A Strange Place {Weekendness}

How was your weekend?  Was it full and fun?  Was it hard and good?  Sad?  I’ve come to learn that a good day or wonderful weekend or a good life can contain so many of these emotions all wrapped into one.  This weekend was good and hard…fun and emotional.  Our little family is in such a strange place right now…so many big hopes and dreams…it’s like we’re sitting on the edge of tomorrow, just waiting for the word to jump…just waiting for the guidance to know whether to jump to the left or the right.  We’re in a strange place.

And strange is okay…it’s just hard to be patient sometimes.  We also got the last bit of my stuff out of my Mom’s.  We close on her house Friday and I have a feeling that will be a very hard day.  I’m not good with stuff like that yet.  I miss her so very very much.  So yeah, life is just strange right now, but the hopes and dreams are big.  The faith that God is moving and working and healing is amazing to sit with.  Life is just full.

Our weekend was full too.  Like with Chick-fil-A.

And sweet treats…sugar cookie squares.  Rad to the radness.  Make them.  Now.

And tiny cut up food for a tiny toothless baby.

And lunches with Dad.

And practicing for the Color Run and park adventures.

And the sweetest little running partner ever.

And yummy Valentine candy.

And crafty creativeness.  I adore how she sets her stuff up…ready to create.  All options available.

And checkers with chess pieces.  No kinging going on.

And Amon love.  It’s good Yo!

And flowers from Huddy.  Oh he is so funny…scarf, boots and all.

And toy playing.

Today we had a bit of an Amon scare, but after a quick doctor’s visit, some new meds and stocking up on Pedialyte, I know he’s going to be just fine.  Having a sweet little heart baby raises my blood pressure a bit sometimes though.  And he’s pretty pitiful.

When I was picking up his Pedialyte, I totally stressed shopped.  Some are ingredients for a baked good this week, but even so, I’m so weak…totally and completely an emotional eater.  Why, why, why.  I told the cashier, “Only the necessities today.”

So life is a bit crazy and strange these days, I’m sure no one out there can relate at all right?!?!  Bahahahaha.  Here’s to a great week people.  One that is full and fun and hard and good and sad and wonderful.  Make it grand.

Happy Monday.


  1. pamela r. says:

    Any tips on the sugar cookie bars- they seemed hard to spread the dough out and the frosting recipe seemed really sweet. We love sugar cookies , so I want this to be an easy go to recipe, but not sure my first batch was the best. 🙂 I so want to try a canvas art like yours- use to do so much more with paint and wood and I miss that. Any tips on inspiring a want to be artist on your canvas/paper art?

    • Pamela…I butter my hands…as gross as that sounds…and press the dough into the pan. And I do whip the fire out of the butter and sugar combo before adding the rest of the ingredients which makes the icing very whippish…that sounds dirty, but its really delicious 🙂 And as far as the art goes…keep experimenting until you figure out what works best for you. Practice, practice, practice.

  2. Your kiddos are precious! Hope Amon is feeling better! I understand strange. Different than your strange but strange none the less. We just moved our baby into her big girl bed. No more crib in our house. Maybe ever. Strange feeling. Not ready to be “done” but may not have a choice. Don’t have my mom to talk to about this strange place either. Hope today is bright and sunshiney for you. Prayers for you this week.

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