
In the midst of chaos and confusion and doubt and the unknown some goodness showed up in our mailbox yesterday in the form of our recent family pictures.  It was just what I needed.  Every single photo melts my heart into a drippy puddle.  These are my people…my home…my consistency.  As always, thank you Cheyenne for capturing our family just as we are.  Your talent never ceases to amaze me.

Let the photo overload commence because really, how can I not.

Happy Thursday!

10 Year Memories

Josh and I celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary at the end of June.  Last year I scheduled photos with Cheyenne of Shots by Cheyenne to celebrate our big day.  When I think back on our wedding day two things stand out as my most favorite memories:  1)  Jumping on a trampoline in our weddings digs and 2) the bird seed that was thrown when we left that night.  They were most my favorite parts.  I was a barefoot bride…we were young…and honestly, we were both just so excited to be getting hitched.  I wanted to re-capture these moments 10 years later and Cheyenne helped us do just that.

We’ve had quite the 10 years of marriage and when I think about how we’ve both grown and changed and supported each other…when I think about all the good, the bad, the beautiful and the ugly, well, without a doubt we would both agree, we’d absolutely do it all over again in a heart beat.

Thank you so much Cheyenne.  You are a true artist and your talent is outstanding.  We are blessed by the gift God has given you.  Thank you for capturing our special day 10 years later.

Happy Thursday.

Weekend Love

So we had to start cleaning up puke again.  It’s awesome, let me tell you.  Amon puked all day Saturday and Sunday, but seems to have perked up this morning.  Harper got sick again on Saturday afternoon and is still sick.  I’m kind of getting bitter about this whole puke/stomach issue thing.  The weather is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G here and we should be living it up outside, but were still on the recovery road.  So our weekend was full of really joyful moments and then some vomit covered ones.  That’s just how we roll.

Amon in Huddy’s Yoda slippers may have had Josh and I cracking up hard.

The boys are always building little pillow houses or forts or castles.

I miss her smile.  She is just feeling craptastic right now.  She did get another Lego set for her birthday and already assembled it by herself.  She was pretty proud.

Amon took super long sick naps this weekend.  It was sad, but really cute.

I got to enjoy a yummy breakfast with some of my favorite ladies before I headed to the soccer fields.  Swaffles (sandwich waffles) was delicious and the company and conversation and laughter was even better.

Soccer was awesome.  I love watching my kids play.  Everyone did pretty well, but Harper took the cake with 3 goals.  She was so crazy cute.  This was pre-sick again.

I worked on custom orders…none are finished yet, but should be soon.  I also got to celebrate my soon-to-arrive niece.  I made her this 20×20 Philippians 4:8 canvas for her room.

And we had family pictures taken yesterday.  It was quite hilariously awful/wonderful.  The weather was off the hook.  Cheyenne was amazing…as always.  Harper faked her smiles well, but when she wasn’t having her picture taken was laying on a quilt with a hoodie on.  Amon cried…like the whole time unless he was being held or had his paci.  The most smilingest kid I have ever known and of course on picture day he is puking his guts up.  The boys had enough energy for the entire family and found way too many large sticks.  But you know what…it’s totally good.  I will look back at the pictures and remember with fond memories the day and how life is just that…life…the ups and downs and ins and outs.  Thank you Cheyenne for capturing the craziness of our life.  I completely and truly appreciate it.

So that was a snipet of our weekend.  How was yours?  I hope it was grand and good.  Oh and I have a little giveaway this weekend…no art, but some fun goodies.  I hope you’ll like it.  See you tomorrow.

Happy Monday!