I Kind Of Dig…

*Purging.  I have been on a crazy spree.  Going through and getting rid of.  Josh Kelley may have called me “impulsive”.  Who me?  Impulsive?  So what if I told Josh I wanted to take apart and get rid of Amon’s crib as we walked the boys up to bed the other night.  So long crib…hello floor.  Impulsive?  Me?  No way.

*Baseball.  It’s true…so very very true.  We have become totally smitten with the world of little kiddo baseball and just being at the park.  It’s just all far too adorable and fun.  I love the concession stand…even loved working the concession stand…helping kids decide what candy to buy and always recommending the fried Oreos…what has our world come to, but it’s delicious.  The friends, the sun, the game, the kids, the Icees & candy, just everything.  But honestly, other than watching the boys play a game they love with Josh as one of their coaches, I think one of my favorite parts is Josh’s dad.  Big Daddy (as the grandkids call him) doesn’t miss a game.  And baseball is pretty much his love language, so I honestly think it’s a pretty special time for him watching his son coach and Hudson & Solomon play.  I just like it all.

*Running.  I love a good run.  It makes my head clearer and I feel, not only physically better, but mentally better.  But then throw in Harper, and hold the phone.  Things just got better.  She is doing a local kids marathon with her run club so each week we add to her milage and I love running with her.  And she loves talking as she runs.  It’s so fun to hear what all is going on inside her head.  It’s a privilege to be her mom.

*Hudson’s creations.  Enough said.

*This little arm party.  I received my Noonday order the other day and I have worn this gig for not one, not two, but three days in a row now.  Can’t stop, won’t stop.  It’s true love.

By the way, taking pictures of your own arm with your non dominant hand is super awkward.  And typically results in lots of awkward arm pictures.  At this point in the post I really wanted to throw in all the awkward arm outtake photos.  But, I shall spare you.

*Working.  My work just so happens to be creating and I deeply love it.  A friend is hosting a little girls sale night at her house for friends and asked if I wanted to come and sale some items.  Well of course I would.  Friends + crafty items = I’m in!  This weekend I finished up several mini buntings and started a huge batch of key fobs.  All my leftovers I’m going to post here for a Saturday sale.

*Warm family dinners outside.  The weather is rockin’ my world…in the best way.  Crossing my fingers spring is here to stay.

*This quote.  Josh Kelley added it to our board and I forget what book he said it came from.

*And this canvas.  Like I said, I’m purging.  And there sat this lonely canvas in my office still with no home.  If you are interested in purchasing it CLICK HERE for the details.

Happy Monday Friends.  See you tomorrow.


  1. i think we could be running buddies…

    if you lived here.

    or i there..
    just saying’–

    many a purge has been done here at bed time as I saw a messy room and couldn’t take it 1 more second…:) go with the energy!!

  2. Oh my word. That canvas. If I wasn’t saving my pennies for adoption, I’d buy it in one heartbeat. Of all the ones you have done, this one speaks to me. Love love love it.

  3. Ruthanne says:

    We’re going to need the source of that quote, Josh Kelley, pretty please. 🙂

  4. Great post! I love how you acknowledge the small things in your life, as well as the big things. Is a little girl sale for things that little girls would use?

    • Shelly…it’s actually a sale for ladies…like a girls night out…except at a friends house who invited a few vendor friends. It’s sure to be fun.

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