This Monday Is Our Jam

Well we are officially done with whatever sickness funk we had.  Today we spent almost the entire day out running errands…going to speech therapy, getting our last random school supplies, going to the library and a gazillion other things.  Harper’s exact words about our millions of errands, “Ahhhh, it’s good to be out of the house again.”  Amen little lady.  Amen.

Side Note: Both Hudson and Solomon needed 8, yes 8, boxes of 24 count crayons.  Holy cow.  Apparently they are going to be doing some legit coloring this year in kindergarten.  End side note.

Our weekend was spent hanging around…zero commitments…and getting well.  Lots of resting and taking it easy.  It was genuinely nice.  Playing games and taking naps.  Sunday came and I was feeling so much better and Hudson, who was the last to get sick, was going on 48 hours of no fever.  So what does any normal human adult being decide to do…paint a room.

We have bunk bed assembly starting this week and I have been wanting to paint Harper’s room for a while now.  Josh Kelley obliged and started patching a thousand tiny holes in her walls…and a few rather large ones.  I’m really good and putting holes in walls.  Thanks to some friends who took on 4 small Kelleys for a few hours, we almost knocked the whole paint job out and I finished the last bit today.

I’m excited for this week.  It’s going to be far better than last week, that’s for sure.  It’s our last full week before school starts and Friday we’re meeting teachers.  I have made lofty plans for this to be a dang good week.  Really really exciting.  Today we rocked errands, but slipped in a library trip and a chickfila picnic.

Our house is currently a wreck…full on tornado disaster mode.  Cleanup commences very soon.  It has to.  My OCD mind is going nutso every time I pass by a pile of something that belongs somewhere else.  And you cannot see our kitchen counter.

Unfortunately I just cannot pry myself off the couch with these three just yet.  Amon is napping and were eating Peppermint Patties out of the fridge and watching Swiss Family Robinson.  It’s pretty swoony…disaster house and all.

I hope you each had a wonderful weekend and have an encouraging week.  Mondays can be bummers some weeks, but not this Monday.  This Monday is our jam!

Happy Day!


  1. Glad y’all are getting back at it! =D
    Bathing the week in prayer….

  2. The picture of your kitchen makes me happy:) Cause mine looks exactly the same!

  3. We just did Kindergarten shopping and had to get 24 glue sticks. What?!

  4. My house looks the same. So thank you for making me not feel alone in that. Enjoy your last week of summer!

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