Archives for May 2014

That Time I Went To Bed Early

It’s 8:14…I’m in my pjs on our couch under a quilt with a pile of name pillows which need to be stuffed.  My teeth are brushed.  My contacts are out.  My glasses are on.  All 4 Kelley kids are asleep in their beds.  Josh has a baseball game tonight and I am straight up legit tired.  I think the end of the school year is taking its toll on me…and everyone else I know.  I had a million and one things to write about tonight and when I sat down I couldn’t think of one of them.  And I’m not surprised one bit.

House hunting is for the birds.  I’ve decided maybe we are meant to live in our little house forever and ever…amen.  There seems to not be one house in our price range.  And when there is one in our price range one of three things occurs: 1) We go look at the house the day or day after it comes on the market and when our realtor pulls in the drive way to show us the house, she gets out and says, “I just got a call and they’ve accepted an offer.”  2)  We go look at the house the day or day after it comes on the market and as we’re walking around the house the owner is there and informs us he just signed a contract.  Or 3) We go look at the house the day or day after it comes on the market.  We get to see the house and find it is by far the funkiest house we’ve ever seen…needs to be gutted…but we make an offer and get out bid.  All have happened.  Truly.  I’m beginning to think God just may have something different planned for us.  I’m beginning to think maybe we’re not in control after all.  It’s hilarious and frustrating all at the same time.

Hudson and Solomon graduated preschool last night.  And I might have died a little inside.  God has stitched our family together with such care and uniqueness and fierce love.  And these two, well, they absolutely slay my heart.  They both wanted to be professional baseball players when they grew up.  One got Most Respectful, the other got Most Peaceful.  I sat in the audience and my mind flashed into the future and I imagined them graduating high school.  I cannot tell you how hard I pray for their bond…their brotherhood…their friendship…that it remains as tight and real and gritty as it is now.

Remember our big Noonday Collection Giveaway Fundraiser?!?!?!  Well, I got all the details this week and not only are we purchasing the 5 tables and 30 chairs, but we’re also paying for all the kids’ school fees for an entire year.  Every single childs’ school fees paid.  Aaaaand, we have a little left over to use for another project.  God is really good.  Thank you for participating, giving, helping and praying for this project.  You amaze me.

Harper had her Mother’s Day Makeover at school this week.  Let me break it down for you…she massaged and lotioned my feet.  Painted my toes…green of course because it’s my favorite color.  Gave me a massage with one of those bug looking massage thingies.  Brought me a plate of cookies.  Score.  Brushed and fixed my hair.  Brought me some pretzels.  Did my makeup…applied lipstick, eyeshadow…green of course because it’s my favorite color…and blush.  Painted my nails.  Then she applied more makeup because it needed to be touched up.  Brought me some punch.  Painted my toenails again with an all over sparkle polish.  Obviously.  Gave me another massage.  Refixed my hair because mine is thin and apparently doesn’t hold a thousand little clips well.  She went with pig tails second time around.  Brought me more cookies.  Score again.  Painted my nails again with an all over sparkle polish.  Obviously.  And touched up my makeup one last time because I desperately needed more blush.  And I loved every minute of it.

And this is all I can muster up for today.  I promise I had a better post planned in my head.  It had a theme and wise words with coordinating scriptures and references.  Bahahahahaha.  I wish I could have been that blogger, but alas, you’re stuck with random thoughts tonight.  And thank you for reading my tired randomness.  I really and truly appreciate it.

Happy Thursday night!


1.  This kid right here I’m afraid is going to go into full on depression when school ends.  I know summer will be far too fun for her and all of us, but she really does love Ms. Flowers and all her friends.  Yesterday she cried when I picked her up from school.  The end is sinking in.

2.  Want to thank your teacher for an amazing year?  Here’s my suggestion…collect money from all the parents in your class…any amount they want to give…then washi tape it to some twine and throw in a bunch of fun cards, ribbon, baby pom pom and fabric.  Hang it in their room as a little encouraging thank you.

3.  This guy, oh this little guy right here, although adorable & small, he is fierce.  Aaaaaaand I may have signed him up for summer Mother’s Day Out…and I feel zero remorse or regret or guilt.  Two days a week for 6 weeks this summer, me and the big kids will be living it up.  You may find us at the wave pool or the movies or the bar.  I’m just kidding about the bar part.

4.  I signed Hudson up for his first kids triathlon.  Harper wasn’t game and Solomon wasn’t old enough, but Hudson, well he was all in from the get go.  As I was reading him the details, Me:  “You have to bike 3 miles.”  Hudson:  “Oh I can bike all day long.”  He is all in.  Totally.  And the fact that there is free snacks and ice-cream at the end did not hurt one little bit.  Food may be one of his love languages.

5.  They called it “Catch Ball”.  Protective eye gear was required.

5.  New projects are fun projects.  It’s hard for me to venture out of my comfort zone…to try new mediums and new processes…but I am finding it is usually always very much worth it.  Me and a hand jigsaw have been getting to know one another.

6.  They’re love for each other is ridiculous.  I just can’t even talk about it.  #gettingallverklempt

7.  Potty training is coming along…slowly!  Slowly, but surely.  Very very slowly.  The whole communication thing is hanging us up a bit more than I thought it would.  I thought we’d kick it in the teeth, but it seems to be kicking us in the teeth instead.  Goh.  Any tips on potty training an adorably speech delayed toddler?!?!?

8.  Speaking of speech.  Amon and I have the following conversation Every.Single.Day.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Daddy?

Me:  Daddy is at work.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Hapa?

Me:  Harper is at school.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Uddy?

Me:  Huddy is upstairs playing legos.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Tol?

Me:  Sol is playing with Huddy.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Daddy?

Repeat again, again and again.  All day long.  And I totally love it…until I go semi crazy for a short period of time.

And 9.  Why can’t every day be filled with sprinkle pancakes and colorful slushies?  Why can’t it be?!?!?!?!

Hope you guys have a great day.  Happy Wednesday!

Choosing Gratitude

I don’t have control over every thing.  I don’t get a say in some things which happen in life.  I don’t get to always choose to avoid hard things or hard places or hard people.  So when life happens…when it comes at me fast…when I choose to strive for love…when I set off on a journey to heal from brokeness…I still get a choice in how I am handle sadness and brokeness and the unfairness that is life sometimes.  Sin entered this world and things were never the same again.  And crappy things happen.  And unfair things happen.  We weren’t promised an easy road, but we were promised life and an abundant one.

Mom was amazing.  Josh’s mom is amazing.  And the two incredibly beautiful moms who chose life for Solomon and Amon are amazing.  Four incredible women to be thankful for.  Four women who have blessed our lives far more than we imagined or deserved.  Four women who we are honored to have as apart of our life’s story.  Four women who we cherish and love and celebrate and thank God immensely for.  We are honored and humbled by each of their lives.

So when a day comes around like Mother’s Day, which isn’t always the easiest of days for me and others, I made a conscience, on going choice throughout the day to choose gratitude.  It wasn’t always easy, but it was the choice I declared and committed to make.  And it made my day so much more brighter.  I mess up a lot…I make tons of wrong choices…I don’t always get it right, but yesterday I chose gratitude and we celebrated the special women in our lives.  And it was a really beautiful day.

Wherever yesterday found you…however your heart felt…I pray you were able to find a piece…maybe even just a sliver…of gratitude.

“We are all touched by this thing called motherhood but we are never all in the same exact stages of it. I hope everyone who has, wants, lost, waits for, regrets, resents, or misses either mother or child will have a beautiful day tomorrow!”- Amie Sexton  (Thank Jen Meyers!)

Happy Monday!


Happiest of Fridays everyone!

Last night our big Noonday Collection giveaway fundraiser to raise money for the kiddos at the Ngungwane carepoint in Swaziland ended.  And I just want to hug each and every one of you.  Shake you hand.  High-5 you. Fist bumps all around.  Express words of gratitude to each of you.  Another tight bear hug.

Our goal was $610.  This would purchase 5 tables and 30 chairs for the kids.  We held a Noonday party and friends and family and you guys bought lots of stuff…lots and lots of stuff and in turn, we were able to pick out free goodies to give away.  And then you donated.  You donated and donated and donated.  And I was floored.  Amazed at God’s goodness and His love and the way He alone can move and nudge people’s hearts.

We ended up raising a grand total of $2,890.

Thank you.  I really just don’t know what else to say, but Thank you!  Big giant thank yous.  Ginormously huge thank yous!!!

Josh Kelley and I wrote down all the names, cut them up, folded and put them in a big bowl.

And this morning I drew the winner.  Super congrats to Sherry Semlow of Illinois.  You should have an email waiting in your inbox!

God has been showing me more and more how He can facilitate and move and how we can be a small part of His works…how He can use us in small ways to do big things.  I hope we listen carefully for His pushes and nudges…I hope we are obedient…I hope we look for those opportunities for kindness and generosity and big love.  I want to be apart of whatever He is doing and I want to say yes!

Thank you for saying yes!

Happy Friday.


Yesterday I had this whole post about Amon and his speech journey and I even had this cute video of a conversation I had with Amon and then Flickr and Youtube decided to be all wonkers and tick me off and then I threw up my hands and said ‘screw it all’ and then I moved on and gave up…even hit the big DELETE button.  Sometimes you just have to move on.

Long post short…he’s got 2 speech therapists now, 2 sessions a week, he now realizes we don’t understand everything, everyone gets frustrated, he’s working really hard and we’re proud.  The end.  If you want to see the video GO HERE!  Warning:  Josh Kelley is in fact sound asleep through our whole conversation.  And you can just skip the last 40 some odd seconds because it’s just me trying to get him to say “bye bye” and him just trying to poke me in the camera eye.

The end of the year is killing me.  Anyone else?  I have totally and completely over committed myself in far too many areas…and that’s just how I’m rolling.  I may have almost had a mini meltdown/anxiety attack on our stairs at almost midnight last night 🙂  I will survive!!!!  I need summer break stat.

I baked yesterday.  You know my motto…baked goods can change the world.  And holy cow…I made these Banana Pudding Cupcakes…like full on legit homemade and way above my skill level and the hardest recipe I have ever attempted.  At one point I was simmering and then pouring and whisking at the same time…my baking stress level through the roof.  And I loathe bananas so I didn’t even get to taste test, but Josh Kelley said they were delicious.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #731:  I hate all things banana except banana bread…no nuts.  I will eat an entire loaf or pan in one sitting.

Laura Kelley Fun Fact #311:  I stay far away from dessert recipes which require me to boil or simmer any part of the recipe.  I have had bad luck far too many times burning the crap out of desserts like these.

I also picked Mom out a Mother’s Day card.  Anyone else buy their dead mother cards?!?!?!  I’ve done it each Mother’s Day so far.  It gets a little intense and I almost always dread actually writing the card because it’s just hard.  But I’m always so glad I did.  Then I leave it on her grave and at some point the grave keeper people will toss it…and that’s okay…because it’s more like a therapy gig instead.

I tried really hard this year to be super intentional about Mother’s Day.  I don’t want to spend the day in sadness or pity.  The world doesn’t need any more of that on my behalf and I just have to make the choice not to go down those roads.  I don’t want to waste a chance to make someone else’s day a little better.  So I’ve been planning and thinking a lot.

I also started thinking about the treat I wanted to make for us to enjoy at the cemetery…because all normal people eat dessert at the cemetery.  I’m thinking rice krispy treats…with sprinkles and maybe strawberries.  She loved rice krispy treats and strawberries were her favorite fruit.  I sat many a times at her kitchen table and devoured an entire carton of strawberries with her…or enjoyed a bowl of rice kristy treats because she never made them in squares but instead, dished them out into bowls with spoons.  I miss her.

Let’s see…what else…oh yes, today is the last and final day for our Noonday Fundraising Giveaway.  Remember, we’re mailing over $700 of Noonday goodies to one lucky donor.  On my to-do list today is to start writing out everyone’s names…and it’s a lot.  You guys are crazy nice.  Can’t wait to tell you how much we’ve raised for the kiddos at Ngungwane in Swaziland and who the winner is!!!!  You can read all the DETAILS HERE and find out how to join the fun.  I’ll post the winner tomorrow!

And that might be all I have for today.  I think my brain is fried.  I’m actually sitting on a pile of clean towels on our couch which should probably be folded and put away, but alas, I’m still sitting on them.  Please tell me you can relate?!?!?!  Oh, and I’ll end with a big positive…we actually executed baths on one of our bath days…which was yesterday…and by “we” I mean Josh Kelley.  I kind of like him.  And his commitment to kids with good hygiene.

Happy Thursday!

Tentacle Tuesday

Hi!  So how have you been?  Life has been crazy and grand lately.  I may have taken a late night drive last Thursday night with 3 friends and wound up at the beach for a long weekend.  What?!?!?!  I know.  It was grand.  Let me re-cap quickly what we did.  So A) We slept. B) We laid on the beach all day long…this includes daily naps on the beach as well. C) We ate good food and drank yummy drinks. D) We watched movies.  E) We ate. And drank.  Again. and F) We laughed.  It was outrageously amazing.  I highly recommend it.  Top notch.

We ate at The Hangout one night and I discovered the most amazing little thing…finger tentacles.  They are absurdly gross and wonderful and I could not quit laughing.  After Instagramming a very thought provoking picture of me and full on 10 tentacle fingers, Susan discovered the hash tag #tentacleTuesday.  It’s a real thing.  It exists.  And a collage of all the finger tentacle pictures Marcie took on my phone needed to happen asap.  The first text I had this morning was from Susan, “Waiting…tick tock.”  It was officially Tentacle Tuesday and she wanted to see this amazing collage grace my Instagram feed for all to enjoy…and I aim to please.  I went with the crazy, mid motion, evil tentacle scientist in the middle for more of a dramatic affect.  I feel like it really hit the spot.

In other random news, I’m happy to report Refresh Beauty has now changed my age to 47 versus 57, so I feel this is a step in the right direction.  At least I’m not collecting social security and have an AARP membership anymore.  Baby steps people.  Baby steps.

I would like to point out there have been a slew of new comments…lots from you guys, which get deleted by the lovelies at Refresh Beauty…and then they block you from commenting.  Ha.  There were a few new comments I lurved…like serious lurve…had me crying with laughter…

“You still look 47 sweet pea”  Say it ain’t sooooooooo!

and “She look 45”.  Well thank you kind lady for taking my age down 2 additional years.  I will take what I can get.

And poor Josevard Rock, well, she just wants a job.

If you’re just looking for a good laugh…the rest of the comments are pretty great too.

This week is teacher appreciation week.  First why, oh why, do they put it right next to the end of the year?  Wowzas that’s a lot to get parents to help with.  Anyone else look Pinterest up and down for a million and one good ideas??!?!?!  Well, look no further, I’m going to tell you the way to a teacher’s heart.  I’m going with things like…Noonday Collection, cold hard cash money and gift cards.  Boom.  I promise you your special teacher will love you for it.  Money and gift cards are not impersonal…they are straight up awesome and say, “Hey.  We think you are a damn good teacher.”  The end.

I’m working.  Like a crazy.  If you have placed an order, I promise I’m working towards it.  Lots of name pillows, a few canvases and more key fobs.  So fun.  I love what I do.  Thank you for supporting my small handmade business.  I appreciate it so much.  And I am so excited to be sending Full Count a big check this week for our trips to Nicaragua this summer.  You guys rock!

There are still 2 canvases and 2 sets of 100 flags bunting strands available for purchase.  I even reduced the price of the canvases a bit.  Check them out HERE.

And lastly, the Noonday Collection giveaway fundraiser ends this Thursday and I will post the winner on Friday.  I am so flippin’ excited to see which donor I’ll be shipping over $700 worth of Noonday Collection to.  It’s insane.  And there’s still plenty of time to donate.  You can get in on the fun and read all the details HERE.

Happy happy Tuesday!

Friday Repost

There’s about one week left in our Noonday Collection Giveaway Fundraiser, so thought I would do a little repost.  We are really killing it…like you guys are amazing, but if you haven’t had a chance to donate, there’s still time.  Check it out.

Hope everyone has had a great Friday and Happy Weekend.


Our family’s hearts have been slightly captivated by Swaziland in southern Africa.  Specifically our carepoint, Ngungwane.  We help sponsor three siblings there and I had the chance to meet two of them and visit with their family at their house last November.  And God willing Josh and I will be going again with a team this year too.

While I was there I so enjoyed meeting and hanging out with all the staff, but Amy and Steve…the staff who work directly with Ngungwane…we’re especially helpful and you could see their great love for all the people and kiddos who work and come to the carepoint each day.  It was a privilege to meet them.  We had the opportunity to discuss big and small goals for Ngungwane too.  One of the smaller goals was to purchase tables and chairs for the building on site.  Ngungwane now has a preschool teacher who comes regularly to the carepoint to teach the smaller kids, but they have no tables or chairs.

I recently contacted Children’s HopeChest and asked for more details on how we could help make this happen.  They got me the additional details we needed.  Good metal tables are going to cost $50 each.  And each sturdy metal based chair is going to cost $12 each.  The wish list Ngungwane requested was 5 tables and 30 chairs.  When you do the math that’s a total of $610.

Our first step towards the tables and chairs was a big Noonday Collection show.  Friends and family and a lot of you guys made purchases and we ended up getting a ton of free stuff.  A ton.  $704 is kind of awesome.  Can you imagine how much fun I had picking out all the items.  It was crazy fun.

So here’s the deal.  I have the biggest Noonday Collection thank you gift giveaway just for you guys.  For every $10 you donate towards the tables & chairs, I’ll add your name to this “Thank you for donating” giveaway.  Every dollar…every single donation made…will go directly to Ngungwane to help purchase the tables and chairs.  If we raise more than needed, well then, hot dog and Ngungwane will just get extra money for additional items they need at the carepoint right now.  Seriously.  We can totally do this.  Think about what $10 can do.  A lot.

We’re going to collect donations for 2 weeks and then one lucky person will be drawn on Thursday, May 8th to receive the best “thanks for donating” package ever which includes all of the following items:

Get ready…cause this is really, really good.

Clementines Laptop Case $42

Lines and Stripes Catch All $142

Patchwork Clutch $38 (in purple)

Beachcomber Scarf $56

Nahuala Rectangle Trays (Set of 3) $36

Blushed Necklace $42

Del Mar Necklace $78

Honeycomb Necklace $38

Golden Trio Necklace (no longer available for purchase)

Annie’s Feathered Earrings $32

Bone Carved Leaf Earrings $30

Modern Angles Earrings $46

Athena Cuff $34

Bloomed Trio Bracelet $28

Galaxy Wrap Bracelet $48

Safari Stack Bracelet, Salmon $14

Are you swooning like I am?  For reals.  I am completely giddy about the fact that we’re going to mail all these items to one person to say “Thanks for being generous.  Thanks for donating.  Thanks for being totally rockin’ cool.”  This is going to bless someone’s socks right off.

It’s a win/win.  The craziest, most fun fundraising giveaway…all to help supply 5 tables and 30 chairs to some sweet kiddos in Swaziland, Africa.  No longer sitting on the floor to do their work, but hanging out and learning in their own little chair at their own table.  It’s just a good good thing.

Here’s how to donate:

1)  To donate through Paypal or credit/bank card just use the snazzy little DONATE button in the right side bar all the way at the top


2)  To donate by check GO HERE and let me know how much you would like to donate and I will send you the additional information you need.

Remember, for every $10 you donate, we’ll put your name in this Thank You gift giveaway that many times.  So $10 = 1 Your Name  $20 = 2 Your Name.  And so on and so on.  I kind of think you should just go straight for the $100 donation for your name 10 times :)  Come on, you know you want to.  #peerpressure

Maybe you can’t swing $10 right now…no worries.  You know what you can do…Share.  Share this post on Twitter and Facebook and Pinterest and Instagram and email it to all your stylish friends and family.  The more we share, the more people see how crazy cool this giveaway is and hopefully that means the more donations we will receive.

There you have it.  The world’s most awesome “Thanks for donating” giveaway ever known to man.  These are sure to be the sweetest tables and chairs ever purchased.

Thank you for reading.  Thank you for donating.  Thank you for sharing.  I cannot wait to see what God has in store.

Happy Thursday!

UPDATE:  To donate using the Donate button you do not have to have a Paypal account.

1.  Click on the Donate button in the right sidebar all the way at the top.

2.  Then find the area on the bottom left side of the donate page that says “Don’t have a paypal account?  Use your credit card or bank account (where available) Continue”  (see picture below)

3.  Click “Continue” and make your donation using your credit or bank card.

Hope this helps and clears up any confusion for anyone.

Hey Thursday!

Thank you to everyone who purchased items last night and this morning.  As always, you all are crazy kind and nice and generous.  I could never say just how much I appreciate it.  It’s a lot.

There are a few items still available if you want to check them out.  You can CLICK HERE or go to the “Currently Available” tab at the top.  Also, apparently my “contact” button was not working 100% of the time after the sale started last night.  I got several FB messages and emails wondering if I had received messages.  If you HAVE NOT heard from me about wanting to purchase something, please know I did not receive your email.  I am not ignoring you…I promise.  You can try again by CLICKING HERE or send me an email at pitterpatterart at gmail dot com  Sorry for the issues…some people were getting through…and some were not.  Ugh!

And in other completely unrelated news…Josh Kelley is working from home today which is a rare occurrence.  I love when he’s home.  And Amon does too.  And randomly fell asleep…on his arm.

Hope you guys all have a wonderful Thursday.  I’m off to watch one work…and one sleep 🙂

Happy Thursday!