Big News!

Hello Pitter Patter Art Folks
Some of you already know and some of you don’t, but we wanted to share the news with everyone that Josh and I are starting the process to adopt a baby boy from Ethiopia. Sorry for those that have already heard the details…Josh and I have always talked about adopting one day, even before we were married, then while I was pregnant with Huddy we felt God confirming to us that we would add to our family next through adoption.  I went ahead, even before Hud arrived, checking into the process and asking others who had already completed adoption for some advice (Thanks Brea!)  We knew this is what God wanted for our family, but then started praying about whether to do domestic or international. I never felt pushed either way, I just knew I wanted to be a mom again, but Josh felt strongly that we should do an international adoption. From there God led the way and we are adopting from Ethiopia.  We are beyond excited, so Ethiopia here we come.


Now we are at the beginning stages of paperwork and raising money. We are asking everyone to
please pray for us and this journey we are about to begin and that we do exactly as God would want. We also ask that you guys share our story with whomever you would like (email, blogs, blogrolls, etc) and pass on my website for more information. We have set up a donate button on the right and all money made from any orders will go straight to our adoption fund.  You are now not only getting great quality unique items, but also helping bring our child home.

We will also be having some more fundraising opportunities soon that will be posted on my
site. So keep an eye out. Well that is that and we are so excited about where our family is going.


  1. I’m so happy for you both! Very exciting news!

  2. Yippy!! I am so excited to be on this amazing journey with you! We are going to have fun! Love you!

  3. Well, of course, I’m just thrilled for you guys. Can’t wait to watch in awe as God brings you another beautiful child!

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