Archives for June 2014

How Big Is Your Brave

We sat at our neighborhood playground, the kids playing as I flipped through a local Nashville parenting magazine.  Hudson came and sat down next to me as I saw an add for a kids triathlon.  I told him about it and the rest is history.  He was in from the beginning.  Solomon wasn’t old enough and Harper wasn’t sure about all that biking.  The swim and run she’d have in the bag, but 3 miles of biking she questioned.  So Hudson was going solo.

Every week, multiple times a week for about 2 months Hudson would say to me, “Mom, did you forget about my marathon?”  I always told me I had not forgotten and it was a triathlon, not a marathon.  He was too excited.  It’s so funny thinking about what type of kid he is…his tendencies and quirks.  He likes to jump off things and mountain bike, but then he has this super cautious side that’s terrified of bugs.  He sensitive and kind.  He errs on the side of cautious, but lives on the edge.  Can these things coexist?!?!

I knew he would be fine on the bike and the run, but Josh and I were both nervous for him in the pool.  He can swim…he’s not going to drown.  He jumps in the deep end and paddles around like a golden retriever, but when it comes to strokes and looking all profesh, well, that’s just not Hudson yet.  And closer to triathlon day he started getting a little nervous.

Parents were not allowed anywhere except on the sidelines.  I couldn’t even walk him into the transition area on set up day.  He was on his own.  He was going to have to do this himself.  Find his spot, dry off, goggles and swim cap off, shirt, shoes and socks on, helmet on, bike out of the gate then drop the bike back off after the bike portion of the race before his run.  This is the sweet child who sometimes wears more than one pairs of underwear by accident.  Would he remember all the details?!?!  I was so nervous for him.

We kept pouring into his little heart how proud we were of him.  How brave and courageous he was for doing this.  How no matter what he was going to do awesome.  And he believed every word.  And we meant every word.

Turns out he was the second youngest kid out of the 700 who participated.  Race day his nerves rose a little: “Mom, I’m really excited and really nervous.”  When we realized how young he was in this big group of kids we got anxious for him.  We also became even more proud of him.  This was no easy task and he was choosing to take it head on with smiles and excitement.  Part of me wanted to scoop him up as I noticed his worried eyes as they were about to begin, but his brave is bigger than mine and I have a lot to learn from Hudson.  Courage and bravery.

And when he finished, he beamed.  This look on his face made me just want to sob.  He did it.  And he was awesome.

On Sunday our preacher said, “Fear and courage are contagious.”  Isn’t that the truth.  I want to build my kids up in courage.  I want them to know things are not always easy, but we have to be brave in the Lord…genuinely trust Him with our lives…they’re not really ours anyways.  I want them to revel in how He works when they choose to let go of fear and move forward with where God is leading them.  I want them to be brave!

Happy Tuesday!

Dad’s Day

Happy Late Father’s day.  Just like any special holiday I know these days can be a full on mixed bag of emotions…happy to celebrate a special dad in  your life, happy to be a dad, longing to be a dad, sad that you’re missing your dad, wishing to have a dad or maybe you don’t want to celebrate at all because you’re dad has sucked it up and the day holds hurt.  I totally get.  A mixed bag for a mixed world.

We’re blessed enough to have Josh Kelley who is one fine dad indeed.  He easily holds my heart and has captured all these wee Kelleys as well.  My favorite thing about him is his heart, but parenting is proving his sense of humor is coming in at a close second.  He never does anything for himself…like ever.  So Father’s Day is a chance to really go all out.

**Easy breakfast casserole for breakfast he loves.  We leave the potatoes out and I used this Home Appetit Everyday Chef’s Spice Blend I received in my Made South shipment this month.

**Easy crockpot Mississippi Roast for lunch.  Can I just take a moment and say I would eat this entire pot roast…alone…in one sitting.  That is all.  And I paired it with these sliced baked potatoes and an easy salad.

**There was church and a visit with his dad.

**He hit some mountain bike trails with the boys.

**Josh requested Bunny’s Cake.  Make it now.  Thank me later.

**I also made this Funfetti Sugar Cookie Cake with vanilla almond frosting.  Holy crap.  I was a huge fan of this.  I doubled the recipe…gave one away, kept one for us to eat and share.

**He is a huge plant/tree guy…double major in wildlife and fisheries science and biology…so he was happy with a trip to pick out flowers with Harper and planting stuff in the yard.

**He hit the gym while I got the kids to bed and he picked up Buffalo Wild Wings for his Father’s Day dinner.

**Then there might have been more Bunny’s Cake.

**And we may have even gifted him with cards with kid writing and some Oakland A’s tickets.

I think he had a pretty decent day.

Josh Kelley…we love you like craziness and there is not another soul I’d rather be on this wild adventure with.

Happy Monday!

Things That Make Me Smile

1.  Our Kroger.  Say what you will with this whole Publix VS Kroger feud, but I’m totally team Kroger and mainly because they love my kids well.  They know us by name.  We chat and talk and get cookies and they are always super sweet.  Right now is the Taste of Mexico. Mandy, one of our faves, told us all about how they are doing different countries in the coming months.  This is quite exciting.

2.  Amon in a puddle jumper.  Oh how he hated it at first and oh how hilarious it was.  He just cried his little eyes out.  I tried to make it better by giving him a M&M and then I realized he couldn’t get his hands to his mouth and he just cried harder.  So so funny.  At the actual pool he was totally cool with it.

3.  These two.  They’re ridiculous together.

4.  The new NeedToBreath album.  On repeat over and over and over again.  Delightful.

5.  Harper telling me how she wants to go back to Africa.  She’s so funny when she does our Africa and United States puzzles…she always saves Ethiopia and Tennessee for the very last pieces.

6.  Amon in his back pack while carrying his lunch box.  I just can’t quit these pictures of him.  It’s straight up redonkulous.

7.  Hudson’s courage.  He’s doing his first triathlon tomorrow and he’s way excited and way nervous.  He wore his swim cap for like 2 hours straight tonight.  He’s doing the race alone…knows no one…has to do his transitions alone…parents aren’t even allowed in the transition area.  It makes me a little stressed for him, but mostly it just makes me proud.  I love his courage and bravery.

8.  Good friends and THIS PIE.  There’s nothing quite like sharing a meal with amazing friends who love you well, love your kids well and just want to spend time with us as a family.  So rare.  So incredibly genuine and real.  A huge blessing.

It’s been a good Friday.  Here’e to a great weekend.


We’ve been poolaholics since school let out.  We’ll enjoy water with anyone who invites us.  Wave pool, good.  Friends’ pools, good.  Strangers’ pools, good.  Water hose, good.  Imagine Joey eating Rachel’s trifle at Thanksgiving.  We don’t care if you’re pool water tastes like feet, we’re all in.

We spend the majority of our days lounging around in our wet bathing suits and kids are dropping like flies around 6pm.  This is the good life.  The tan, fun in the sun, splash each other in the face and no one cares kind of life.

We’re just hopping around pool, to pool, to pool.  We’re full on pool hoppers.  This is a real thing.  We’re living proof.

My laundry pile is smaller, but my towel pile is bigger.  I go to great lengths to keep the only laundry rule I have been able to follow out of the list my mom tried teaching me:  Wash your towels separate from everything else.  I actually do this and it makes me feel all kinds of accomplished.

Swimming also absolutely counts as a bath.  Don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.  I am obviously a children’s hygiene expert.  Take my word for it.  This is essential.  Crucial to our lazy summer life.  Fall, spring and winter are the seasons for baths…not summer.

And dare I even say what I did today at the pool while my smallest, wild toddler child was in summer mother’s day out…I have zero shame…Are you ready?  Can you handle it?  Drum roll please…I read a book.  Like sat in one place…a lounge chair for crying out loud…and read a book.  It was amazing.  I wept with joy.

Yes, these are the days.  And I want to soak up every last ray of sunshine.  Poolside is where you will find us…showing summer my complete devotion.  My hand belongs only in Summer’s back pocket.

Happy Thursday!

Another Reason To Celebrate

A)  You guys are crazy nice.  This is why I feel completely comfortable with bearing some of my total ugliness because you people are kind and some of you can even relate.  I love it.  I love community within people and across the inter webs.  It’s amazing.

B)  Yesterday got better.  So much better.  And it was by choice.

C)  Today was great.  Do I dare say it…great!

And D)  I would like to thank the crazy good and yet, expensive Mac store for getting my computer all kinds of fixed back up in a jiffy.  No more chicken pecking for me.  I need my full screen and keyboard.  It  makes me whole 🙂

Today was Mom’s birthday and I did not dread this day one bit.  I’m personally shocked at myself.  Down right shocked.  But I feel like I really prepared my heart this year and God has been solidifying some things in my heart and coming nose-nose with me on issues in my life that are just the way they are…no amount of desire or longing from me is going to change them…sometimes life is just life…in all of it’s unfairness and “hey, this is just how the cookie crumbled my friend” ways.  So I celebrated her and feel incredibly blessed to have had the mother I did because there are plenty of people in this world who have never experienced a mother’s love like I did.  I am hugely blessed and do not want to take her for granted.  So I gave away flowers in her honor.

The rest of the day was really pretty much great.  A good run to start my morning.  Then we took Amon to his first day of Mother’s Day Out.  The cuteness was crushing.  He could have cared less that I left him.  Harper on the other hand: “Oh this is the first time he’s ever been left.  Alone.  With people he doesn’t know.  With strangers.”  I consoled her.  Amon just marched on to his own little adorable beat.  And when I picked him up this afternoon he gave me a nice tight neck hug.  I asked him what his favorite part of his day was…honestly not expecting to understand any of his response.  He replied with “packpack” which translates to back pack.  And I melted.  He loved wearing his back pack.

Little did he know we spent the day at the zoo with such sweet friends.  Friends who are just straight up fun and real and legit and kind.  And then we all ate sonic under the cover at Sonic while the rain just poured.  Just so you know, the cheesy bacon pretzel dog with onions, fries and a peach slush will be in heaven.  Mark.My.Words.

And the rest of the day was chill and easy and Josh Kelley came in the door tonight with our computer in hand.  Rooms were cleaned before bed time and hold on to your seats folks, but all 4 of our summertime the-pool-has-been-our-bath-tub-for-a-little-too-long children got real legit baths tonight.  I almost scrubbed their skin right off their bodies.  And now I’m ready for bed because I’m still tired, but this day was for the books.  It was good.  I miss her like craziness, sometimes in an overwhelming I can’t breath manner, but she was just so good and deserves to be celebrated over and over and over again.

Happy Tuesday!

I’ve Ruined Our Day

I have single handedly ruined our day so far…and yes it’s only 11. That can only mean I’ve got plenty of time to let my bad attitude ruin the rest of the day.

I’m chicken pecking this post out on my phone because a giant jade lion of my moms fell off the little shelf on our desk and onto the top of our computer busting the screen. What quite possibly made the giant said lion fall was running wild children in a house we are out growing.

I over slept because of sheer exhaustion. Life is wild and busy right now. And our hearts are being pulled in so many emotional directions. I’m tired. My heart is tired. Instead of running into the arms of the One who can give me true rest I just get all kinds of pissed off. I’ve yelled at the kids multiple times already today. I don’t want to be asked another question…when is lunch, are we doing anything fun today, can we watch tv, can we play a game, can we have a snack….it makes me want to yell wild animal sounds into the air and cry. And I know it shouldn’t but I just press on letting Satan steal away my day.  I’m holding onto this bad attitude because things just aren’t going like I thought they should. It’s my bratty, spoiled  rotten right…right?

Therapy at 8am sharp in the rain. Another outing to look at a possible house option that didn’t pan out. Our house is disgusting and needs  to be cleaned in the worst kind of way. I stepped in little boy pee flowing along the floor grout in our bathroom and about lost my #%*\.  Everyone is hungry for lunch and we still have not been grocery shopping. Plans for the week have already been disrupted and changed just because of  life’s happenings.  The kids are frustrated with each other.  There are fights breaking out and Amon is walking around with a giant poop diaper. And I won’t even tell you how long it’s been since our kids  have had a bath.  There’s always that dang bath issue.

Today was suppose to be different. Today was suppose to go wildly in another direction. And even still, knowing my own bad attitude is wreaking havoc on our day, I’m locked away writing this all out…not having changed a thing just yet.

I thought, I’ll do my devotional and God will hit me smack in the face with the scripture and words I need to hear, but He didn’t. It added to my pissed-offness. Doesn’t God know I need Him to do something like now for me?!?!?  I’m such a brat. A spoiled brat. God knows I already know the right thing to do. He knows He’s already equipped me with everything I need to change the course of our day. He knows Im fully aware of what needs to change and everything is pointing right at me and my ugly selfish heart.

So I’m laying my ugly sinful heart out for you guys to see. Bearing all it’s flesh full ways. When I hit post I’m getting up and getting to work. Today was suppose to be different and I’ve been given plenty of time to make the changes that so desperately need to be made.

Today I’m fighting my sinful ways…battling my flesh. I know it won’t be easy, sometimes it’s so appealing to let anger and disappointment and pity rule my thoughts & actions, but grace and love are really where it’s at. And I’m so thankful for a Father who loves and forgives and hands out ample amounts of grace and chances.   Here’s to changing my Monday!

Custom Order Love

I’m still taking custom orders and right now all the money is going directly to Full Count Ministries to help fund our trips to Nicaragua this summer.  Josh and I are beyond excited about this amazing opportunity.  Crazy excited.

Fun custom orders headed out.  Thank you guys for trusting me with your orders.  It’s a joy and honor to create these pieces for you.  And I truly appreciate your business.

12×12 “She burned too bright for this world” canvas

Fun floral camera strap (I am currently out of camera strap supplies)

10×10 Seashell canvas

If you’d like to place an order just use the “Contact Laura” button at the top.  And you can always find additional information at the top under “Pricing & Info”.

Thanks again so much.  You guys rock!

Have an awesome weekend.

Happy Friday!

Plum Tired.

Life…summer…super late nights…far too much to think about and mull over and figure out in our hearts…all of it is making us tired.  In fact I think this picture about sums in up.

Yes.  That definitely sums it up.  Everyone zonked.  We should make one giant sleeping pile and snooze it out.  We all need it.

Peace out Thursday!  Bring on Friday!

Bring on the weekend!