has gotten behind because her mother passed away. I helped her get caught up yesterday. No one deserves to deal with that alone.

    AND I LOVE Mumford and Sons! 🙂

  133. erin Martin says:

    Shared on Facebook 🙂

  134. jami tumlin says:

    Hi Laura! We missed you this morning and you missed Barry’s post workout run in the gym with his parachute attachment. The sight of this is making me laugh out loud all day. Tomorrow I’m making dinner for Bill, Linda’s husband as my act of kindness. I’m loving your Birthday kindness. I’m completely in awe.

  135. Your acts of kindness make me smile and warm my heart. I know your Mama is looking down on you, very proud of the woman & mama you are!

    Happy Halloween!

  136. I am making bread today and doubling the recipe so I can take some to my sister, who lives just down the road from us.

  137. jami tumlin says:

    Shared on FB

  138. jami tumlin says:


  139. Shared on facebook

  140. Subscribed!

  141. PPA fan 🙂

  142. Lauren Durbin says:

    I would love to win!

  143. jami tumlin says:

    Became a fan.

  144. Subscribed to PPA 🙂

  145. Already a fan! Love your work. Your art has inspired some of my own pieces for my son’s room.

  146. I love reading your random acts of kindness posts. They are the best! I wish i could be as creative and kind and giving as you are Laura! I have been trying topull off a few of my own random acts this week too. Thanks for the inspiration

  147. Shared on Facebook!

  148. I’m already a Fan and get emails.

  149. Emily Hall says:

    I just love reading your blog! I love that you, with four kids, find/make the time to do so many nice things for others. I have 3.5 year old twins and work part time, and (feel like I) barely have time to use the bathroom. I take inspiration from you and my boys and I are going to get really into this “random acts of kindness” this holiday season. I always make treats for our neighbors, but I plan to step it up this year with random acts for strangers, too.

  150. Rebecca G says:

    Tonight for Halloween, I will be driving the church van to pick up kids in our community for a party at my church.

  151. Rebecca G says:

    Already a Facebook fan!

  152. Rebecca G says:

    Already subscribe to PPA via email as well! Love reading your blog!

  153. You are such an inspiration! I admire the way you handle your family, dealing with loss and random acts of kindness. Plus, my kids and I are pretty Amon is one of the most beautiful babies ever!! We love seeing him and the progress he has made. God bless you today!!

  154. I’m a FB follower!

  155. Just signed up for email notification.

  156. Tricia Conrey says:

    This didn’t occur this week, but two weeks ago I was in Haiti loving on orphans in three different orphanages. God commands us in James 1:27 to visit the orphan and widow. Anyone wanting to find out how they can make a difference in the lives of some of God’s precious ones, go to http://www.visitingorphans.com

  157. Rebecca G says:

    Shared on Facebook!

  158. I am taking my daughter trick or treating around our neighborhood while my husband hands out treats to the 300 trick or treaters we get at our door! Busy night! Happy treating! :0)

  159. I took dinner to a friend who’s about to have a baby last night. Was such a blessing being able to do that for her! And tonight, my boys have begged me like crazy to go, so we’re heading out to the Trunk or Treat at their Mother’s Day Out church.

  160. I shared on Facebook!

  161. I’m a fan!

  162. Emily Hall says:

    Shared on Facebook! 🙂

  163. I’m an email subscriber.

  164. Emily Hall says:

    I’m currently an email subscriber.

  165. I am an email subscriber! 🙂

  166. I am a fan on facebook and Twitter 🙂

  167. Tricia Conrey says:

    I just shared the giveaway on my FB status!

  168. Emily Hall says:

    Retweeted on Twitter!!

  169. Emily Hall says:

    Facebook fan for life! 🙂

  170. Emily Hall says:

    P.S. I really, really love this canvas!! Love the bunting!!

  171. Love reading your blog and the kids are just giving me a toothache they are so sweet.

    So here’s my entry. I would love the canvas so I can do a random act of kindness. I am preparing to relocate to Nashville from Knoxville. After seven years of a great life here, I am taking on a new challenge. One of the saddest things about my leaving is that one of my very best friends lives in Knoxville. Her name is Latisha. We couldn’t more “different” if we tried (really, I think we sometimes share a brain 🙂 She is a white girl raised in Morristown, TN from a loving and wonderful two parent home. I am a black girl raised in the rougher parts of Memphis, TN by a great single mom and my “village” of family and friends. We met in law school and have been connected ever since. She introduced to Mumford and Sons, among other things. My friendship with her has changed my life. She has opened my eyes to what it truly means to embrace and celebrate diversity and differences. I would love to surprise her with the canvas as a reminder of our how deeply I care for her and our life-changing friendship. Hope you’ll consider this entry. Thanks! AC

  172. I am no professional photographer by any means but I went and took pictures of a friends newborn the other day and working to edit them for her for no charge. 🙂

  173. Shared on twitter. 🙂

  174. Shared, subscribed and I already liked! Thanks!

  175. As a retail manager, I will spend my Halloween night at work converting the store over to Christmas while my sister takes my daughter out trick or treating. Got to love retail, right?

  176. I’m already a fan on facebook! Love seeing the little extras that way!

  177. I’m also already subscribed to the emails!

  178. Heather Stennett says:

    We have decided to reach out to our neighbors and have a fun get-together in our front yard with hot chocolate and a firepit! We are lucky to get lots of trick or treaters and my 2 year old LOVES to say hi to everyone and would rather stay home!

  179. Therese schule stokes says:

    I am a fan on fb 🙂

  180. Therese schule stokes says:

    I subscribe to the best blog ever — PPA!!!!!

  181. Heather Stennett says:

    I shared this on my FB page!

  182. I am just amazed by how you live every day to the fullest, the joy you find in all your circumstances, and the generosity that oozes from you. It’s completely awesome. Yes, I am jealous:)

  183. Heather Stennett says:

    I am a subscriber to PPA through email!

  184. Baking items for an adoption fundraiser a local family is having.

  185. Heather Stennett says:

    I am definitely a fan of PPA on fb!!

  186. Liked your page on Facebook 🙂

  187. Already follow on Facebook 🙂

  188. Randi Balready says:

    Already an email subscriber

  189. Dawn post says:

    Yesterday I watched a gals little ones while she got a filling. Prior to yesterday we didn’t really know each other but I saw her Facebook post looking for help and said “sure.” The encounter was God-ordained, as we both got a bit of unexpected encouragement from each other 🙂

  190. Dawn post says:

    Always love sharing what you’re up to!

  191. Randi Balready says:

    I would live to be able to do acts if kindness, but my family is bit in a situation that allows us to, so I well live through you this Christmas 🙂
    For Halloween my daughter is going to be a cat and we are going to a local church festival and a friend’s neighborhood because our closest neighbor is 2 miles away.

  192. Dawn post says:

    Been a fan for awhile 🙂 How can one not!

  193. Dawn post says:

    Always love getting your emails…you are inspiring on so many levels!

  194. Carrie baxter says:

    Facebook fan 🙂

  195. Carrie baxter says:

    Subscribed through e-mail too!

  196. shared on fb

  197. Already a Facebook fan and e-mail subscriber.

  198. I’m a facebook fan!

  199. Also, super inspired to get going on my own acts of kindness. It’s so simple—I just need a little planning and a kickstart. 🙂

  200. Ashley Usry says:

    Subscribed to Receive posts by email!

  201. Ashley Usry says:

    Liked PPA on Facebook!

  202. My daughter, (who in the last 2 years has had 5 brain surgeries- and that is not counting the ones she had before she came to us), is SuperGirl for Halloween. If any kid deserves to be a superhero it is my Annie and your Amon! 😉 My hubs is wearing a Captain America shirt and I am wearing Wonder Woman pjs, (I refuse to spend the $ for the hubs and me, but we still wanted to participate). 🙂

  203. I love the way you are spending your birthday week! It’s encouraging just to read, so I know the recipients get their socks blessed right off 🙂 And tonight I will be helping at our church’s Fall Family Festival: trunk-or-treat, carnival games, hayride, hot cocoa and kids in adorable costumes! A pretty awesome way to share Jesus with our community 🙂

  204. kindness this week – bought the coffee order for the car behind me in line at the drive through coffee shop, I did this on the way to drop my middle schooler off at school, he was so delighted 🙂

  205. Kelley Leven says:

    I got to take dinner to a friend who had brain surgery last week. Pretty sure I was blessed more than her. I’m getting really excited for our upcoming acts of kindness advent for December!

  206. Kelley Leven says:

    I am already a follower of PPA! Love your work and love love love this piece!

  207. I am spending Halloween at a 4th grade party this afternoon and then trick or treating with a bunch of our friends tonight. I am really considering snagging some of your ideas to do for advent–but probably not 6 a day. That would ruin me.

  208. I am a facebook fan!

  209. Liked PPA on facebook. Couldn’t believe I hadn’t already done that.

  210. I am an email subscriber too!
    Oh, and its my sweet boy’s first Halloween home, we got home from ET just a few days after you, so we are taking Halloween slow and easy (he’s two) but will be in costume handing out candy for sure!

  211. Therese schule stokes says:

    Shared with my friends on fb: Great giveaway at Pitter Patter Art 🙂 This o ne is for you Shelly Leatherman McCoy!!!!

  212. Therese schule stokes says:

    Our family has a long standing tradition of having dinner at CHUY’S for Halloween. Then we’ll stop by our church’s Trunk or Treat on the way home 🙂

  213. I subscribed via email for your daily updates too : )

  214. I also liked you on facebook!

  215. Samantha Spain says:

    We are celebrating Halloween with our church family at Oasis Hendersonville Campus! We are having an awesome Fall Fest tonight from 6-9pm! So excited!! Happy Halloween!!!!

  216. Samantha Spain says:

    Shared this giveaway on my FB page!! Love Pitter Patter Art!!

  217. Samantha Spain says:

    I am a fan on PPA facebook page!

  218. Samantha Spain says:

    I have a subscription to receive posts by email!

  219. I LOVE all of the things that you are doing. So thoughtful!

    My random act – Yesterday I bought a sandwich for a homeless man. And then I walked away crying because I was reminded of how much I have and how I often take it for granted.

  220. I’m also a fan on facebook!

  221. This is my son’s first Halloween! He will be a dinosaur; he picked out his own costume. He likes playing peek-a-boo with it as well as wearing it. : )

  222. My grandma had surgery this week, so I’ve been spending lots of time with her and bringing her as many goodies as I can dream up. My whole life she did so many acts of kindness for me and it makes me so happy to make her happy!

  223. Kristy Smith says:

    I helped some neigbors locate thier run away dog on my way to workout class last night. Love all the Wee Kelley’s costumes.

  224. Allison ReveTta says:

    Love following your family journey. I love your art and creativity very much. Would live to meet you and play someday.

  225. Subscribed! I was subscribed before, but for some reason stoppped getting the emails. Oh well, I’m in again! 🙂

  226. Already a fan on FB. I’ve got my fingers crossed – LOVE Mumford & Sons!!! Happy Halloween to you and the Kelley fam!!

  227. We just moved to a new neighborhood after living in an apartment for years, so we’ll be giving out candy for the first time! We might be more excited than the kids. Maybe if we have leftover candy, I’ll try some acts of kindness for our mailman, trash pick-up lady or delivery guys. 🙂

  228. Driving home last night, ended up with a razor blade in my tire from right in my neighborhood. Drove back the way that I came in and picked up several pieces that I found, trying to save a neighbor the same grief of having to head to the tire shop on Halloween.
    (Fellow ET Mom, your children are beautiful!)

  229. Fan of PPA on Facebook!

  230. Susan Ginia says:

    Every year we hit up two churches in town. One does trunk-or-treat outside with popcorn, cookies and punch inside. Our 9 year old tried their haunted house for the first time, and let’s just say for his last time as well. The other church does a carnival, inflatables, a cake walk and free hot chocolate! This year three of us sported rib cage t-shirts, my first pinterest project ever (original idea from Martha Stewart).

  231. Shared on facebook. 🙂

  232. I also posted this on my facebook: http://www.facebook.com/kathrynmosby

  233. …and I signed up for the emails. 🙂

  234. I’ve already liked your page on facebook, but I’d totally un-like it and re-like it if that counts!

  235. Act of kindness this week… my 4 wee ones and I feed a homeless man and gave him some cash. And they have all been praying for Steve, the homeless man every night and every morning before school. Love it when my kids get to be involved in it!!!

  236. shared on FB

  237. I am a FB fan!

  238. To celebrate Halloween this year, we are making a 3 hr drive to the FL State Regional Volleyball quarterfinals to watch our daughter and her HS varsity team compete! Go Lady Eagles!!!

  239. I wish I had more kindness to share but I have been caught up in the busyness of school, practices, homework and Halloween parties! I love reading all of your thoughtful ideas and I would love to win a canvas!! I’m out the door to a preschool party, followed by 4th grade party (with a peek in to my 6th grader and 1st graders rooms!) and all school parade. Happy Halloween!

  240. Susan Mello says:

    Was super blessed yesterday by volunteering in the nursery of my BSF ( bible study fellowship) group. 11 little crawlers and walkers learning to play together and pray together. Awesome!

  241. Whitney VanDussen says:

    We don’t celebrate Halloween in our home, but I am thankful that we can spend the evening at church. The kids will enjoy their Awana classes and my husband and I are the youth group leaders…we will enjoy the middle school/high school group!

  242. Whitney VanDussen says:

    Woo hoo! Just shared your giveaway info on my FB page!!!!

  243. Whitney VanDussen says:

    I am totally a fan of your blog! I subscribe to your blog and love reading it every day. I feel like I know you and your family. 🙂 You make me smile!

  244. Whitney VanDussen says:

    HUGE FAN!!! I am a FB fan too! 🙂

  245. Would so love to win. I heart Mumford and Sons!!

  246. Shared on Facebook too!

  247. We’re trick-or-treating with my niece tonight for Halloween! She just turned two so she’ll be able to get dressed up and enjoy Halloween this year! I’d love to win this!

  248. I’m a fan on facebook! 🙂

  249. sherry semlow says:

    I love your heart and your joy! Your random acts of kindness inspire me! 🙂

  250. We’ll be dressing up my girl as a bumblebee tonight for a little get together at our sweet neighbor’s house before the trick-or-treating begins! I’m with ya… LOVE Halloween! Enjoy hanging with Amon and passing out the goodies! Fingers are crossed that this one ‘lil comment will win me your ah.ma.ZING art!

  251. Already a FB fan. =}

  252. I have been dropping off Halloween goodies to my neighbors! Happy Halloween!

  253. We are going to a carnival at church tonight. =}
    Happy Halloween!

    I also have to say I love reading your blog! The wee Kelley’s are just too adorable!!

  254. Subscribed to your blog via email. =}

  255. re-Tweeted your tweet about the post. =]

  256. Follow on fb!

  257. I am glad that you guys are home from the hospital.

  258. I’m a former first grade teacher…now daycare lady for one of my kindergarten teacher ex-coworkers. She was searching for some betty crocker fruit snacks for a fun graphing/math activity and had mentioned she couldn’t find any anywhere. Yesterday I loaded up the kiddos, went from store to store, and eventually score two big boxes for her. She was thrilled when she came to pick up her kiddos yesterday! Made my day!

  259. Christina says:

    I shared on Facebook:)

  260. Christina says:

    I tweeted!!

  261. Christina says:

    Today we took coupons for a free donut to pre-school for Malachi’s friends… so not a super cool act of kindness… but some sugary happiness for a bunch of two year olds:) Tonight we will be begging for candy in the cold as a pirate:)

  262. Christina says:

    I am subscribed to get your emails… which I love because your post are always so great!!

  263. Christina says:

    I am a FAN of yours (and on facebook too)!!

  264. Amazing idea for your birthday week! Look forward to trying this out myself.

  265. Subscribed!

  266. Facebook fan!

  267. Last but not least, I shared on facebook as well. Look forward to reading tomorrow’s post. You have a beautiful family.

  268. Love this idea for birthday fun week! I might have to steal it. For Halloween I’m going downtown for a big party they have every year. And dressing up with a Darth Vader mask, so I can dig the superhero costume theme 🙂

  269. I’m a fan on Facebook!

  270. I shared this on my facebook as my status 🙂

  271. I’m so glad you are doing Random Acts of Kindness for your birthday so I can get mine ready for Christmas now. I loved your Advent idea last year and this is good preparation for our family’s Advent calendar and thinking things through and jotting things down now. I made a list yesterday and plan to keep thinking for new ideas. One thing I am trying to do as an ongoing random act of kindness and trying to get my brain trained to always do this is to give honest compliments whenever I see them. Today I told a gal in my bible study how whenever I see her, she looks like she just stepped out of a salon, because I swear she does! For some odd reason, in the past, it has just been easier for me to keep quiet or even make that comment to someone else instead of letting the person know. I’ve also been trying hard to let businesses know like our amazing pediatric dentist how awesome he is and how I feel so blessed whenever we see him with my son. Happy Halloween and Happy early Birthday! You are inspiring!

  272. Act of Kindness-made some scary Monster Finger Cookies for two different neighbors!

  273. I am definitely a Facebook Fan!!

  274. I love being a Pitter Patter art email subscriber!

  275. I tweeted the giveaway!

  276. FB fan!

  277. We are laying low for Halloween. October has been one long, crazy month, so a movie with popcorn and something(s) sweet is a perfect plan!

  278. our church is having a family fun fest and i will be helping with games.

  279. Nita Reid says:

    Going to Bible Study tonight.

  280. Nita Reid says:

    Shared On FB!!

  281. Nita Reid says:

    Already a FB Fan!!!

  282. Nita Reid says:

    I am a Email Subscriber!!!!

  283. barbara elliott says:

    7 of my 8 grandkids and a few other neighborhood kids will be on the trailer being pulled by my son-in-law thru the streets and having a blast. We have done this for several years and all the kids love it……

  284. Taking the kiddos to trunk or treat at First Baptist. . . then maybe some trick or treating in the neighborhood!

  285. I am a FB fan!!! and just a Laura fan too. 🙂

  286. Kathy Stout says:

    Good deed: we made sandwiches with drinks, chips and m&m for the riders of a church bus this week. Halloween: my daughter dressed up as a lady in the military from WWII-kepi, jacket, skirt, aviator sunglasses. She looked cool and retro. She wore it on MTSU campus today. As a family, we’ll be at church tonight.

  287. Kathy Stout says:

    Shared your contest on my facebook. We already are subscribed and receive emails 🙂

  288. I gave a co-worker a basket of candy and a little note when she had a rough day!

  289. I shared it on my facebook

  290. Linda Hill says:

    You have inspired me to do random acts of kindness..you are just so creative evn in your acts of kindness and so generous. Where do you get the energy?? You are A real inspiration!!

  291. Linda Hill says:

    I am already a follower and receive your posts via email!! Aways a delight!!

  292. I signed up for the emails! My friend let me know about your site–it’s beautiful!

  293. I brought banana snickerdoodles to the Burmese children that I tutor every week… yum 🙂

  294. I liked PPA on facebook… love the logo.

  295. Posted the giveaway website to my facebook!

  296. I get PPA emailed and openly enjoy your family 🙂

  297. We are wandering our neighborhood for Halloween and reconnecting with our neighbors. Since I grew up on this street, it is one of my favorite nights of the year and it feels like I am visiting with family. I am also working on my random acts of kindness list for this month since I have so much to be thankful for.

  298. For Halloween I am going to a CHRISTMAS party. My friend says that December is always too full so why not have a Christmas Party on Halloween?

  299. I’m subscribed!

  300. …. and I am a fan on Facebook!

  301. I feel tired reading your blog sometimes. But I imagine that doing things for others is fulfilling and energizing. : )

  302. Aunt Tootsie says:

    I took soup and cookies to a neighbor yesterday, but I can’t keep up with you Laura!

  303. Holly mahnke says:

    Taking care of my sweet MIL who is suffering with stage 4 cancer today. It’s not a random act of kindness, but I am hoping that I am giving her at least a fraction of the kindness and care she has shown me over the years. I love her so much!

  304. Holly mahnke says:

    I am also a subscriber~ 🙂

  305. Holly mahnke says:

    I’m your FAN on FB!

  306. Trick or treat was on Saturday for us so tonight, after an urgent vet visit, we’re just trying to relax.

  307. Shared on Facebook.

  308. Already get your wonderful emails 🙂

  309. Shared on Facebook!

  310. Already subscribed to PPA email.

  311. fan on FB since day one 🙂

  312. Already a fan of PPA on Facebook.

  313. I too love Halloween, but as a middle school teacher let me just say going to school on a candy holiday while there is a full moon…..whomever made that call is CRAZY!!!

  314. Love, love this piece. In fact, I used that lyric to make my facebook cover photo. It’s just that good! Tonight I chased after my 2 1/2 year old nephew with my camera while he Trick-Or-Treated. Lots of fun! Thanks!

  315. I already receive your email newsletter!

  316. And I already like PPA on facebook! Thanks again! Hope you guys had a great Halloween!

  317. Sarah macintyre says:

    I had sick children on Halloween, but they still dressed in their awesome costumes and watched The great pumpkin. We love Halloween!

  318. Sarah macintyre says:

    Already a fan on fb.

  319. Sarah macintyre says:

    Get email subscriptions too 🙂

  320. your random acts of kindness have inspired me.. this week I have made several batches of pumpkin bread and left them for coworkers, pastors & even the mail man 🙂

  321. Are you kidding me with that pic of Amon? He’s not even my baby an I want a huge canvas!!! Holy beautiful baby batman. You are blessed!

  322. I’m a fan on facebook.

  323. Our local Christian radio station mailed out letters called something like “the drive-thru blessing”. Everyone is supposed to pay for the order behind them at the drive-thru and leave the letter with the cashier. The blessed person will know why the order was paid for and then will be directed towards the station as a way to get connected to Jesus. We hope to do some blessing soon!!

  324. I also get your email newsletter!

  325. For Halloween, I volunteered at my church’s Trunk or Treat, and I got to do face painting. 🙂 It was fun–thankfully, most of the kids picked easy things for me to paint!

  326. I am subscribed to receive posts by e-mail.

  327. Shared on facebook!

  328. We grabbed Chinese and headed home for some Junior Scattergories!

  329. Liked on FB.

  330. Love all the random acts! Getting my game on and thinking cap on for what I can do at Christmas this year. Last year we adopted a family and did some much needeed home repairs and played Santa to the kids- my kids learned that helping others is so much fun!

  331. Awesome, awesome, awesome that you are doing this week of kindness! I just love it and I think I need to start that for my own birthday. 🙂 We went trick or treating with friends tonight and had a great time. Hope your Halloween was a great one!

  332. No acts of random kindness this week although I LOVE the idea and should totally give it a shot! We did take our 13 month old to Bass Pro for a Halloween photo and then to a local church’s Halloween on the Hill festival!

  333. Shared the giveaway on fb! Already a subscriber to PPA emails and already liked on fb! 🙂

  334. LOVE your acts of kindness as a birthday celebration! I spent Halloween with my family at our church’s Trunk or Treat.

  335. Shared the giveaway on twitter!

  336. My “God Bless” today was picking someone up who had been discharged from the hospital and taking them home. Her electricity had been turned off due to not having money enough to pay her bill. While I am on a fixed income and could not pay her electric bill I did make a stop at the grocery prior to picking her up and bought some non refrigerated items so she would have something to eat for a couple days.

  337. Laura, I am always glad to share this and any of your giveaways on my FB page. You are so special Laura and I pray God Blesses you abundantly in return.

  338. Laura I already subscribe to your emails. Everyday I look so forward to seeing pics of the wee Kelleys and what they are up to today. Right now I especially look forward to reports on Amon and how he is progressing after his heart surgery. Thank you for sharing your family with me and making me feel so a part of your distance family. I pray for your family every day that God will continue to strengthen Amon and give you and Josh the wisdom and strength for the days ahead.

  339. Posted to facebook!

  340. I am already a fan of Pitter Patter Art on FB and always look forward to your posts and updates on all the wee Kelley’s, especially Amon as he recuperates from his heart surgery. It is so neat to watch all the wee Kelley’s as they grow. Birthday Blessings to you Laura.

  341. Happy Birthday to you Oh Happy Birthday to you May you feel Jesus near every day of this year Oh Happy Birthday to you Oh Happy Birthday to you and the BEST YEAR YOU’VE EVER HAD. Laura I pray God’s Abundant Blessings for you this coming year.

  342. I love halloween too + dressed up like Katniss!

  343. I’m already a subscriber to your email list. Does this count?

  344. I sure hope I’m paying attention the next time you open for orders :-). I love all you do! Thank you for being an inspiration! God Bless YOU!

  345. My hubs and i are coming up with our list of random acts of kindness today in the car as we drive. I think first on our list will be the sonic happy hour gift card taped the sonic button-menu-order area.

  346. i shared on FB!!

  347. I already subscribe to your posts by email! you are such a great inspiration to me!

  348. I am a fan on FB too- I love reading your daily posts about your arts, your random acts of kindness, your precious kiddos, and just daily doing life! Wish we lived closer- would be fun to meet in person! haha feel like i know you!

  349. I am So sad I missed this post, but I LOVE that so many shared their hearts and stories with you! You Inspire, Laura! {Oh, and when I lived with my sister, who was a single Mom to a 2 year old girl, we had a spoon. One day she pointed ger tiny finger at me and said: “Don’t you dare pank me wid dat pankin’ poon!”. So with a red crayon, I wrote “Jenny’s pankin’ poon”. She is 34 years old and still has it! : )

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