Orange Picking

Several weeks ago Huddy started asking me about taking him apple picking.  I explained that this wasn’t the time to go apple picking and how we would have to wait until next fall to try and do so.  He has really been into fruits and plants and how they grow lately.  He actually asked for fake pumpkins for Christmas so he could pretend to grow them.  He’s such an interesting little guy.  While we were engrossed in our “picking fruit” conversation I told him about the time when I was a kid and I went orange picking with our family and Aunt Linda and Uncle Tom in Florida.  He was totally enamored by the story.

Just a few days later Aunt Linda called to talk about our up and coming Thanksgiving trip to Florida.  She was telling me about all the things she was planning for us including a trip to a friend’s house who had orange and grapefruit trees so we could pick some.  When I told Huddy his eyes lit up…he was just too excited.  He could not wait to go orange picking.

And it did not disappoint.  It was a bit cool, but everyone had the best time.

And the oranges were delicious.  We all peeled and ate some before we even left.  They were sweet and juicy and just perfect.

The kids loved it.  We loved it.  Josh said the smell in the trees was amazing.  The colors were beautiful.  It brought back truly great memories and I am so blessed to be able to have the same sweet memories with my own kiddos…all 4 of them.

And on a major side note…I posted this picture last night on my PPA Facebook page and on Instagram.  And by this morning I had several comments and emails with questions.  So tomorrow I will brief everyone on our kindness advent.  We did it last year and you can read the post HERE on how it all began.

Hope you have a great day.  Happy Tuesday.


  1. Jennifer green says:

    Hey Laura- I’m the Jennifer you met in Hobby Lobby that day last year. It was neat to look back at that post and remrmber that moment. I still read your blog posts every day and you still inspire me as a mother, daughter, wife and person in general. Thanks again for being so real and for allowing others to see Jesus in you every day. :).

  2. A dash of sunshine in a gloomy day here – oranges! Bright and beautiful oranges and sunny smiles on the kiddos faces. Thanks!

  3. uncle-in-law, Charlie says:

    So cool! I’m thinking that God wishes adults were as amazed with his creation on daily basis as kids are. : /

  4. Orange you glad your kiddos are so sweet?! 😉 Love the pictures… especially your aunt with all the babes! Can’t wait for your kindness advent! Which reminds me that I’m totally copycating your birthday kindness with my own day of random acts of kindness next week for my birthday! 🙂 Can’t wait to spread some birthday cheer! Thanks so much for all your awesome ideas!

  5. I am already planning a kindness advent after seeing your birthday
    Kindness list. This is an awesome way to keep track. Much better than my scrap of paper chart.

    • khadijatu – pnce again Tiana, lovely job at capruting the love on camera its makes it easy when the natural and true love is so evident and obvious as joy and Josh share lovely, lovely pics! the love flows through each shot! I really like the football jersey ones, so cute! Its truly amazing to see REAL love, especially when you can say you watched it flourish team IUP for lasting relationships growing into covenant marriages with the Lord! Wish you both the best!

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