The Cast Houdini

Well, he was just getting use to his cast.  He was actually starting to use his right hand a little again.  He was even sleeping through the night.  When he broke his arm on Wednesday he did not sleep good Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  Finally on Saturday night he slept like his regular little good sleeper self again.

And then yesterday happened.  I always thought Huddy and Sol were pretty crazy.  Like the hilarious, funny, wild, little boy crazy.  Huddy once got his head stuck under Harper’s bed as a toddler and had a pretty consistent streak of getting in our cabinets and dumping out bags of food like chips and animal crackers.  But Amon…oh Amon…he takes the prize.  Easily.  He loves our toilets and climbing on everything and getting into everything and breaking…ummmm…almost everything.  And yesterday he managed to take his own cast off.  Yep.  There sat his red cast with some doodled hearts on it.  I couldn’t believe it.

How in the world you ask?  I have no idea.  All I know is Sol said, “Mom, Amon just took his cast off and threw it on the floor.”  And there it sat.  He’s a tricky guy, this Amon fellow.  Yes he is.  So I called the doctor’s office, let them in on the craziness of our child and then waited for them to call back.  Amon took a nap.  Broken right arm neatly resting on Simba.

Just a little later we were headed back to the hospital to get him re-casted.  The dude who put his first cast on also did his second cast.  When we walked in he just laughed.  They put him in a full arm…up to his little shoulder…new cast.  As the dude was putting the new one on he said, “He won’t be getting out of this one.”  I tend to believe him this time.

What’s super funny is just a few nights before we busted him on our kitchen table with a pair of kid scissors trying to cut his cast.  I had completely forgotten about it until I ran across the picture last night.

I suppose we should have taken him a bit more seriously.  #irony

Happy Tuesday.


  1. Oh I’d say! What a boy!

  2. he is HILARIOUS. I still always feel weird leaving comments on blogs of people I don’t know in real life. but, I so enjoy reading about the adventures of the Kelley family. it’s always encouraging & such a blessing & so stinkin’ colorful! (literally and figuratively.) thanks for the fun. 🙂

  3. I want to say it was easily removed because any swelling he was experiencing had gone away and the cast would slip off easily (happened to our daughter about 3 days after she had one put on years ago) but this is AMON we are talking about. So I got nothing. Bless him – he looks unhappy now. Like he’s in prison.

  4. Oh poor Amon! He could probably get out of a stright jacket and hand cuff 🙂
    Also, I’m the silly one that asked abnout the pumpkin muffins. I would love to make the at THanksgiving. My husband loves pumpkin but I think it’s gross. Anyway, I asked if you bake the yellow cake mix by the instructions on the box or just add it dry to the pumpkin and chips?? My mom use to make a cake she called “Dump Cake” and you would just use the mix dry in the cake. It was really good and you could probably find it on line. Anyway, the Pumpkin recipe seems great with only 3 things to put in it. thanks for your help.

  5. sorry, so many typos, stupid Iphone…

  6. michelle wray says:

    that is hilarious!!

  7. Oh my word. I didn’t even know that could happen!!!!! Silly boy!

  8. I just cried laughed again at this

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