Waiting On Court

Well here we are…one month in on our new waiting game for our court date.  I feel like God is really working on my patience…goodness knows, I need it!  Today everyone slept late.  Harper slept until 9am.  I told her I was really going to love her as a teenager…the girl likes her sleep.  So we got a late start on our morning pool time and all the while I just couldn’t get itty bitty boy off my mind.

We were driving over to Josh’s parents pool and Blessed Be Your Name by the Newsboys came on the radio.  Flashback city hit.  Almost 3 years ago to the day we were in the exact same position…in June we were waiting to hear about Solomon’s court date and I was driving Harper and Huddy over to swim at Josh’s parents house and this same song came on the radio.  I remember just sobbing over the song and I told Harper and Huddy…a wee 2-year-old and barely 9-month-old, how we needed to always praise God…good or bad…no matter what.  As we rode in the car I told the wee Kelleys the story all over again.  It was very surreal and gave my heart a bit of hope.  God cares about those small moments of hope.  I dig that.

(I still haven’t changed the clock in the van…hence it really being 9:51…and I may need to clean the van too.)

Then we got our swim on.  I’ve decided swimming is pure joy to the wee Kelleys.  They just swim their little hearts out.  They always do a little people watching too.  I’m afraid I am raising nosey kids 🙂

Harper is now a full fledged swimmer.  She jumps in the deep end and swims all the way back to the shallow in.  All she needed was a bit of confidence and to see my friend’s 3-year-old on Facebook swimming 🙂  She was super proud of herself.  And Sol isn’t far behind.

And Huddy…well, he’s just Huddy.  He’s brave and courageous and cautious all wrapped into one.  He’s just a bit more concerned with pulling himself up on the side…I love his upper body strength…and staying warm.

He talked Sol into chilling with him for a bit.  Sol is a good sport when it comes to showing his brother some love.

Sol may just in fact be a swimmer when he gets older.  Can you see it?  I can.  Be still my ever loving heart…this kid kills me.

Then they all did a bit of sun bathing before we headed home for some lunch.  I know just about every mother feels this way, but they just make my day.  I cannot for the life of me understand why God allowed me to be their Mom.  I am so honored.  Some days I feel like I am dropping the parenting ball all over the place…making huge mistakes…and then I just take a good long look at the 3 of them and I think to myself, “We’re going to make it.  We’re going to be okay.”  And I believe we are.

After lunch, to keep my mind busy and off hoping and praying the phone rings soon with our court news, we made up some Bunny’s Cake to share.  This may in fact be the best chocolate cake ever.  It’s my Aunt Peggy’s recipe, which she got from a sweet lady named Bunny years and years ago.  It is now known as Bunny’s Cake in our Hall family cookbook.

Go ahead and make some up today and thank me later.  Oh and it totally needs to be shared…it’s just too good not to share.

Happy Tuesday!

You Got To Hold On

Harper is my chore doer.  She loves to do chores.  And I love to watch her dust bust…flying hair and all.

The boys fit just perfectly under the counter at the post office.  Just perfect.

Target dollar bin, how I love thee.  Act surprised if you get a card from me in the mail.

I’ve been itching to make my first itty bitty boy purchase.  Harper has been too.  I put my personal wishes aside and let her make the first choice today.  I love that she knows I dig the anchors and even more, I love that she knows they remind me of Grammy.

We had lunch at the park today with Brea and a few of her wee ones.  A fry dropped out of the bag when I was getting everyone’s lunches out.  A rad little squirrel enjoyed it…then proceeded to hang out and find his way into our personal space.  Brea enjoyed it…it freaked me out a bit.  I like my personal space…squirrel free.

2 hours of park play = very, very dirty wee Kelley feet.

If you haven’t heard of Alabama Shakes yet, you should be soon.  They are all over the place…super popular.  I’m not completely crazy about them yet, but I do dig their “Hold On” song.  My heart may explode soon with anxiety and anticipation and just pure craziness.  So many things on the line…so many things just hanging in the wait.  Me…just holding on.

I’ve prayed for a solid 6 months that God would give me a dream about Mom…just one…that was all I was asking for.  Last night…I got it.  I went to the post office and she was standing beside the trash can with her royal blue dress on with her hot pink blouse over it.  She had on her infamous high heels and jazzy, big earrings.  I gave her a hug and said, “I miss you.”  She said, “I know.”  And that was it.  Not super long or enlightening, like I had hoped, but just enough.  I’m praying for another one, like asap.  “You got to hold on…” and that is exactly what I am doing.

Come on healed heart & itty bitty boy.  I’m holding on like mad…for you both!

Happy Wednesday.

Pretty Random

I have lots of completely, unrelated things to write today.  So let’s get started…in no particular order…

*Our paperwork was found and arrived safely in Seattle, WA yesterday.  That was pretty exciting.  How about virtual high-5s all around?  Up high!

*Our nephew Coop had his graduation from 5th grade last night.  He was looking pretty cool while his entire class rocked out.

*One thing I really like about my kids…they can sit through an entire 5th grade graduation.  Sol cheered for just about every single kid and called them all Coop and relaxed in the bleachers.  Huddy buttoned and unbuttoned and rebuttoned Nene’s shirt 🙂

*Any morning that begins with licking the leftover cheesecake batter is top notch in my book.  And for reals, this is the best cheesecake ever.

 *I love when our mornings are filled with good, fun, fightless play.  Legos for the boys…

and painting for Harper.

*And then the fights began & some tears rolled 🙂

*I like that Harper enjoys painting.  I like that she thinks about exactly what she wants to create.  I like the way God designed her 🙂

*The Oscar Mayer wiener mobile has been showing up randomly on our street over the past 2 weeks.  I personally, hope it stays.

*I like Harper’s quilt…crazy binding, imperfections and all.  I hope it’s a treasure when she gets older.

*For lunch we tried out these Pizza Puffs.  So yummy!  Everyone devoured them and I made a dozen mini ones and a dozen regular muffin sized ones as well.  I doubled the recipe.

Picture Source

*Nothing ends lunch quite like some cheesecake taste testing.  I got lots of smiles and thumbs ups.

And that’s about it.  Hoping to work on some art pieces tonight.  Praying big prayers for our week…hoping we get word about court this week…that would rock.  Now, I have 3 wee Kelleys who are all waiting to hear some books before nap.

Happy Tuesday!

17 & Counting

It has just been one of those days.  You know the days.  The world seems a bit too big and I can feel my anxiety creeping in and getting comfortable.  Just one of those days.

Yesterday we had officially been waiting 17 months for our sweet boy.  Today is suppose to be a giveaway day, but alas, there the 15th paper sits and my brain is just not thinking and my hands just aren’t creating.  So the giveaway will be sometime this week…hopefully tomorrow, but I’m cutting myself some slack today.

The wee Kelleys are all down for naps/quiet times and I am enjoying this.  It’s so wrong and yet, so right 🙂

My best friend Ashley made an unexpected trip to Tennessee.  She is a sight for my sore eyes.  She is so lovely!

Josh was driving back in from out of town last night and Ashley was keeping the kids and I company.  We ate Mexican for dinner.   5 orders of beans and rice may not be quite right.

As I walked out of Harper’s room for quiet time today, I noticed one of her mini-Barbie dolls was saluting.  I think she was saluting me.  Maybe she was saying, “Kudos Laura.  You made it to nap time.” 🙂

And now I’m off to either

A) take a nap


B) Create our 17 months giveaway canvas.

I’m thinking my inspiration should be, “My grace is sufficient for you…” 2Cor. 12:9

Here’s to a better Monday!

The Ugly Cry

I hated not posting yesterday, especially with all the sweet comments and emails about the new PPA web design.  You guys are really too sweet and I’m so glad you are enjoying the new site as much as I am.  Thank you and thanks again to Randy.

I was running around like a crazy person in preparation for the Noonday and Matilda Jane trunk show last night and I had zero time to post, but everything got done & the party was super fun.

Brea and Renee were amazingly wonderful.  I have never met 2 more socially sweet people.  They just talked and inquired about everyone.  Thank you both, Brea and Renee, for being fabulous…we appreciate your kindness & love.

The biggest shock of the night was that I only took one little, lonely picture.  This is soooo not me.  I didn’t even realize it until the night was over…bummed.

Really thrilled and grateful for the funds raised…Good time with friends that raises money is perfectly awesome in my book.

My friend Ashley brought Harper a birthday gift last night and it was LOVE at first site…with Harper & me.  How incredibly fun is a giant bucket of colorful linking beads…so fun!

My favorite creation so far…colorful goodness.

I hung Harper’s painting up from her art party.  I really, really wanted to hang it going up our stairs, but Harper really, really, really wanted it hanging in her room.  I can understand that, so in her room it was.

The boys are always in superhero mode.  This morning Huddy was fighting battle.  I think he needs a tool belt or at least something that will hold all his crime fighting gear.  Who knew a superhero needs a wood flute 🙂

And lastly, Harper drew this picture this morning.  Then she went bounding outside to play with Josh and the boys.  So what did I do…I sat at our desk and did the big, ugly cry.  You know the one.  It’s so ugly and it’s semi loud and there was some snot involved and I was most definitely making a horrible face.  Please tell me that you too know this cry?  I may know it a little too well 🙂

But oh how sweet the picture is.  A treasure.  A keeper for sure.

Little brother,

I too love you.

And we are waiting…waiting like mad for you.

And I also really, super love love you.

Love, Mom.

Have a great Easter weekend.  Happy Friday!

Big Happy Sigh!

So what do you think?  If you haven’t noticed or are reading this post in your blog reader, my site has had a complete overhaul and I just may be in love.  Randy with Doleman Creative was an absolute pleasure to work with and he was beyond kind to work with all my craziness and attention to detail.  I wanted something clean and fresh with some color…oh and an anchor…can’t forget that anchor.  I adore it.  Thank you so much Randy.  If you are looking for some good web design Randy is your dude.

Onto some Kelley ramblings…last night we went to see Campbell in her play.  She was the Cowardly Lion in The Wizard of Oz.  She was wonderful and funny and completely not cowardly.  You rock Campbell.

I made cheesecake today and whoopie pies and dips for tomorrow nights Noonday and Matilda Jane trunk show.

Remember the show will benefit the kids at our Ngungwane carepoint in Swaziland, Africa.  You can phone in an order or place it in person.  I would love to meet you and chat with you and eat with you and shop with you 🙂  Please come!

For our weekly craft we died eggs…nothing fancy or special…just your regular ole” Paas egg dying and it was fun and a great outside activity for a gorgeous day.

I need more feet in this house.  Like bad.

And another sweet face.  Like real bad.

I got out Easter buckets today and it made me sad.  I just knew…really, really knew that by next Easter our little guy would be home.  And here we are…still waiting.  I know God gets this and understands, but it’s just plain hard sometimes…really, really hard.

And with the launch of my new site a giveaway is in the works.  So check back again.

Thanks for reading today…hope you are diggin’ on the new look…I know I am.  Thanks again Randy!

Happy Wednesday!

Big News!

Hello Pitter Patter Art Folks
Some of you already know and some of you don’t, but we wanted to share the news with everyone that Josh and I are starting the process to adopt a baby boy from Ethiopia. Sorry for those that have already heard the details…Josh and I have always talked about adopting one day, even before we were married, then while I was pregnant with Huddy we felt God confirming to us that we would add to our family next through adoption.  I went ahead, even before Hud arrived, checking into the process and asking others who had already completed adoption for some advice (Thanks Brea!)  We knew this is what God wanted for our family, but then started praying about whether to do domestic or international. I never felt pushed either way, I just knew I wanted to be a mom again, but Josh felt strongly that we should do an international adoption. From there God led the way and we are adopting from Ethiopia.  We are beyond excited, so Ethiopia here we come.


Now we are at the beginning stages of paperwork and raising money. We are asking everyone to
please pray for us and this journey we are about to begin and that we do exactly as God would want. We also ask that you guys share our story with whomever you would like (email, blogs, blogrolls, etc) and pass on my website for more information. We have set up a donate button on the right and all money made from any orders will go straight to our adoption fund.  You are now not only getting great quality unique items, but also helping bring our child home.

We will also be having some more fundraising opportunities soon that will be posted on my
site. So keep an eye out. Well that is that and we are so excited about where our family is going.