Third Times A Charm

I’m happy to announce I went to a great new doctor today and turns out I have a little something called bronchitis.  Yay! for an official diagnosis.  I got my third set of prescriptions filled tonight and I’m crossing my fingers and toes they’re going to knock this junk out.  And if you need any sort of prescription cough medicine…I can hook you up.

I even put on a pair of jeans to meet this new doctor.  He knew my mom, so I decided to dress up for him.  The other doctors I’ve frequented lately just got pajama pants.  I’m keeping it classy.

Harper went back to school today and I missed her.  I soooo enjoyed her being home over the holidays, but she was excited to head back to school with her friends.  Tomorrow she gets to take one gift she got for Christmas to share with her class.  She chose a small notebook and a set of washi tape she got.  I’m for real.  She’s totally my kid.

I spent the day with my little boys.  I coughed a lot and had to explain one million times about why I’ve lost my voice to Huddy.  He was a bit concerned.  We also played legos and sword fighting and tried to keep Amon from eating and tearing up the legos.  Riveting.  Truly.  I like them.  I like their kiddoness and their big brown eyes.

And maybe my most favorite thing about today was watching Amon try to figure out how to get over the tiny little rise into our bathroom.  He was so baffled…and then would get a bit ticked…and then get distracted with his paci.

And I know this all sounds mundane and just like regular ole’ life, but this is the good stuff.  The legos and the kid conversations and the watching them figure things out for themselves and all their tiny accomplishments…those are the really good things.  The crazy good things in life.  The moments I am so thankful to experience everyday with these crazy wee Kelleys.

Happy Thursday!