
I just have to say, sitting here on Day #19, I have been completely humbled to be apart of Amon’s journey to his new heart.  I have been terrified at some moments and sad at others, but joyous and thankful and humbled the most.  What an amazing son I have and what a gift God has given Josh and I to be his parents.  And I am just completely overwhelmed with how we have been loved on and prayed for over the past month.  We truly know some amazing people.  I will be the first person to tell you, I’m prideful.  I don’t like to ask for help…I don’t like to appear weak…I don’t like to put others out, but God has brought me to my knees and taught me a very valuable lesson about swallowing my pride and asking for help and accepting help when people offer.  We could not have done this past month without help.  I have written countless thank you notes, but I just want to say again and again “Thank You.”  Sincerely, sincerely, sincerely…Thank you!!!

Tomorrow is Amon’s big day to start attempting to eat again.  He will start with a little bit of pedialyte and we’ll cross our fingers and toes from there.  I’m just praying everything goes smoothly.  Here’s to no puke!

Like I said, we know some amazing people who have done some super amazing things for our little family.  One of the sweetest ladies I know, Sandra, continues to bless our family all the time.  She loves us so well.  She brought me an entire bag of movie night treats, including an oldie, but a goodie movie, Now and Then.  One of my all time favorites.

And she also brought me Heart Health stamps.  Can you be smitten with stamps?  Yes, yes you can.

Sweet Miranda sent me the best labels ever for my baked goods.  Miranda is a digital queen and just does so many amazing things.  I told her she needs to sell these asap.

And today Kara brought me this awesome coloring book…from the Dollar Tree.  I’m probably going to photo copy the entire book before letting the wee Kelleys loose on it.  It even has a Swaziland page…score.

And I have been working on more canvases.  I finished this 11×14 “Standing in God’s grace & mercy” canvas.  Lots of doodling going on due to lots of down time at the hospital.  This canvas will be up for sale once we get home.

Hope everyone is having a great week so far.  I think this week is going to be very stellar…I’ve got really high hopes.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. Praying that tomorrow goes well and there is NO puking!!!!!!

  2. Elaine Eubanks says:

    Laura, I am a friend of your aunt, Linda Blizzard. She is our neighbor, as well as church friends. I just want to let you know that my heart has been filled with God’s love to read about Amon, you, and your sweet family! My prayers will continue to be with the Kelly family and Amon’s recovery!!!

  3. I just want to squeeze that adorable little guy and give him a big hug! He is so darn cute! You need to be on the receiving side at times in life Laura. It is hard but just think someday you will help someone else out who is walking down a difficult path like your family is.

    Hugs to you all from Holland MI!

  4. Susan Mello says:

    I can’t get over those beautiful, expressive eyes. What a charmer he is, even when not feeling well. Praying that you will be home soon, and the entire Kelley clan reunited.

  5. prayers for Amon and his begining food agaim prayer that his tummy will cooperate

  6. barbara elliott says:

    What a precious little angel! Praying for a great day for you both. I love that he is always smiling in the pictures you post……even when he is not feeling well, he has the sweetest little spirit. Praying Blessings for this day!

  7. praying for no pukies!

  8. No more PUKE!!! What a great thing to pray for! 🙂 It is very hard for me to accept help but I’ve had some health issues come up this past summer that have MADE me accept help… nothing more humbling than when you want to be the one doing the helping instead of being helped. But God is good and He always sends exactly what you need, when you need it! Thank God for great friends and family!
    PS – Amon is The.Cutest.Baby.Ever. (not like you needed reminding…)

  9. It’s great to hear your joy – keep praying, keep believing and He will take care of the rest! 😀 Best wishes to you all <3

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