How Big Is Your Brave

We sat at our neighborhood playground, the kids playing as I flipped through a local Nashville parenting magazine.  Hudson came and sat down next to me as I saw an add for a kids triathlon.  I told him about it and the rest is history.  He was in from the beginning.  Solomon wasn’t old enough and Harper wasn’t sure about all that biking.  The swim and run she’d have in the bag, but 3 miles of biking she questioned.  So Hudson was going solo.

Every week, multiple times a week for about 2 months Hudson would say to me, “Mom, did you forget about my marathon?”  I always told me I had not forgotten and it was a triathlon, not a marathon.  He was too excited.  It’s so funny thinking about what type of kid he is…his tendencies and quirks.  He likes to jump off things and mountain bike, but then he has this super cautious side that’s terrified of bugs.  He sensitive and kind.  He errs on the side of cautious, but lives on the edge.  Can these things coexist?!?!

I knew he would be fine on the bike and the run, but Josh and I were both nervous for him in the pool.  He can swim…he’s not going to drown.  He jumps in the deep end and paddles around like a golden retriever, but when it comes to strokes and looking all profesh, well, that’s just not Hudson yet.  And closer to triathlon day he started getting a little nervous.

Parents were not allowed anywhere except on the sidelines.  I couldn’t even walk him into the transition area on set up day.  He was on his own.  He was going to have to do this himself.  Find his spot, dry off, goggles and swim cap off, shirt, shoes and socks on, helmet on, bike out of the gate then drop the bike back off after the bike portion of the race before his run.  This is the sweet child who sometimes wears more than one pairs of underwear by accident.  Would he remember all the details?!?!  I was so nervous for him.

We kept pouring into his little heart how proud we were of him.  How brave and courageous he was for doing this.  How no matter what he was going to do awesome.  And he believed every word.  And we meant every word.

Turns out he was the second youngest kid out of the 700 who participated.  Race day his nerves rose a little: “Mom, I’m really excited and really nervous.”  When we realized how young he was in this big group of kids we got anxious for him.  We also became even more proud of him.  This was no easy task and he was choosing to take it head on with smiles and excitement.  Part of me wanted to scoop him up as I noticed his worried eyes as they were about to begin, but his brave is bigger than mine and I have a lot to learn from Hudson.  Courage and bravery.

And when he finished, he beamed.  This look on his face made me just want to sob.  He did it.  And he was awesome.

On Sunday our preacher said, “Fear and courage are contagious.”  Isn’t that the truth.  I want to build my kids up in courage.  I want them to know things are not always easy, but we have to be brave in the Lord…genuinely trust Him with our lives…they’re not really ours anyways.  I want them to revel in how He works when they choose to let go of fear and move forward with where God is leading them.  I want them to be brave!

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Oh my goodness this is one of THE BEST blog articles ever! I am SO proud of him for doing this! His face in that cap – I just die! So, so proud! What a guy. And what a sibling squad for cheering him on! WTG Hud! And I jusst cannot imagine the nerves jumping around in you, Laura, I mean, I don’t know HOW you stood it!

    AND this … am I the ONLY one who thought – how cute those kids are with the #’s on their appendages – Huddy’s reminded me of your tattoos! He’s gonna rock a tat one of these days! Much later one of these days …

  2. cousin amy says:


  3. I can’t even handle this, and he’s not even my son. Amazing! Those kids of yours – they’re something else. I had tears in my eyes by the end. Love it. Way to go, Huddy!

    And by the way – I think all of that does co-exist in one person. My Paxton is just 2, but he’s already the same way. Cautious and sensitive, but head-first and adventurous too. I don’t get it. But I love it!

  4. Nita Reid says:

    I LOVE this!!!! Way to go Hudson!!!!! This has just put a BIG Smile on my face!!!! I think it’s so Wonderful for children to do events like this, and the Smile on his face , just says it ALL!!!! Please give him a Hug from me, and he doesn’t even know me, but he is Awesome!!!! Love to YOU All……

  5. Gretchen says:

    Yep, tears here for me as well and I don’t know him in real life either. I would have been a mess had my kids been doing this, and yet so very proud! Way to go, Hudson! You did it! We’re proud of you, here in Nebraska!

  6. Lisa Russell says:

    So proud of him too! Way to go Hudson!

  7. Jennifer Thurman says:

    How incredibly awesome! Way to go Hudson for not letting fear or worry win!

  8. Amber Honeycutt says:

    Go Hudson!! You are AWESOME!!

  9. Oh my word, that grin in the last picture, I love it! My brave is definitely not as big as Hudson’s, that’s for sure. Way to go Huddy! And way to go to you too, Laura, for being so wonderfully supportive. 🙂

  10. Go Hudson!!! I love his smile at the end. What an awesome example he is for all of us!

  11. Peggie Huddleston says:

    Laura…I loved reading this about Huddy. What a challenge he chose to take and how well he did at it!! I know a lot of older kids who would not have done what he did. It is obvious that he is something special and equally obvious that you and Josh are special parents. There was such a sweetness to your writing about this. It is hard to let them step out and take chances but…you all did it and look how he responded. Beautiful story from a beautiful family!! I am so proud of all of you…

  12. Kelly H says:

    Well. I just ugly cried reading this. I love when kids do something hard for them! I’ve got a boy just like him and this made me feel all the feels!

  13. You Rock, Hudson!! I am SO Proud of you!! Big Hugs…and a few happy-tears!

  14. Abigail says:

    Wowee wow wow! That is awesome! Definitely could learn something from him. Way to go Hudson!

  15. Wow! I am amazed. I don’t think I could have done it at that age. You have a special kid there;-)

  16. Huddy, reading this brought a BIG smile to cousin Brian’s face 🙂 . We’re so proud of you!

  17. Wow! Really… WOW!!! So impressed with your sweet, courageous boy! That’s incredible! I don’t know many older kids or adults that would want to tackle such a challenge alone! We’ve been pouring into our girl’s heart that she’s brave for her swimming lessons and that God is always with her so there’s no reason to be afraid… but a triathalon?!? Awesome! Way to go Hudson! We’re super proud of you here in Atlanta! 🙂

  18. Go Hudson! What a great example!

  19. Is it totally ridiculous that this post brought me to tears?! What a special little guy! And what a special mommy and daddy for helping to foster such awesome character 🙂

  20. Huge congrats to Hudson!!!! What an amazing accomplishment. He’s blessed to have such a supportive family. 🙂

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