
In the midst of chaos and confusion and doubt and the unknown some goodness showed up in our mailbox yesterday in the form of our recent family pictures.  It was just what I needed.  Every single photo melts my heart into a drippy puddle.  These are my people…my home…my consistency.  As always, thank you Cheyenne for capturing our family just as we are.  Your talent never ceases to amaze me.

Let the photo overload commence because really, how can I not.

Happy Thursday!


  1. These are so good! Love the one of you with all four kiddos! You have a beautiful family!

  2. Onna Withrow says:

    Beautiful, just beautiful! You have the most lovely family! YOU ARE BLESSED! LOVE them!

  3. Absolutely beautiful.

  4. Margie Novota says:

    Thanks for sharing! Love!

  5. You have such a beautiful family!

  6. So good! What treasures! The one of the boys kissing Harper, the B/W one of all of you walking, the one of you and the kids…all so great! You all are very photogenic and clearly LOVE each other 🙂

  7. The one of just Hudson, looking right at the camera with that smile, made me think “oh, that boy is going to be breaking hearts someday.” 🙂 Then came Sol with his huge smile and then Amon… Amon made me laugh out loud. “You want me to what?” 🙂
    They are all beautiful, thank you for sharing your goodness with us!

  8. Amazing pictures! Wished I lived in Nashville just so Cheyenne could photograph our little family! Super talented! And the ones of the big boys kissing Harper… oh my stars! The sweetest! Gorgeous family!

  9. Oh my GOODNESS; I teared up at the top one of the older boys kissing Harper! I just love them. What a blessing.

  10. Such beautiful pictures. You’ll never regret having family pictures done on a regular basis like you do. They’re treasures. The one of all of you making faces with a totally serious Amon in the center cracked me up.

  11. All of these are crazy wonderful! The ones of you & your Josh Kelley are just perfect!!!!!

  12. Kim Namken says:

    You have such a beautiful family! These pictures are awesome! Thanks for sharing and being such an inspiration to others! Love God, Love others! Love it!

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