Photo Dump

I miss Ashley.  I got to see her for like 4 days straight and then she had to leave.  I don’t understand what the big deal is with just moving to Tennessee and snagging a house directly next door…or across the street would work too.  I feel this is not too much to ask…at all.

I’m getting after my running hard this month.  So far, so good.  I just wish it wasn’t so dang dark every morning.  We’re starting a trend with shadow pictures.

A shippish baby gift.  Come on baby Hutton.  Let’s get the show on the road.

Forgot to share the name of the local pumpkin patch we went to…Honey Suckle Hill Farm.  Hit them up.  We had a grand time.

He’s wild and crazy and drives me bonkers some days, but almost always is rockin’ a smile.  It’s quite the parenting conundrum.

Nashville’s Heart Walk is tomorrow morning.  I’m weepy…I don’t know why…yes, I do…I miss my mom and I just so wish she could have met Amon.  She would have been there tomorrow…without question, but excited to celebrate lives…Amon’s life…and help raise funds and awareness.

Oh, hey Josh and Melody…we like you guys.  The Kelley kids are quite smitten.

Another tooth gone.  The Tooth Fairy actually did her dang job in a timely manner this time.  Alarms were set and we received a reminder text.  The Tooth Fairy is a complicated mythical creature.  Who knew.  And yes…her lashes…I know…I wish they were mine…I’d like to lather them up with mascara.

He’s my sleeper.  Forever & Always.  And his hair makes my face sweat.  Sol is just being Sol.

Another photo for Amon’s Sleeping 2014 Calendar.  This started out as a game of peek-a-boo.  He would pull the blanket down and smile and laugh.  Then apparently he hid a little too long.  He kills me.  My fave…his sweet puffy hair.

Money and gift cards burn holes in Huddy’s pockets.  Josh took him to spend a bit of his birthday goodies and he came home with a new…wait for it…gun.  I was totally shocked.  I kid.  I wasn’t.  Guns are his new love language.  Should we be worried?!?!  Awwww, no way.  His heart is gigantic…big enough for guns and Jesus.

And Harper and my niece Lyla did some crafting together this week.  Fall canvases…yes, please.  I just adore creative kids…their little minds and their thought process and watching them put their plan into action.  Love how their pieces turned out.

We’re ending our Fall Break with a bang.  We’ve got the circus and the Heart Walk and The Color Run all lined up for the weekend.  I think it’s going to be grand.  Have a good one.

Happy Friday.

Tucking Them Away

Pictures help me remember when inevitably my memory fades.  I’ve tucked some moments away recently and am thankful for the photos that will help jog my memory one day.  I hope I’ll tuck them away in just the right place so I can remember fully…the people, the smells, the tastes, the words, the feelings, the emotions, the fun, the realness of it all.

Working really hard on us.  We’re not perfect…actually we’re extremely flawed, but God has been so gracious to both of us lately.  I’m so blessed by Josh Kelley.  We’ve really been putting in the time and energy and thought and work on us and I’m so grateful for this family thing we’ve got going.

A beautiful night full of birthday party celebrating with some dear friends.  A casino party which was amazingly fun and let me try my hand at craps and black jack and roulette.  The company who came up with the idea of setting up the real games and letting you gamble with pretend money and teaching those of us who are lacking in the casino rules department are genius.  And Courtney and Ashley who decided to host this fun party for their husband’s birthdays are even more genius.

How much my boys love Star Wars.  The way they play each character and go into fierce Jedi battle mode and mostly how they watch the movie.  Holy cow, I can barely handle it.

Huddy’s inventive ways and crazy awesome imagination.  I so hope I can fully remember his creative little kid ways.  He’s been carrying around this ‘bow gun’ for about a month now.  He constructed it from straw, twigs, one piece of dried up monkey grass, scotch tape, one pipe cleaner and the draw string from a pair of my running shorts.  He has truly embraced his MacGyver side.

Simple deliciousness.  My mom was the best at taking the most mundane and making it amazing.  Like rice krispy treats.  They’re still one of my most favorite sweets, but only because she made them so out of the ordinary by always dividing them out into bowls with spoons.  Who eats rice krispy treats directly out of a bowl with a spoon?  We did.  And I loved it.  Still do.  My most recent mundane love…plain old Cheerios with chocolate ice cream.  Crazy good I tell you.  Crazy good.  Please try it.

The way we still fit in Harper’s twin bed to read books.  But just barely.  And it takes clever positioning.  I know the time is coming like crazy soon when we won’t all fit.  I’ll choose to be in denial on that day.

Our movie night at home to celebrate Amon…being a family of 6 for a years time.  The movie.  The quilts spread out all over the floor.  The laughter.  The bowls of sweet treats.  The popcorn.  Amon’s 17-month-old inability to sit still and to only shove handfuls of popcorn into his mouth at a time or just knocking the entire bowl over all together.  The crumbs everywhere.

Baby teeth.  When they are all wonky and rounded off and half way cut through.  I love it so much.  I love when he smiles and I can see all 8 at one time.  His happiness is infectious.

And sun on those rainy, dreary, thick in the sadness days.  When you need a physical reminder of God’s goodness and love for you.  How big and wide and deep His love is Just.For.Us no matter our circumstance.

Those are definitely things I am tucking away tight.

Happy Wednesday!