
Yesterday is complete and it was quite a full day with Halloween and all.  Here’s our re-cap:

#1  Sticky notes on bathroom mirrors.  I had to get candy for trick-or-treaters, so my sticky notes ended up in the Target ladies room.  I was busted by a fellow lady bathroom user and she didn’t say a word…avoided all eye contact, with me and the hot pink sticky notes with messages like “Lookin’ good hot stuff”…I think I made her uncomfortable…her mirror even already had messages on it.  I’ve found that most people are very skeptical of kindness, but I’m here to prove them wrong.  Kindess can be rad and pure.

#2  Leave change at a laundromat.  There’s a laundromat just right down from our house, so this was super easy to do.  Some Happy Washing & Drying messages with some quarters and crossing my fingers someone decided to do laundry on Halloween.  The place was completely empty when I was there…like not one person…I could have possibly stolen a washer and/or dryer.

#3  Handmade cards to a nursing home.  The kids colored cute little cards and I wrote little messages on the inside.  When we were almost to the nursing home I noticed one of Harper’s cards…it had bunting…she’s a girl after my own heart for sure.

#4  Art giveaway.  This was for you guys yesterday.  And the winner of yesterday’s giveaway is Crystal.  Crystal check your email for a message from me.  Super congrats!  Thank you all for entering…your comments are always too fun to read.

#5  Mustache on unsuspecting car.  So a friend gave me a giant mustache magnet…it’s pretty awesome, but then later another friend gave me the exact same ginormous mustache magnet and what’s a girl to do with 2 very, very large mustache magnets?  Well I decided to spread a little joy and maybe a good laugh with a stranger’s car in the Park-n-Ride parking lot.

#6  Restaurant gift card for a diner.  The day was a bit crazy and I was never able to make it to an actual restaurant, so I decided to give away a Subway card to a trick-or-treater’s parent.  Well here’s the problem…we only had 4 trick-or-treaters…and 3 of them were teenagers who were not dressed up.  Come on now.  The other one showed up without a parent.  So today I will be finding a recipient for some yummy Subway.

Here’s my list for today.  Got to get my kindness on.

And how about a little Halloween wee Kelley drama.  We waited until today to buy and carve our pumpkin.  This was not our plan, but life has just been crazy.  So one pumpkin, three little artists.  What are 2 peace keeping parents to do?  Here was my solution.  I clearly wanted to get in on the face designing of our pumpkin too…I have no artsy shame…so I drew 2 eyes, a nose and mouth, folded them up and let everyone draw from a bowl what they would get to draw for our pumpkin.

And this was Harper’s reaction when she got the nose.  Her artistic heart was not okay with the nose…she had her heart set on the mouth, but when you pitch a fit in our house, you don’t get what you want.

I went in to give Amon his bottle while they cleaned out our pumpkin.  When I came out Harper had worked her sisterly magic on the boys.  They had all come to the agreement that Huddy would do both eyes, Sol would do the nose and Harper would do the mouth.  If they can work out an agreement on their own…if they can use their own little minds and words to peacefully solve a problem and everyone is okay with it, well, then I’m okay with it too.

She did do a really good mouth.

Then they all got dressed up and ready to hit some houses up for candy.  They were just too excited.  I loved their joy…and imaginations.  Pretty sure Huddy and Sol both really think they can be superheros when they grow up.  That’s pretty stellar.

I enjoyed hanging with Super Man all night.  He is really quite super.

And by far the funniest piece of Halloween candy I’ve ever seen.  It even came with fake vampire teeth…hysterical.

Hope everyone’s day was great.  And thank you for entering the giveaway.  I loved reading all the comments.  You guys rock.  Happy Thursday!


  1. Stellar day! Love all of the photos! Favorite is Amon flying through the clouds!

  2. Yay for giveaway wins! What a great way to start the day and this new month off! Loved your post and all your superheros. I am pretty sure my little dude thinks he can be a superhero when he grows up too 🙂

    Thanks for sharing your kindness with us all and have a Blessed Thursday!

  3. That car mustache totally cracks me up! And I love that picture of Amon ‘flying’ through the sky with the pavement clouds. Clever! Your kids are too darn cute.

  4. I totally love on the Lookin’ Good Hotstuff stickie note that you labeled the fire. Perfection. 🙂 I would have been totally cracking up if I had seen it in the store!

  5. Love, love your acts of kindness! I love when I do something for someone and they have no idea where the kindness came from… totally makes me smile!

    And the photos of the kids? TOO STINKIN’ CUTE!!!!!

    Your little Superman has stolen my heart, btw…..

  6. Laura Kelley, I’ve decided I’m gonna just follow you around one day and eventually I’ll get something for free! Ha!! {Or at least I’ll look in a mirror and feel really good about myself!}. Also, I SO carry around a wooden spoon, sometimes in my purse (how do you explain that one!!). So funny to read that–seems like most people are not super understanding about that these days 🙂

  7. Love their Halloween photos, especially of flying Amon, I mean, Superman! 🙂

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