Case of The Mondays

Our modem went out this weekend and we’ve been without internet…which actually wasn’t all terrible.  I kind of enjoyed the internet free time except when I needed to pay some bills online, wanted to blog and buy Amon an adorable banana shirt. Yes, I know you all have been on pins and needles, but thanks to my friend Ashley E’s recommendation, Amon officially has a banana shirt.  You can all sleep easier tonight.

By the way, thank you for all the banana shirt links you guys sent my way.  You guys are too kind.  Always.

I’ve been enjoying the new Avett Brothers Magpie and The Dandelion.  Like really really enjoying.  Like I can’t quit it.  And don’t want to.  It’s lovely.  And Souls Like the Wheels, well, just don’t, don’t even get me started.  I could seriously get my weep on every time I listen to it.

I told myself I was going to eat really good and drink all my water for the day and you know what, there I was at 11am on the dot in the McDonalds drive-in.  What?!?!?!  I blame the pure craziness of yet another kid’s doctors appointment.  I will spare you all the details, but you know when a human enters an animals cage or sticks their hand in the cage…how the animal backs up into the corner…well, we’ll just let your mind mull that one over.  Turns out too, Huddy has quite the strong man hand grip when shots are involved.

It’s fair to say he officially hates, ummmm, loathes, shots.  I promised him he could pick lunch.  I couldn’t just let the boys partake alone.  And one of Harper’s little friends recently told me their hamburgers were made from dog.  All I could think was, “Mmmmm, dogs are delicious.”

I did go to Zumba tonight, which was quite interesting.  Janet brought her A-Game, but unfortunately I only brought my shoes I wore in the Color Run.  Turns out the very finely sifted cornstarch color, which was clinging tight to the soles of my shoes, only made for extremely slippery shoes on a newly finished gym floor.  I was a hot slippery mess.  All. Over. The. Place.  It was comical.  Brea thoroughly enjoyed watching my slip filled dance moves.

Then I found myself at Target shopping for a Cinderella themed birthday gift for a friend’s little.  Josh text me to let me know we were finally back online.  I high-fived myself in the shampoo aisle.

And that was kind of my day in a small nut shell.  Oh and Amon is still randomly sleeping his way through 2013.  I am now seriously considering making a 2014 calendar with all his random sleeping pictures.  It would probably be on the Best of 2014 Calendars List.  Clearly.

So how was your day?  Hopefully good and fun and full of laughter and hamburgers made out of dog 🙂

Happy Monday.

A Strange Place {Weekendness}

How was your weekend?  Was it full and fun?  Was it hard and good?  Sad?  I’ve come to learn that a good day or wonderful weekend or a good life can contain so many of these emotions all wrapped into one.  This weekend was good and hard…fun and emotional.  Our little family is in such a strange place right now…so many big hopes and dreams…it’s like we’re sitting on the edge of tomorrow, just waiting for the word to jump…just waiting for the guidance to know whether to jump to the left or the right.  We’re in a strange place.

And strange is okay…it’s just hard to be patient sometimes.  We also got the last bit of my stuff out of my Mom’s.  We close on her house Friday and I have a feeling that will be a very hard day.  I’m not good with stuff like that yet.  I miss her so very very much.  So yeah, life is just strange right now, but the hopes and dreams are big.  The faith that God is moving and working and healing is amazing to sit with.  Life is just full.

Our weekend was full too.  Like with Chick-fil-A.

And sweet treats…sugar cookie squares.  Rad to the radness.  Make them.  Now.

And tiny cut up food for a tiny toothless baby.

And lunches with Dad.

And practicing for the Color Run and park adventures.

And the sweetest little running partner ever.

And yummy Valentine candy.

And crafty creativeness.  I adore how she sets her stuff up…ready to create.  All options available.

And checkers with chess pieces.  No kinging going on.

And Amon love.  It’s good Yo!

And flowers from Huddy.  Oh he is so funny…scarf, boots and all.

And toy playing.

Today we had a bit of an Amon scare, but after a quick doctor’s visit, some new meds and stocking up on Pedialyte, I know he’s going to be just fine.  Having a sweet little heart baby raises my blood pressure a bit sometimes though.  And he’s pretty pitiful.

When I was picking up his Pedialyte, I totally stressed shopped.  Some are ingredients for a baked good this week, but even so, I’m so weak…totally and completely an emotional eater.  Why, why, why.  I told the cashier, “Only the necessities today.”

So life is a bit crazy and strange these days, I’m sure no one out there can relate at all right?!?!  Bahahahaha.  Here’s to a great week people.  One that is full and fun and hard and good and sad and wonderful.  Make it grand.

Happy Monday.

Third Times A Charm

I’m happy to announce I went to a great new doctor today and turns out I have a little something called bronchitis.  Yay! for an official diagnosis.  I got my third set of prescriptions filled tonight and I’m crossing my fingers and toes they’re going to knock this junk out.  And if you need any sort of prescription cough medicine…I can hook you up.

I even put on a pair of jeans to meet this new doctor.  He knew my mom, so I decided to dress up for him.  The other doctors I’ve frequented lately just got pajama pants.  I’m keeping it classy.

Harper went back to school today and I missed her.  I soooo enjoyed her being home over the holidays, but she was excited to head back to school with her friends.  Tomorrow she gets to take one gift she got for Christmas to share with her class.  She chose a small notebook and a set of washi tape she got.  I’m for real.  She’s totally my kid.

I spent the day with my little boys.  I coughed a lot and had to explain one million times about why I’ve lost my voice to Huddy.  He was a bit concerned.  We also played legos and sword fighting and tried to keep Amon from eating and tearing up the legos.  Riveting.  Truly.  I like them.  I like their kiddoness and their big brown eyes.

And maybe my most favorite thing about today was watching Amon try to figure out how to get over the tiny little rise into our bathroom.  He was so baffled…and then would get a bit ticked…and then get distracted with his paci.

And I know this all sounds mundane and just like regular ole’ life, but this is the good stuff.  The legos and the kid conversations and the watching them figure things out for themselves and all their tiny accomplishments…those are the really good things.  The crazy good things in life.  The moments I am so thankful to experience everyday with these crazy wee Kelleys.

Happy Thursday!