The Airport

How do you accurately describe or truly capture the moment when your family is finally united?  We started the process to Amon in August of 2010.  We made our way through paperwork and our homestudy and our dossier and were placed on the wait list in November 2010.  And there we stayed for the next almost 18 months before we saw his sweet face.  This process was crazy difficult.  The wait was long and life was happening all around us.  Life changed dramatically while in the wait with the passing of my Mom.  Life got hard…still is so very hard without her.  I knew our homecoming was going to be so emotional and wonderful and sad all wrapped into one…I knew I wanted someone at that airport specifically to document this moment…the moment when all 6 of us Kelleys were finally together.

I was elated when Cheyenne of Shots by Cheyenne said she would be there!!!  Cheyenne is this crazy talented lady who is beyond sweet as well.  Cheyenne and her partner Laci of Barefoot Photography captured this incredibly priceless moment beyond well…they conquered it…and fiercely.  And for that, I am forever grateful.  Thank you so much Cheyenne and Laci.  You are both completely stellar.  Show them some love as well.  Head over and “like” their pages.  You will truly not be disappointed.  They are so very good at what they do!

And that is exactly how you capture the moment when your family is finally united.

Happy Thursday!


  1. AH. Mazing!

    Your baby is precious and oh so tiny <3

  3. Wow! All I can say is WoW!

  4. I read your blog but haven’t ever commented. I am sitting in class right now, trying not to look like a fool as the tears start to brim in my eyes – so happy for you and your family!

  5. Wow! What a truly indescribable moment. Only a picture can capture the wonderfully beautiful thing called family. So happy for you and your complete family.

  6. Can we say CRY!!! Thanks for sharing that miraculous day. How GREAT is our GOD!!!

  7. Well I just had a big ugly cry on your behalf. What a beautiful way to document this moment in your family’s history! I’m so happy that Amon is finally home. Congrats!

  8. In tears! Beautiful!

  9. Kellye Belt says:

    Precious moments captured perfectly. I am praising God with you for this wonderful miracle. As one who is adopted, I can tell you that you are giving that sweet child a priceless gift.

    The greatest gift from God came in the form of a baby. God bless.

  10. The one of Amon and just your and your husband’s arms is amazing. They captured all of the emotions so well!

  11. Oh my goodness. I am not a cryer but these photos got me going. Really beautiful. So many emotions captured. The photographers did a great job and you will treasure these photos for your lifetime. Thanks for sharing them!

  12. These are great! Amon will love looking back at these photos. You are so blessed.

  13. Gorgeous photos of a wonderful day! Airport photographer in now on my list of adoption to-dos!

  14. I love your blog. I’ve been following for a couple months now. This is the first time I’ve commented here.

    These photos brought tears to my eyes. Congratulations to your family!

  15. melissa wade says:

    AHHH! you always make me cry! still sending a package but now looking something for sweet little amon because he is HOME! =)

  16. I’m in tears. Congratulations!

  17. LOVE!

  18. Tears. Congratulations!!! I am so over the moon happy for you all. I prayed for that sweet baby and
    Now he’s home. So so happy for you!

  19. Laura, you know I just love you and your family so much! Even though I was the photographer, I get chills looking at these, too! Through these images, you can feel the love surrounding your family 🙂 You are an amazing, strong mother! Thank you for being stellar yourself! 😉

  20. Super, super wonderful!

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