First Word {Ma-ma}

All of my children have said “dada” for their first word.  Harper still holds the title for making me wait the longest to hear her say those sweet little syllables…”mama”…at the young old age of 10 months old.  I was determined that Amon’s first word would be “mama”…I would finally claim the title of first word for myself.  Since the first time we met him, I would say those traditional parental words, “Can you say ‘ma-ma’?”  And then repeat over and over and over again for his first 4 months home.  Last week during our flu rampage I heard the sweetest little words come from our little ace of hearts mouth.  Ma-ma.  Maybe the two greatest syllables ever uttered.  It is bliss.

And what makes this one a little sweeter is that we’ve been a bit concerned with Amon’s hearing…like if he can and if so how much.  One of my 2013 goals is to get to the bottom of this, but what a hope filled heart I have since hearing him say my name.  There’s something there and wow…it’s just amazing to know that.

So enjoy.  Ignore the snot pouring out of his nose and thin iPhone quality and the chaotic background and all the dead space in the wait.  You do what you gotta do as a Mama trying to catch those crazy good words.

Happy Wednesday!

December 23

Wow.  So I’ve decided if the flu had a face, I would totally punch flu in the face.  Terrible people.  Terrible.  But I am happy to report that after 8 days, today I finally feel a little less like death.  Internet fist bump.  I have been so sick and just feeling so down about how this time leading up to Christmas has looked nothing like I had envisioned.  No kindness advent.  No salt dough ornaments.  No fun Christmas crafts.  No baking.  Ugh…it just made my heart hurt…all those well thought out plans and then BAM!  the flu, in the worst kind of way.  BUT…we sure did slow down…that’s for sure.  And I will say, the Kelley family has enjoyed each others sick company.  And for that I am thankful.

And I would love for us to get to do today’s kindness advent.  We bought up fun books…before the flu hit…in preparation and maybe, just maybe will get to give them away some how.

We shall see.  Right now Sol and I are curled up nice and snug with some Gatorade on the couch.  But maybe we will get some new energy.  Who knows…the Kelleys could get crazy with our flu love.

And…Hey tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  Happy Sunday!

December 20

Thank you for all the kind words about us getting well…you guys are just super nice.  We’re holding steady at 3 Vs. 3…Harper, Sol and Amon all tested negative for flu…virtual high-5s all around.  Since being on heavy meds and totally out of it for large parts of the day due to sheer exhaustion and just feeling like death in general, here are some things I’ve taken note of during our week with the flu.

**I used to be rock solid…like rock.solid.  Now I’m a big gushy mess.  I cry all the time and well, give me the flu and the water works go into overload.  I miss my Mom and just like a little kid, while feeling so sick all I want is my Mom.  This week is one of those where she would have taken off work in a heart beat and taken Amon to her house and let us all get better.  And don’t even get my heart thinking about how she didn’t get to meet Amon…buckets people, I could have filled buckets at this point with the tears I’ve cried over that little fact…she never saw his sweet face.  Gosh.

**Last night while semi trippin’ on really strong meds and unable to sleep I tried to figure out what we were going to do with Amon today.  I thought, “I can put out a Help Wanted facebook post”.  Clearly finding someone to watch Amon…hello…the cutest baby ever…would not be too difficult.  I figured I’d slap a cute picture up, add some facts like “world’s cutest baby” “most fabulous hair ever” yada, yada, yada “Did I mention fabulous hair” and we’d have us a taker for our little ace of hearts for the day.  In the end, Josh just called his mom.  A much better idea.

**I didn’t get much sleep last night and I’m not even kidding about some of my medicines wigging me out a bit.  Use Care When Operating A Car Or Dangerous Machines.  Yep, that warning is for reals.  I was a bit out of it this morning and apparently after dropping Harper off at school I came in and laid into Josh, while he was laying there in all his flu glory at 7am in the morning, because I thought the car broke down in the driveway.  He said I insisted the van broke down and that it was the transmission.  There was some yelling on my part and I may have used the word ‘damn’ thrown in for dramatics.  All I remember is crying on our floor and the next thing I knew I woke up in a pile of dirty clothes on our bedroom floor.  This flu thing is not for the faint of heart.  It makes you crazy.

**As Josh was proofreading this post he said, “You forgot to mention there was nothing wrong with the car.”  Yes, Josh Kelley, got up and took the car to the shop…almost throwing up in their waiting room…all because of my hallucination.  He’s a keeper.**

  **Josh and I got a good flu laugh when we decided to change our Christmas card picture to this one.  Thank goodness our Christmas cards have already gone out.  Merry Christmas from the Kelleys…and…you’re welcome.  #bestfamilyportraitever

**I realized this morning my monthly business tax had to be post marked today.  Really?  Today?  But I made it happen.  It was super windy and warm here in Tennessee, so wearing the exact same flu stricken clothes I’ve worn almost all week with hair that has not be combed in, ummmm, 6 days and barefoot, I dragged my achy body out to the mailbox…and stepped in a big pile of dog poop.  Yep.  It just gets better.

**When I was pulling out of the driveway to pick Harper up from school…same flu stricken clothes and week long uncombed hair…I did wipe the poop off my foot…the wind was blowing so bad I noticed our mailbox was open…and my business tax…that had to be post marked today…was not in the mailbox anymore…and our mailman had not come yet.  I then proceeded to make my way through our neighbors yards trying to find the envelope.  Flu stricken and breaking out in hot flashes, I finally found it 3 houses down.

**We’ve had back-to-back, to-back, to-back doctors appointments.  In two days every person in our family has had a doctor’s visit and copay.  Glad maxing out our family deductible and really sticking it to our health insurance was one of my 2012 family goals.  I kid.

**Huddy and Sol were suppose to be enjoying a Christmas movie day at their MDO today…wear PJs to school, eat cookies and popcorn, Christmas parties and book exchange kind of day.  When I broke the news they would not be going Huddy broke down in a big, loud teary mess of a cry…his little voice and his hot little feverish head just pushed me right over the edge.  I then warped into a 4-year-olds mind set too and started to cry…and loudly.  Josh just laid there looking bewildered, back and forth, between me and Huddy crying our big drippy loud tears.  We’re kind of dramatic.

**And tomorrow’s kindness isn’t going to happen as planned…again.  I shouldn’t be baking anything…for anyone.  Unless you want a flu sandwich.  But with all the pain and sadness going on in the world this week, we’ll spread some sort of kindness tomorrow.  I will forever believe that kindness, no matter how big or small, really matters.  It truly does.

Hope you’re still spreading kindness.  Hope your holiday is starting off sweetly.  Hope your house is flu free.  And hope you didn’t step in dog poop barefooted.  Here’s to the weekend.  Soak it up and enjoy those babies.

December 19

No post yesterday…were you worried?  Well you should have been 🙂 Apparently we welcomed the flu into our house and asked it to stay for the holiday.  Yeah.  It’s bad.  I’m miserable.  Josh is miserable.  And now Huddy is miserable.  Flu, flu and yes, more flu.  We’ve got an appointment tomorrow to take Harper in for a recheck…even though she’s already had a negative test…and for Sol to get checked.  Ugh…nothing says “Merry Christmas” like a house full of flu infested people…the coughing and snot and you can just feel the germs everywhere.  I’m a bit pissed about it all.

And yep…I did just post this most hideous picture of myself.  Keeping it real.  Maybe too real.  I need a serious shower…walk me through a car wash…that will do just fine.

Josh and I should probably go ahead and purchase some small stock in Tamiflu.  That stuff better work because it costs a pretty little penny…that’s for sure.  I felt terrible walking through Kroger…coughing and wheezing and feeling like I was going to pass out at any minute…all those unsuspecting shoppers were being exposed.  I felt like I needed a bio hazard sign taped to my chest and I just wanted to yell things like, “Clear the way.” and “Run!  Save your self.”  Poor unsuspecting Kroger shoppers…I still feel a bit guilty, but I had to make our much needed purchases.

It’s kind of funny, but yet, not.  Josh and I are still trying to figure out how tomorrow is going to work.  2 sickly flu parents who feel like death and just want to lay in bed handling one flu kid, 2 possible flu kids and a heart baby who cannot…do you hear me…cannot, cannot, cannot get the flu or we will be wishing you a Merry Christmas from the hospital.  I can maybe see the comical side to this, but ask me when we’ve found our way through this one.

And our kindness advent…well, I’ve waved my white flag and decided the Kelley’s kindness acts will be keeping our germs to ourselves and making our way through the World’s Largest Bottle of Hand Sanitizer and trying not to get anyone else sick along the way…except those unsuspecting shoppers in Kroger tonight.

You other kindness doers out there…march on…we’re laying in the trenches right now…throw us some Tamiflu and cough drops when you pass by.  I’m going back to bed now…I need to have a few more hot sweats and cold chills to complete this night.

Peace, Love and Tamiflu.

December 17

It’s not looking good at our house.  Josh Kelley is definitely our saving grace right now.  We’re all about to go down for a house wide nap.  Strict instructions have been given because I need a nap…bad.  I hate being sick.  And we reserve the word ‘hate’ just for the devil, but that’s how strongly I feel about being sick.

Josh delivered our kindness alone today.  He dropped off all the cookies for Harper’s school staff.  We love her school and after Friday’s events I knew for sure, come Monday, they would need some extra love.

I posted this picture on Instagram…come find me pitterpatterart…and someone asked for a tutorial.  It made me laugh out loud because I am no where near a profesh cookie maker.  The only thing I have going for me is that I like a good cookie and I like to draw.  I’m sure a bakery would except those credentials.

When I make cookies I shoot for delicious and break all the cookie decorating rules usually.  I use this cookie recipe HERE at Sweet Sugarbelle.  The icing recipe I like is HERE at The Decorated Cookie.  I use the Royal Icing (sort of).  I’ve looked at and tried and pinned a million different recipes, but these are the two I keep coming back to.  They are so so yummy…a madly amazing marriage of cookie and icing.

I like a really thick cookie with really thick icing…deliciousness.  I roll my cookies about 1/2″ thick and put them in the freezer for about 10 mins before cooking.  This helps with keeping their shape.  I like a lot of icing…no thin layers around here.  I slather on so much icing it cracks sometimes, but that’s okay.  Cookies are forgiving because if you mess up you just eat it.  I use my Mom’s Wilton decorating tips.  They sell new ones, but I like her old ones.  She gave me hers when I was about 18 and had started decorating cakes.  I’ll never part with them…never.  I typically use the #2 and #3 to outline and decorate the cookies.

And the decorating is definitely the most fun part.  I free hand my cookies because that is what is most comfortable and fun for me.  But that also means sometimes mistakes are made…like spelling ‘faith’ ‘faiht’.  It’s cool though.  I just scraped off the last two letters and fixed them.  My lines are a bit wonky too and not everything lines up perfectly, but that’s perfectly okay.  They have cool machines out there now that work like projectors except for a cookie…that way you can copy designs and images onto the cookies…that’s totally cool, but just not for me and my lazy unprofesh cookie making.

Soooo that’s about all I have…probably not the tutorial you were looking for, but hey…I’m sick…and I’m tried…and I’m just a “for fun” cookie maker.  Maybe try Googling “cookie decorating”…I’m sure there’s lots of good stuff out there that is way more informative than me.  Ha.

For tomorrows kindness we’ll be spreading a little love to some of our newspaper friends.

Okay so it’s nap time now.  This sick mamma needs some major rest.  Hope you have a good day.  Hope your house is sick free.

Happy Monday.

December 16

Well the Kelleys are dropping like flies.  Harper is still sick and now I have the croup too.  I’ve slept almost the entire day and in the words of Brea…I feel like death on a cracker.  It is not pretty.  Amon now has a suspiciously croupy sounding couch and I’m just praying he doesn’t get it.  And Huddy started complaining about his throat tonight and had to take 3 hits off his inhaler.  Big time ugh.  Praying it all passes quickly.

Harper and I have been full on down.  It’s miserable.  I’m laying on the couch right now thinking about going back to bed as soon as I finish typing this post.  Josh has been our nurse and for the most part the boys have been…well, the boys.

We were going to mail happy packages today.  The wee Kelleys decided we should mail surprises to all their cousins.  They picked out all the treats last week and they helped me package everything up.

And now they’re still sitting by our back door.  I have a good feeling Josh Kelley will be knocking out two kindness deeds tomorrow…alone…while we sleep and movie watch…again…the day away.

Now I think I’m going back to bed.  This has been a record breaking sleep day for me.  The croup is no friend of mine.

Happy sickly Sunday.

December 15

Today’s kindness seemed small and so very insignificant when realizing what happened in Connecticut yesterday.  We were so out of the loop yesterday.  I didn’t find out what had happened until last night and was just floored.  God’s sweet children…and their families…just heartbreaking.  God quickly brought to my mind that this world is not our home.  We are in this world, but not of it.  And no matter how small the deed, kindness most definitely still matters.

Due to Harper being sick and Josh having a prior early morning commitment I was unable to go to my cross fit class this morning, so I took the Gatorade to our friend Jonathan and he handed them out this morning for me.  It’s okay to call for back up.

Tomorrow we will be using the friendly post office machine…it’s my favorite.  No lines and no wait.  Joy.

We stayed home all day.  Harper did a lot of this.

And a whole lot of laying around…again.  She has been struggling with her breathing.  She most definitely has the croup, so in the freezer she goes to open up those little lungs.

I also got busy decorating the cookies we’ll be delivering to Harper’s school on Monday.  They deserve some big love on Monday.

Pressing on with kindness tomorrow and praying bold prayers for our nation tonight.  Praying for the brokenhearted.  Thanking Jesus this is not our home.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes.  There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.  Revelations 21:4

December 14

Today we were suppose to be passing out sheets of stickers to kiddos shopping with their parents, but today ‘suppose’ is the key word.  Life happens some days and that is something I have had to learn to be okay with.  Harper starts school at 7:15 and before 8 she was back in the car with a fever.  I had to pick her up in the nurses’ office…9 kiddos were out in her class.  She even walked to the nurses office with 2 other classmates who were going home also.  Sick kids are sad.

I’m a big, “let’s keep germs to ourselves” kind of person, so there was no passing out stickers today.  Instead it was a full on lay-on-the-couch-and-watch-movies-all-day kind of day.

I’m usually the mom who waits way too long to take her kids to the doctors office, but her class has flu and strep cases, and since we have a little heart baby in the house, we hit up the doctors office.  Super relieved she was negative for both.

Since we were home the entire day and everyone was a bit on the lazy side, I kind of took advantage of the time and got a head start on some of our kindness for next week.  Cookie delivery.

My most favorite Christmas tree cookie cutter ever.  Too fun.

And for tomorrow’s kindness I called in some back-up.  Josh has a big day with his baseball team starting way early and now Harper is sick, so I won’t be able to make my class in the morning.  It’s okay to call in for back-up…kindness will still be shared.

I’ve got a big night planned…I won’t lie…it’s gonna get pretty crazy.  It involves our couch and a movie.  I’m tired and glad the weekend is here.  I think it will be just right.

Have a grand weekend.  Happy Friday!