
1.  This kid right here I’m afraid is going to go into full on depression when school ends.  I know summer will be far too fun for her and all of us, but she really does love Ms. Flowers and all her friends.  Yesterday she cried when I picked her up from school.  The end is sinking in.

2.  Want to thank your teacher for an amazing year?  Here’s my suggestion…collect money from all the parents in your class…any amount they want to give…then washi tape it to some twine and throw in a bunch of fun cards, ribbon, baby pom pom and fabric.  Hang it in their room as a little encouraging thank you.

3.  This guy, oh this little guy right here, although adorable & small, he is fierce.  Aaaaaaand I may have signed him up for summer Mother’s Day Out…and I feel zero remorse or regret or guilt.  Two days a week for 6 weeks this summer, me and the big kids will be living it up.  You may find us at the wave pool or the movies or the bar.  I’m just kidding about the bar part.

4.  I signed Hudson up for his first kids triathlon.  Harper wasn’t game and Solomon wasn’t old enough, but Hudson, well he was all in from the get go.  As I was reading him the details, Me:  “You have to bike 3 miles.”  Hudson:  “Oh I can bike all day long.”  He is all in.  Totally.  And the fact that there is free snacks and ice-cream at the end did not hurt one little bit.  Food may be one of his love languages.

5.  They called it “Catch Ball”.  Protective eye gear was required.

5.  New projects are fun projects.  It’s hard for me to venture out of my comfort zone…to try new mediums and new processes…but I am finding it is usually always very much worth it.  Me and a hand jigsaw have been getting to know one another.

6.  They’re love for each other is ridiculous.  I just can’t even talk about it.  #gettingallverklempt

7.  Potty training is coming along…slowly!  Slowly, but surely.  Very very slowly.  The whole communication thing is hanging us up a bit more than I thought it would.  I thought we’d kick it in the teeth, but it seems to be kicking us in the teeth instead.  Goh.  Any tips on potty training an adorably speech delayed toddler?!?!?

8.  Speaking of speech.  Amon and I have the following conversation Every.Single.Day.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Daddy?

Me:  Daddy is at work.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Hapa?

Me:  Harper is at school.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Uddy?

Me:  Huddy is upstairs playing legos.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Tol?

Me:  Sol is playing with Huddy.

Amon:  Momma, uhhh Daddy?

Repeat again, again and again.  All day long.  And I totally love it…until I go semi crazy for a short period of time.

And 9.  Why can’t every day be filled with sprinkle pancakes and colorful slushies?  Why can’t it be?!?!?!?!

Hope you guys have a great day.  Happy Wednesday!


  1. Margie Novota says:

    I LoVE that you love your kids!!! There is nothing greater! (Maybe grand kids)

  2. valerie says:

    Oooo, that pic of colorful slushies is making me ready for summer! For potty training – have you tried using sign language? Or, as silly as it sounds, what about a bell he can ring to let you know he needs to go? One of those kinds they use as customer service counters would work great – he would just have to bang on the button! 🙂

  3. christy says:

    I am a preschool teacher in a special needs preschool and potty training is a major thing we tackle here. My advice is be patient he will get it and make sure he is really ready. Kids who are very active have a harder time remembering to go, they get caught up in playing and forget to go. I am sure you already know the sign for potty.

  4. Viviane says:

    My daughter is 4.5 years old now and speech delayed due to apraxia. I tried to potty-train her at 3.5 yo and she was not ready. We tried again at 4 yo and she wasn’t there yet. Then we started again in March and she was dry at home during the day within two weeks, always telling me “I pee-pee” when she has to go. She also signs bathroom and says baffroom. She was ready and things just clicked.

    She still needs a diaper when we go out and about, but sometimes is able to tell us, even away from home, that she needs a bathroom. Once it gets really warm, I am going to keep her in undies when we are not at home because I believe even if there are a few accidents, she will quickly understand that she must notify us of her needs no matter where we are. As far as #2 on the potty, that might be a while longer yet. She knows when it’s coming because she often asks me for a diaper when she feels the urge.

    Anyway, moral of the story, be patient and make sure he’s really ready by trying for a few days periodically. You’ll save both of you a lot of frustration by allowing him to wait on this big step until you can tell things are clicking.

  5. my sister’s nephew, is about to turn 4 at the end of the month, and he just had huge growth is his speech and in potty training. it seems as if something just clicked for him in the last few weeks and both areas of taken off miraculously!

  6. Christi says:

    I work with children with special needs from birth to three….ask your speech therapist or service coordinator about a picture social story for potty training. Also have him on a schedule to sit on the potty every hour and use a sticker chart or other visual to reward and reinforce. Hope it goes well…every child does things at their own pace. 🙂

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