Insta Tuesday

Thought I’d drop in and do a little Instagram pictureness for the night.  I’m pitterpatterart on Instagram if you want to follow along.

Hudson and Amon are always the fist awake in our house.  Hudson literally falls asleep within minutes of his head hitting his pillow and wakes up and immediately hits the ground running.  Most of the time he has created something from paper or legos before he even leaves the house for school.  This was his alien and with a laser gun.  And I love his hair.

This is our house.  The traditional “no throwing  balls in the house” rule was never even an option.  I remember when we discussed house rules when Harper was a baby and when considering this rule Josh Kelley said, “But balls are meant to be thrown.”

Harper is the artsy creating kid.  She paints and makes and crafts and now, looms her little heart out.  She made a loom bracelet for all her classmates and teacher.  She writes letters and wraps up fun little quirky gifts.  I like her a lot.

These yahoos went roller skating the other day…and laser tagging…and bowling…and bumper car riding.  They were all sweaty.  And totally goofy.  My favorite was watching them roller-skate.  Everyone had noodle legs and was terrible.  So so funny.

Another goal for 2015…rid my shoes of stench.  I’ve tried so many things, but thought, what the heck, it’s a new year, I’ll give this another go.  I’m here to accomplish the impossible in 2015.  And then some ladies on Instagram said to dump baking soda in my shoes and stick them in the freezer.  Josh Kelley is fearful our frozen hamburgers will taste like feet, but I’m going to give it a try.  Wish me luck.

This was us Christmas morning.  I feel like it speaks volumes about our hot-mess-ness.  And Solomon’s shooting guns…oh wow, how I love that kid…he’s a committed little funny picture taker.


Josh Kelley Fun Fact:  He’s amazing at watercolor paintings.  He used to paint all the time, but doesn’t much anymore.

While cleaning out a giant watercolor pad of his I found a baby Harper watercolored hand print.  I cut it out and then compared.  Sigh.

And my favorite purchase of 2015 was my journaling Bible.  It’s my jam.

Happy Tuesday night!


  1. I put alum in my shoes and it seems to work. Just set it in there overnight and then take it out in the morning. You can find it in the spice aisle. Good luck!

  2. I have such a hard time deleting your posts. Your family is so “real”. Love your kids.

  3. try stuffing crumpled up newspaper in your shoes at night…they do a great job of absorbing the odors…

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