Pretty Random

I have lots of completely, unrelated things to write today.  So let’s get started…in no particular order…

*Our paperwork was found and arrived safely in Seattle, WA yesterday.  That was pretty exciting.  How about virtual high-5s all around?  Up high!

*Our nephew Coop had his graduation from 5th grade last night.  He was looking pretty cool while his entire class rocked out.

*One thing I really like about my kids…they can sit through an entire 5th grade graduation.  Sol cheered for just about every single kid and called them all Coop and relaxed in the bleachers.  Huddy buttoned and unbuttoned and rebuttoned Nene’s shirt 🙂

*Any morning that begins with licking the leftover cheesecake batter is top notch in my book.  And for reals, this is the best cheesecake ever.

 *I love when our mornings are filled with good, fun, fightless play.  Legos for the boys…

and painting for Harper.

*And then the fights began & some tears rolled 🙂

*I like that Harper enjoys painting.  I like that she thinks about exactly what she wants to create.  I like the way God designed her 🙂

*The Oscar Mayer wiener mobile has been showing up randomly on our street over the past 2 weeks.  I personally, hope it stays.

*I like Harper’s quilt…crazy binding, imperfections and all.  I hope it’s a treasure when she gets older.

*For lunch we tried out these Pizza Puffs.  So yummy!  Everyone devoured them and I made a dozen mini ones and a dozen regular muffin sized ones as well.  I doubled the recipe.

Picture Source

*Nothing ends lunch quite like some cheesecake taste testing.  I got lots of smiles and thumbs ups.

And that’s about it.  Hoping to work on some art pieces tonight.  Praying big prayers for our week…hoping we get word about court this week…that would rock.  Now, I have 3 wee Kelleys who are all waiting to hear some books before nap.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Yeah!! So glad your paper has been found! Prayers answered and continued prayers for you and for your newest little bundle of joy!!!

  2. Thankful, once again, for answered prayer.

  3. AUNT PEGGIE says:

    Laura…even though I seldom comment, I want you to know that I look forward to your blog posts everyday and really enjoy what is happening with you and your sweet family. You have such a gift for writing that I love seeing how you express yourself. Love you…

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